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Everything posted by aurum

  1. What distinguishes Alien Infinity from “traditional” infinity? Did your awakening specifically include the word “Alien”, or are you pulling that word from Leo’s lexicon?
  2. I don’t think so. Not really his style. I’m pretty sure he has become conscious of something radical. Openmindedness is required here, which some users here are not showing. I will be buying the course when he releases it. But even with radical openmindedness everything must still be verified by you. If what Leo is saying is true, then there is a huge potential trap of people just taking this on as a belief. That is not going to cut it. Either become directly conscious of what he is saying or forget it. It will do you way more harm than good to just take this as conceptual ideology without real understanding
  3. I am open minded to what you are saying. And I will continue to learn. But I don’t know what to make of what you’re saying at this point. Most of the insights you’ve shared in the past I’ve been able to verify from my own contemplations / awakenings. But this feels like new ground. Nothing I’ve experienced has shown me anything like this.
  4. Do you have a job? That would be an easy first step to getting some basic autonomy. Get a decent job, afford to pay your own bills and move out. You might be a wage slave but at least you won't be living at home. From there, you could start working on exploring a deeper life purpose and your dating life.
  5. Can you expand on this? It sounds like you're saying that a finite thing like Alien Hyperintelligence is dreaming up Absolute Infinity / God. That doesn't make sense to me. Wouldn't Alien Hyperintelligence have to be a subset of Absolute Infinity?
  6. @Twinstar Awesome job. We're not necessarily chasing crazy visuals in this work. It's more about the insights themselves, which you got.
  7. Good thread idea. It’s important to make a distinction here between UNDERSTANDING and AGREEING. I can understand without necessarily agreeing, or agreeing with some portion of what was said. Which is what is needed for healthy political dialogue.
  8. @Ivan Dimi Sounds like fascinating work, I think the Kickstarter looks great. Would like to learn more about it.
  9. What are your larger goals? The reality is that if you need to make money, every person you do business with or interact with won't be a saint. People are just not at that level of consciousness. If you're just starting out your career, you may just have to bit the bullet on this one. You do need to pay bills and survive like everyone else. At the same time, if it goes against your principles, then start making a long-term strategic plan to get out of that situation. Focus on working in an industry that isn't just about money. If you choose a shady industry, you're going to do business with shady people. So think about where you really want to be and what you want to do. If you don't need money right now, then maybe you can afford to pass on some of this. But either way you need a strategy for what better-thing you are going to be doing. It's one thing to say such-and-such business goes against my principles. It's another to actually put a plan in place to where you can afford to do something different. And then actually succeed. There is nothing that says you are entitled or guaranteed a higher consciousness business or a principled life. The system / environment you are in is not set up for that. So If you want that, you will have to work your ass off to build it.
  10. Yes. Don't expect yourself to embody just one stage. You likely have a center of gravity of around 2-3 stages. And of course you can also embody all the stages to a certain degree as you hit tier 2. Probably an accurate self-assessment. Extremely. Just understanding the spiral and where you are at can help you identify your blindspots and what you need to do to get to the next color. If you're going to focus on developing yourself, it's useful to have a map. And that's exactly what spiral dynamics is: a map of cognitive development. And just like a map, you can sit down and ask yourself "okay, where am I? Where is the 'You are here' marker? And where is my destination? And what's the path to get there?" Without a map, you can still grow yourself. People will usually move up the spiral whether they know about it at all. A map is just a practical tool that can help speed up the process. You're going to get to your destination quicker with a map than without one.
  11. Notice: The atomic symbol The tagline on the desk and backdrop If it weren’t for those clues, it would have been more questionable. But given the entire context this feels very Orange to me.
  12. @Jannes Most psychedelic laws are revolve around possession and / or intent to sell. Basically, unless they physically catch you with the psychedelics in an area where they are illegal, you should be fine as far as possession. Intent to sell usually means being in possession of such high quantities that they assume you must be a dealer. I think it be a bit of a gamble if you were to have the 5meo mailed across international borders from France into Germany. Most people say customs will just send you a “love letter” if they find out, but it’s still something to consider. Most psychedelics in small quantities are decriminalized where I live, but still I wouldn’t want them mailed to me internationally. Bottom line is that if 5meo is legal in France and you only possess it in France, I doubt you’ll have problems. But I would obviously double check your own local laws.
  13. @taslimitless I’m fully vaxxed. I feel it has made no difference at all. If anything, my contemplations since getting vaxxed have only gone deeper.
  14. @Kelly Sam I think it’s a cool idea. I’m curious about what will people exactly do on your site? Will there be journaling? A forum? Book list? What exactly do people get by joining?
  15. Yes it is. A spectrum of awakening is more accurate. Regardless, the best practical strategy for awakening seems to be to continually assume that there is further for you to go.
  16. @Julian gabriel We don’t know yet what society will look like fully Green. Yellow is a bit jumping the gun. As far as what a Green society will look like, the specifics don’t matter too much from a meta-perspective and are near impossible to accurately predict. Life is unknown. That said, it will have all the hallmarks of green: - More economic equality - More gender equality - More inclusiveness of the marginalized and minority groups - Environmental sensitivity - More empathy and compassion - An emphasis on consensus, consent and democracy - Less material rat race, more time for introspection, self-care and mental health - Relativism and increased construct-awareness - Noob spirituality Etc etc etc. It will also suffer from all the excesses and problems of Green, which will push is collectively into Yellow. I have no idea what that jump would look like but I imagine it will be massive. If a personal leap into Tier 2 is huge, what does it look like when a whole society collectively does it? It’ll be interesting times for our descendants.
  17. They should actually have something serious to say and have put in a ton of work into researching and writing it. You can do that technically at any age. But for most people it will probably take until their 30s or even later.
  18. It’s just a super basic, materialist version of enlightenment. Everything he is describing is just more content within the Dream. Your body is content. Feelings are content. None of that means you’ve realized that you are the Creator of said content or that you ARE the content. It’s not sufficiently meta or epistemically rigorous. To be clear, practically I would say there is some correlation with what he is saying and spiritual growth. But it’s just a really watered down version of what spirituality can be. Possibly good for newbies, who would not be open to anything beyond this anyway.
  19. You could do some of this, but I think you’ll struggle to put all of this under one roof. Better to narrow what you offer at least somewhat. Or perhaps have multiple businesses. For sure you could have a weightlifting, rock climbing, various classes, a small cafe, trainers and nutritionists. Many gyms offer some variation of that.
  20. @Ethan1 There’s often not enough financial incentive to make more aesthetically pleasing architecture / infrastructure. To be more artistic takes more time and energy. It can be bad for business. Business often requires doing things quickly, efficiently and at the lowest possible cost in order to compete. Art is none of those things. Art can sometimes outperform non-art though. Sometimes something so beautiful is created that everyone just seems to recognize it. As we collectively move more into stage Green, I would expect to see our aesthetics to improve a lot.
  21. @patricknotstar This is a thought experiment that can lead to some interesting inquiries around identity. What does it really mean to be you? What is you and what is not you? Are you even the same person when you wake up in the morning? What about the version of you from an hour ago? Where are they? Where is the past at all? Did it even happen? You could ride this question all the way to Awakening.
  22. Solid list! There’s so many insights to be had, lists like these are really important to track everything. That is a valid concern. I would not just say these things to the majority of people. The point of this forum is to be a 1% environment where these things can be discussed. We’re like the Illuminati, but real
  23. @Thought Art Sounds like you've been on a serious journey. I've had a strange relationship with money because growing up money was essentially handled for me. My parents were successful small business people. I was privileged like that. The upside is that I wasn't too badly infected with scarcity, fear-based consciousness around this topic growing up. I had a sense of security many people do not. Which meant from a young age I've had the luxury to consider deeper questions in life about happiness, purpose, spirituality, etc. My parents were also able to afford me a good education and pay for college, which has had practical benefits for my own career. In essence, my foundation was set. My childhood was top tier in that sense. The downside is that I also didn't really learn how to treat this topic of money all that seriously. I've had to learn as an adult how to make it a priority and work through some my well-intended but ultimately misguided ideas. It's a constant balancing act of idealism and pragmatism, purpose and paying your bills, spirituality and survival.