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Everything posted by aurum

  1. @assx95 Ideally, you learn to create an emotional bond with a women who isn’t just there because you’re paying her. Call girls might be a hinderance in the sense that you just get lazy about actually learning that skill. Hedonic tolerance could also backfire on you. And you might learn unhealthy habits in terms of what sex in a relationship must be like. You are especially at risk being a virgin. That said, I think there are some upsides to call girls who are part of a legit, regulated, legal brothel system. 1) No need to pretend like you want more than what you want. If all you want is casual sex, there ya go. Both parties get what they want and then it’s over. No hurt feelings 2) If she’s part of a brothel, she is legally required to get checked for STDs. Birth control of some kind is also enforced 3) You can play out pretty much whatever sexual fantasies you want with no judgment 4) No need to worry about when the next time you’ll get sex is coming. Just order when desired. Which can free up your mind to focus on other things 5) No real need to worry about sexual performance. When you’re with a romantic partner, often guys put a lot of pressure on themselves. There is no “practice” for sex. But with a escort, it doesn’t matter how well you perform. In reality, I’ve never actually been with an escort. So I could be talking out of my ass. Take everything I said with a grain of salt. And if you’re going to do it, I would again stress doing it legally. Not worth it IMO to go the illegal route, too much risk for too little reward.
  2. @PlayOnWords it sounds like your job genuinely sucks but I would seriously consider the consequences of going homeless. Do you have the skills to survive in the wild? Do you have friends who can take you in? Do you have any sort of plan? It sounds to me like the solution is to start making moves to get another job. And then maybe even eventually plans to start a business to generate financial independence.
  3. But see, what you’re already doing IS qualifying yourself. If you’re feeling desperate or like you don’t deserve the girl, which is manifesting as you getting overly excited, then who is really qualifying who? Assuming you’re not holding her against her will, the reality is of course that the girl is choosing you. And you are also choosing her. You’re choosing each other. Doesn’t mean you need to simp over her. But she could choose someone else. She has agency. So if that’s the case, what makes her choose you and not another guy? Or no guy at all? Thinking about these sort of questions is not a violation of game. It’s actually extremely important that you’re aware of what you are offering. Even if it’s just good vibes. You should also be aware of what you’re not offering. Then you can screen her. It’s mutual screening. Even if she is selling herself to you, she still screened you to at least some degree before she started selling herself. But of course, part of what she is screening for is that you’re not desperately selling yourself. So it does get a bit paradoxical.
  4. Would you buy something from a salesperson if you didn’t feel like you were winning? Or if you just felt like they were just getting a win? Of course it needs to feel like a win for the girl. If you’re too excited about “winning” that just looks weird. It shows it’s not normal for you. And it’s kind of desperate. Imagine if when you went to buy a new car, the car salesman said “YOU’RE GOING TO BUY IT?!? OMG FINALLY YESSSS THANK YOU”. And I get that’s not what you’re doing, but the concept is similar. People responding well to you is normal. Girls liking you is normal. This is not some fluke or lucky moment you are having.
  5. @Jake Chambers If you really want to make sense of our political situation, it takes a deep proactive effort. Start with understanding how the mind, epistemology and self-bias works. Leo’s work is good for that. Then you can take that foundation into analyzing more practical political issues. Study economics. Study history. Study political science. Study sociology. Keep up to date with current events. And then contemplate all these things deeply. Have a perpetually open mind, but don’t get suckered into lazy conspiracies or fooled by ignorant or biased people.
  6. I’m no expert on these things, but my sense is this is very bad for trump. He does tend to get away with everything by throwing more lies on top of lies, but he may have finally pushed the limit too far. That kind of behavior has an expiration date. I’m trying to be spiritual and still have compassion for his situation. Clearly he is not well psychologically. But at the same time, he is clearly is not fit for serving office in a conscious way. So it’s hard not to feel a bit of a relief in seeing some potential consequences come his way.
  7. I read a book not that long ago that talked about “Over-unity devices”. Which is another term for devices that output more energy than they input, or free energy. For reference: Supposedly these devices are real and have been seriously tested to work. If so, this puts an interesting wrench in Nate’s theory. At the same time, it doesn’t seem these devices will be mass available any time soon. And it does seem that we can cut a large portion of the economy / collective energy expenditure and only be better off for it. Do we really need bowling alleys or plastic garden gnomes? Understandably if I owned a bowling alley I wouldn’t like that, but in a few generations I doubt anyone would really miss it. So we may wish to do this regardless of whether our energy limits are approaching.
  8. Attachment is not always healthy. See the book by Rachel Heller literally entitled Attached. There could be major drama in the near future. Attachment tends to have this sort of push pull, hate me love me, explosive dynamic to it.
  9. No worries, stuff like this could definitely become a distraction.
  10. For reference: Wondering how many people on here are tuned in to this guy. I’ve been interested in things like Sacred Geometry for a while, but this guy seems to take it to another level. Random coincidences? The mind can find patterns and evidence for just about anything. And my instinct is to write things like this off as conspiracy or him just finding connections and demarcating how he pleases. There’s also a sort of romanticism to believing that there’s all this hidden meaning and ancient wisdom to finally be revealed. But I would like to be open minded. Perhaps there is far more here than I understand.
  11. My response was tailored. I would not give that advice to everyone, even on this forum. I just happened to think OP falls into that category. It’s possible I’m wrong, but I don’t think so. However you want to dice it, it’s going to be challenging. I’m not suggesting catering to anything. I’m saying a stage Green relationship will give probably every guy on this forum more than enough to work on. That’s been my experience. I’m not suggesting just using them at all. Of course a healthy relationship requires reciprocity. She will be using you as well. That’s the whole point. Both parties should benefit from being in the relationship. Otherwise you might as well not even be together. I’m not suggesting settling. A stage Green relationship is going to be an edge and good learning experience for 99.9% of guys on the planet. Therefore it is a win. You could argue that you’re in the .1% guy for whom it isn’t a edge and won’t learn much, but I wouldn’t be so sure. Try it and see. Yes, and obviously the better your level of development, the better partner you’re likely to attract. But also, you must take practical steps most of the time to attract what you want. Practical steps and magically attracting things are not necessarily contradictory. When it comes to dating, that means things like building a social circle, approaching, asking women out, being a part of a community, working on your social skills, getting your finances relatively in order, getting physically in shape, getting your fashion down, etc. My point with what I said was simply that I didn’t want Zoop to fall into the trap of thinking no practical steps would need to be taken.
  12. I would disagree. In my first hand experience with fasting, minerals and electrolytes are essential for maintaining hydration and staying healthy during a fast. It won’t reduce your benefits. You will obviously have to come to your own conclusion who is correct.
  13. Stage Green should be plenty sufficient for most guys on this forum. Relationships are a lot more challenging than most people understand, and you will have plenty of your own shadows and triggers to work through. Even if you are tier 2, you could still learn a lot from being in a relationship with a stage Green girl. It’s highly unlikely you will just develop yourself to the point where you magically attract a tier 2 woman. Getting into a relationship always requires at least some amount of initiative and seeking.
  14. @Noahsteelers34 Yes you will lose some muscle mass and fat but you will gain it back very quickly once you go back to your normal eating habits. Don’t overdo it if it’s your first fast. Consider maybe only 48 or 72 hours. It’ll still be wicked. It will also likely be harder for you since you’re skinny. In general, the less fat you have, the less you should be fasting. Fasting is on the rage these days but you gotta be careful. You can take it too far. Also, for the love of god do not use distilled or reverse osmosis water UNLESS you are going to add back in electrolytes. You will just piss out all your minerals and be constantly thirsty no matter how much you drink. Hydration is NOT just about water, it’s about electrolyte balance. They have fasting supplements these days you can purchase for this exact reason. Last thing, make sure your prepare for feeling weak as shit. If you have energy, great. But don’t count on it. Assume you will just have to lie in bed all day. Honestly if you’re doing a meditation retreat, I would find fasting to be counterproductive. You’re likely not going to be able to concentrate or feel motivated to do much of anything.
  15. You can do whatever you want. Take my advice or not. What I’m suggesting is not “gaming” girls like a spammy PUA. My suggestion is to become part of that world. Big difference. This is one potential option for OP to reach his goal. Ultimately every guy has to find what works for him. The women at these events are mostly stage Green. Stage Green is a realistic level of development to expect when getting into a romantic relationship. If these “real” conscious women are not a part of mainstream social events, then what is your realistic plan to meet them? Spirituality and levels of maturity are highly correlated. I am not suggesting to find the .1% conscious women on the planet and only date them. That would be unrealistic. The plan I outlined is a realistic road map to finding a healthy Green relationship. Then you can grow together and perhaps both end up Tier 2.
  16. @zoopzeepzaap Then you have to go to events where spiritual people hangout. Meditation retreats, yoga, transformational festivals, contact improv, sound baths, seminars, ecstatic dance, plant medicine ceremonies, etc. Get involved in your local community. Be sure to be respectful as people often do not come to these places for dates, but for healing. It is of course possible to meet someone but be smart about it.
  17. @emind Miami and forget everything else. It’s not expensive if you’re not drinking, which you shouldn’t be anyway. At worst you may have to pay a cover charge for a high end nightclub. But even that you can get around. Otherwise your only other SFlo options are Clematis street in West Palm Peach or SW 2nd St in Fort Lauderdale. They’re decent but they’re not Miami. Not even close.
  18. Awesome. Sexuality definitely matters, I’m looking for someone who can go deep with me on that.
  19. Hi ? That’s a good list. So now that you’ve identified your ideal guy, see if you can do the opposite and make his list. What is he looking for? What would he write down if he did that exercise? If you don’t know right now, that’s alright. Just be curious about it and hold it in mind. Step into his shoes. So first I would notice that thinking about what you really wanted was a bit scary and triggering for you. You’re experiencing both the excitement of what you want and the fear you won’t get it. I’m not suggesting any of us are going to find a perfect partner. Such a person obviously does not exist and would likely be extremely boring if they did. But we can still have a fulfilling relationship by going through the messy process of being together, together. Part of the reason for doing this exercise is also to identify areas where maybe you’re not currently a match to the relationship you want. This can get ugly and shove some of our shortcoming in our face. For instance, if you identify that your ideal guy highly values health, but you yourself do not value health and healthy living, there’s likely to be a mismatch. And so you may have to make some changes. This is personal development. Are you the person your partner is calling in? We all have to face this question at some point as honestly as we can.
  20. @assx95 Good. Approaching is all about momentum and staying out of your head about it. If you have that, you’re golden. If you don’t, good luck. The way you build that momentum is basically just by approaching no matter what, which is what you discovered. Those painful experiences where you’re just walking around the bar, too scared to approach anyone, can be a valuable learning experience. But only if you take the lesson and course correct. See if you can do 25+ approaches in one night.
  21. Value is always subjective and relative to what people want. So different people are going to value very different things. If I’m a guy that values materialism, I am going to value a girl who also likely values materialism and supports my materialist values. Likewise, a guy who values intimacy or connection in a relationship will seek out a girl who provides that. So the question is NOT “how do I be valuable to all guys?”. The question I would ask is “how do I be valuable to the guys I also value?”. Otherwise you will simply to trying to please every guy you meet, including one’s who you don’t even want to attract. So maybe make a list. What do the guys I want value? You should just be able to look at their behavior and get some clues. Personally, here is a short list of some of the things I look for: 1) A desire for self-actualization and spiritual work 2) Good communication and relationship skills 3) Good friends 4) A job / career they feel good about (unless they feel good about not working) 5) Playfulness, sense of humor 6) Authenticity and freedom of expression 7) Ability to get along with my friends and family 8) Good fashion sense 9) Looks 10) Shared lifestyle goals That sounds good. You won’t, but that’s okay too.
  22. You could put it that way. Practically speaking it can certainly seem like a test. At deeper levels of consciousness, we can also see that nothing is outside of God. So there is no one to “test” God but God. You are testing yourself.
  23. @Someone here fasting is not for building muscle. If you want to put on size, you need to do the opposite and eat like crazy. What I’d recommend instead is the following: 1) Eat a clean diet. This is critical. Many people put on fat simply because of what they eat. 2) Intermittent fasting. This will give you time in a more catabolic state for using fat, without necessarily cutting calories or nutrition. 3) Move your body. Take cold showers. Sauna. Basically, find ways to burn energy. 4) Hypertrophy lifting. A 5x5 Starting Strength program in the gym is nice, but that’s not really going to help you put on muscle size. You need a higher rep range and less recovery time in between sets. Do all that for one year + and you should see a noticeable difference.
  24. Think dualities. You cannot have up without down, left without right, or “magnificent” without mundane, knowing without not-knowing, remembering without forgetting. They all require their opposite pole to exist at all, because they are relative. That sounds basically right to me. Everything is technically God connecting with God, but we could say that playing a musical instrument creates and reflects a more pronounced connection or awareness.