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Everything posted by aurum

  1. @r0ckyreed Personally I don’t see much of a contradiction in my own meditation practice. My morning sits are easily where I get much of my best contemplative work done. It’s definitely not just a mental blank. But I am meditating. I’ve even named it “contemplative meditation” because that is what it feels like.
  2. Not at all. You’re just young, horny and have some social anxiety. It’s not the end of the world. I’m sure a lot of people on this forum can relate, including myself. You can in fact improve this area of your life. Don’t let what I’m saying discourage you. If I actually thought you were fucked for life I wouldn’t be writing this.
  3. Dude, dating is an inherently a social activity. There is no success in dating without socializing. You might as well try to become a world-class swimmer while standing on dry land. You’re not dating a rock. You’re dating a human. If you don’t like people and don’t like having friends, that’s kind of a problem. And it’s probably not healthy. The whole point of being a social species is that we benefit from our social arrangements. That’s survival. Granted, if you’ve had shitty friends in the past, that may have rightfully traumatized you. But from your description it sounds like your own insecurities more than anything else. You’re gonna have to deal with that.
  4. This feels like a very stage Yellow science to me. Notice the emphasis not only on complex systems, but also epistemology and ontology. In the future every scientist will have to take seeming questions of philosophy much more seriously.
  5. It’ll be a mixed bag. He has a lot fans. Regardless, I’m mostly referring to our attitude on the forum, not Twitter. Dealing with people new to existential inquiry is kind of like dealing with a children. What is the appropriate amount of encouragement vs correction for a child? And when is each appropriate? Such debates have been going on forever. But I tend to lean towards encouragement for newbies. Newbies make more mistakes, but they often need more support. If you just pummel them with how stupid they are, that’s unlikely to be an effective strategy for improvement.
  6. Well it seems like he is trying. So he deserves credit there. We should be encouraging and helping anyone who is sincerely making attempts, not just ridiculing them.
  7. Yes. Welcome to survival. No. The reality for most people is you will have to work for somebody until they are probably close to 30. You don’t have the skills, experience, resources, self-awareness, maturity or business acumen to succeed in building a conscious business before then. You will get destroyed. You want probably about 50-100k saved before you leap into entrepreneurship. That’s about will it will take at a bare minimum to get a full-time business off the ground. It might even be closer to 250-500k. Hence why people seek investors. The faster you want it, the more likely you are to cut corners in terms of quality and / or ethics. And you still will likely not succeed. Exceptions of course exist. But they are exceptions. Duh. Hence why most people don’t invest. You have to work towards that. So get a job. Notice that you can make 50-80k a year in many entry level jobs with NO RISK and NO startup capital. You just get to build skills and make cash while the majority of business crash and burn. This is an incredible opportunity. Yes, because that’s a pragmatic strategy that will actually work in most cases. Unlike chasing get-rich-quick schemes internet marketers are exploiting you with. No, it’s because the point of college is not supposed to be financial freedom. It’s employment. This is obvious. You need to build a foundation. College and employment can be that foundation. 1) Get employed, ideally in an area that you feel you may be connected to your life purpose 2) Build skills and a vision for a conscious business 3) Save money and keep your expenses low 4) Slowly begin splitting your time between being employed and working on your LP / conscious business, using the money you’ve saved. 5) Fully transfer out of employment and full time into your LP 6) Save enough money from your business to start investing, ideally with conscious investments (not crypto-NFT nonsense). 7) Coast off the income from your investments and business Obviously that’s a general guideline. You will have to adjust it to a degree. But that’s how you do it. Notice this will probably take you a decade. Unlikely. Hence why most college kids are poor. That’s a tradeoff. But it’s a good tradeoff because at that age you probably won’t succeed in anything else anyway. Beware of people selling you fantasies of “beating the system”. More likely is that the system will beat you. You gotta keep your expenses low and make more money at your job. Which is why you need skills. You will not get a high income without skills or without going into some shady industry. Which means you will never be able to create enough of a gap between savings and your expenses without skills.
  8. This sounds more Orange than Red to me. Orange is easily capable of all these things, including supporting Trump.
  9. Are you in school somewhere? At age 19, you should just be focused on making friends. That’s how most people your age will date and find someone. The reality is you need more social experience. That’s the key. How you do that is mostly irrelevant as long as it’s ethical. Yes, life is hard. If you are actually suicidal, seek professional help. Otherwise, this is an insecurity you going to have to face and deprogram. This may be a long process. 5’1 might make things harder for you. But it’s not at all hopeless if you’re looking for a partner. Well then you may need to create some opportunities. Maybe you need to move. Maybe you need to pick up a hobby. Or get a new job. Whatever. Passivity and helplessness will not solve this problem. Or really any problem in life. You don’t need to do cold approach. You need friends. There are many ways to meet people. Notice that 99% of people have never done cold approach and yet most of them still have a social life. And that’s why you need more social experience. Notice that feeling helpless about this paralyzes you from taking action, which leads to you not gaining experience, which then leads to you feeling clueless, which then leads to you feeling helpless around taking action, and on and on the loop goes… Break the loop.
  10. @Wisebaxter Sounds like some normal human stuff. Of course you are going to worry how others perceive you, basically your entire life hinges on that perception. I wouldn’t expect to be free from all that just off of one insight. Behavioral change can take time. You’ve got years of habits engrained. Keep doing the work.
  11. I think most of us who follow Beau recognize he leans Green, but here’s another example of it: Notice especially here the increased construct-awareness. And notice that this is not a matter of political opinion, it’s a matter of consciousness! This is why Green is further up the spiral than Blue or Orange, despite the outrage from the political right and their claims of political bias. It is NOT political bias! Green is literally more conscious of the constructions of their own mind. Which is not to say that Green cannot also be biased or hold poor political opinions. Notice also that even Beau has not gone “all the way” down the social construction rabbit hole. He is further down than people at Blue or Orange, but he still is unconsciously giving many of his own constructions a pass. If Beau increases his awareness of his constructions, I would then start to peg him at Yellow. A big part of Yellow is construct-awareness cranked way up from the previous stages.
  12. @Thought Art Also meta-balance! The balance of being balanced vs unbalanced. Sometimes unbalances are okay and part of a larger balance.
  13. Well it just depends on your time frame. In the longest possible time frame, it’s literally impossible not to be constantly going up. You could not fail if you tried. So don’t worry about it. More practically speaking, just do the best you can. Keep studying and improving your skills. Be open to feedback. When you fail, that becomes an opportunity to get better by seeing what you did wrong. Always keep an eye open for this and how things could be improved.
  14. This sounds like stage Orange nonsense. In the very long-term, yes you should strive to be constantly moving up. And the goods news is that is always the case, even if it takes a couple lifetimes. In the short run though, all kinds of negative things can happen. You will have bad days. Things will not go as planned. You will fail and lose. And none of that is a mistake. You were never supposed to constantly be moving up. You were never supposed to always win or succeed. Such an assumption that life is supposed to be that way is already a major error. But stage Orange tends to be blind to this since it’s so focused on achievement.
  15. @Eternal Unity The way you overcome the fear of being banned is by becoming a wise person who follows the basic rules and contributes positively to the forum. Then you will not have to worry about being banned. It’s pretty simple.
  16. Unless you want to die, then yes you will. To a degree. The question is only ever to what degree caution is necessary. It’s never a binary “this is perfectly safe” or “this is dangerous and will automatically kill you”.
  17. @Marvelllious you sound sane to me. I would focus on more traditional personal development for now.
  18. @Richard Purdy First off, appreciate your situation. Most people would kill to have 50k sitting around and have basically no expenses. Don’t blow this money on something stupid. In general I’d say you need a stronger vision. But you’re pretty young still so it makes sense that your vision may not be that clear. Watch Leo’s series on advice for young people. Gain experience and invest in yourself. If you want to coach people on personal development, what aspects of personal development most interests you? How can you contribute and help people? What training or skills do you need? Start figuring all this out. You don’t have to be an entrepreneur tomorrow if you are not ready. That’s a move that needs to be made strategically and with careful planning if that’s what you want. You could spend the next 10 years working somewhere before you leap into entrepreneurship.
  19. @How to be wise This is actually not that surprising. Of course when you are cancel-able figure like Peterson you like free speech. And the political right loves free speech, just look at Elon Musk. Sometimes the people who cry loudest about free speech are the ones spreading the most nonsense.
  20. @Magnanimous Looks shady for sure. My gut intuition is that you will receive technically receive a product from them if you purchase. But it’s going to be of an extremely low quality.
  21. I seriously doubt it. Might just be a correlation, not causation type of situation. I’d look into other causes. Should probably naturally reverse on its own. Obviously see a doctor if you really feel like it’s becoming a problem.
  22. This is SUCH a good example of spiral dynamics at play. I had to post it. The question about relativism (largely a stage Green concept) is being posed to William Lane Craig, who is a theologian that defends God's existence and feels very Blue / Orange to me. Notice that despite being lower on the spiral than Green, he is actually able to make an intelligent point against it, which is that relativism eats itself. This is hugely important because we tend to assume that valid critiques can only be made down the spiral. No! Lower stages can in fact sometimes see the flaws of higher stages. But it does not make those at the lower stages above them. Why is that? It's because even though WLC can offer a refutation of absolute relativism, probably because of his extensive academic training, he fails at integrating and understanding the value of relativism and stage Green. To truly be higher than Green, he would need to go through Green and relativism. He would have to let Green relativism burn through his objective notions of truth. Which he clearly has not done. He doesn't understand why people are relativists, he just thinks they are deluded. "Clearly absolute relativity is wrong! Therefore my relative constructions must be true, right?" This is the same mistake Jordan Peterson is making. Isn't spiral dynamics fascinating? iI's so complex! No one person could have ever figured all this out. Serious science is needed.
  23. The punk-rock flavor of Green: Key representative Green lyrics: "Well, I won't be caught living in a dead end job (job) While praying to my government, guns, and God (god) Now it's us against them We're here to represent And spit right in the face of the establishment Well, because we're doing fine And we don't need to be told that we're doing fine 'Cause we won't give you control And we don't need anything from you 'Cause we'll be just fine And we won't be bought and sold just like you We're the saints of degeneration We don't owe anyone an explanation Fuck elitists We don't need this We're the elite of just alright" Key representative Green lyrics: "I pledge allegiance to the underworld One nation under dog, there of which I stand alone A face in the crowd, unsung against the mold Without a doubt, singled out, the only way I know 'Cause I wanna be the minority I don't need your authority Down with the moral majority 'Cause I wanna be the minority" ^Also great examples of the Liberal vs the Conservative mind. One YouTube comment on the video describes this song perfectly and why I see it as Green: "People keep misinterpreting the lyrics. The song isn't out to vindicate how terrible the soldier is. In fact, we see the story from his POV. He joins, thinking he's doing the right thing. Instead, he finds out war is hell and he's not fighting for freedom, he's fighting against the oppressed around him. Instead of being this paragon of freedom that he thought he would be, he saw himself as the one causing it. This song isn't against service members. It actually tries to sympathize with them, while making the statement clear that war is terrible for all sides and that the justification of "We're protecting democracy" just isn't true when it's really just to further the interests of business and that we have lost our humanity far enough that he killed a child. This song has far more respect for servicemen and women around the world as it shows the reality of what they may have to face". ^ This is what every Green person is trying to say to the lower stages and all those interested in war! Look at what you're doing. Look at the brutality of it. Look at the children dying. Open your heart and feel how wrong it is. You know it is wrong. Let's just please end this and have peace. What I like about exploring this flavor of Green is that it's much different than the carebear, hippie Green stereotype! This Green is rebellious in a more in-your-face, aggressive way. It's more "Mean Green" as Wilber refers to it. Green is swinging a wrecking ball at elitism, authoritarianism, war, environmental degradation, racism, traditional gender roles, capitalist corruption and much more. And most importantly, it's swinging a wrecking ball at rigid, binary patterns of consciousness. It doesn't want Jordan Peterson's "order". It wants to be chaos, because disruption of order is necessary for the change it seeks. People at lower stages of the spiral will disagree with this, but notice that Green makes up most of the best musicians available to us in the modern age. This should come as no surprise. With Green comes a leveling up of creativity, emotional connection, authenticity and depth, coupled with decreased survival pressures. The unhealthy aspects of the lower stages hold them back when it comes to art. How can you be a deeply powerful artist if you are just following the rules (Blue) or just seeking selfishly seeking personal financial gain (Orange)?
  24. @ucan99 Well with Wim Hof breathing, if you're doing it right, you're basically crashing your oxygen saturation levels to an extremely low threshold. That is the whole point and where the benefits come from. If you stayed at that level of oxygen saturation, it'd be incredibly dangerous. Some people can pass out if they take it too far. Sounds like that might be what happened to you. There are so many physiological reactions happening during something like WH breathing though it's hard to pin point exactly what it might have been scientifically. You'd basically need a medical degree. The "claw hands" are a phenomenon I've heard people refer to as tetany. Basically all that over-breathing is causing you to exhale all the carbon dioxide out of your system. That causes temporary changes in your body's PH, making you more alkaline. That can lead to cramps and all those tingly, electric feelings. Of course this is only the standard scientific POV. We could also view this through the lens of kundalini / energy healing. People who view breathwork from this lens would say that you are bringing in huge amounts of life force energy by over-breatheing, and that life force energy is being distributed to where the body needs it and clearing blockages. Another explanation could be that you are raising your state of consciousness by over breathing, similar to taking a psychedelic. Whether or not this is true, I don't really know at this point. It intuitively seems like it could be given how important breathing is for life. It's something I'm still exploring.
  25. Cool idea for a thread! Bump