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Everything posted by aurum

  1. Seems unlikely. That was a decent take by Shapiro. But unless something drastic happens, like Trump gets indicted and convicted, I think it’s too little too late. Even Shapiro is not flat out calling for a new nominee, he is just not happy with Trump’s picks. Probably only Desantis could feasibly challenge him and it’s not even clear if he will run yet.
  2. I agree there is definitely is quite a bit of that. Or at least better relationship skills in a lot of Green communities. Relationships require their own study. People critique Green a lot, but Green is relatively high up the developmental ladder. If you’re at Green, you’re still in the top 20% of all people in terms of development.
  3. I agree the forum needs to be vigilant against bigotry. I was a moderator here for a while and basically you just have to use your best judgment what is or isn’t okay. There’s no training for something like this, and even if there was, it would still be a challenge. Where do you draw the line between a disagreement and a rule violation? That is the question. Specifically, it seems like your biggest critique is on LGBTQA+ issues. And that the mod team + Leo has not been vigilant enough on checking homophobia, transphobia etc. Personally, I think the forum is generally well moderated. Which doesn’t mean you won’t have issues of bigotry at times. But on the whole, I feel it does pretty well. Misogyny is probably the most common form of bigotry I see. There is an additional challenge here, which is that the entire point of is questioning reality, assumptions, bias and self-deception. It is meant to be non-ideological. No one’s ideology gets a pass. And that includes SJW Green type of thinking. If you’re not willing to question SJW narratives at least somewhat, that you should tell you that you’re no longer serving the truth. You’re serving something else. It’s easy to feel good about being non-ideological until it’s your ideology’s turn on the chopping block. But of course, we also need to distinguish between questioning and bigotry. Especially since bigotry can cloak itself under the guise of questioning. This is a real challenge. Bigotry itself is also an ideology that needs to be questioned. If you question your bigotry deep enough, you will cease to be a bigot because it’s based on self-deception and bias. Which is what is suppose to help with.
  4. That is what I’ve found. There are no Tier 2 cities. Best you can do is basically Green / Orange. Cities like New York, LA, San Fran, Seattle, Portland, Denver, Austin, Salt Lake City, etc. Not that I’ve personally been apart of though. I’m sure you could find smaller companies or startups with a significant percentage of Yellow+. The larger the sample size of people, the more it’s going to begin skewing Green / Orange / Blue. Those are the three predominate colors in the US.
  5. @puporing Not something I’ve experienced but sounds similar to what I’ve heard others report. David Hawkins in particular I believe talked about this, stating that everything would shine with the radiant beauty of divinity.
  6. @Raptorsin7 What blindspots does the community have in comparison?
  7. @TwistedOntic Awesome work! You got it. Keep contemplating and you’ll deepen your understanding.
  8. No I do not. The economic system before our current system (capitalism) was feudalism. Feudalism was really the embodiment of stage blue / red in Europe, with its rigid social roles and relationship with the church. Capitalism was a shift towards Orange individualism. It gave people the chance to move up the social ladder and choose where to work. It decentralized intelligence of resource distribution from monarchy to the market. With the industrial revolution fueled by new scientific discoveries, mass production came online. All of this is Orange and has been around for quite a while. You can see Orange thinking in the Constitution of the US. Democracy itself is an Orange level idea, with its democratization of political power. Orange is much deeper than modern entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship is just one flavor of Orange. It’s the Rational, 3rd person mode of thinking coming online. Which is why modern science and capitalism began appearing at around the same time. You could be a state employed university scientist and be textbook Orange. You could be an employee just about anywhere and still be Orange. Not necessarily. Green is still tier 1, which means it can and often does react badly against the lower stages. So a hippie Green could have legitimately moved through Orange. It all depends on the person and their particular environment / process. They could. But they could also not. Not everyone is like that or wants that.
  9. @LordFall It really just depends on what part of the world you are talking about. Yes, even in the Global North we have a lot of Blue. But I also wouldn’t say its predominantly Blue. The birth of the United States itself is clearly the result of an Orange reaction against the Blue monarchies of Europe. Orange has been around for a while. Red is pretty rare in the Global North. According to some estimates I’ve read from Ken Wilber, something like 20-30% of the world population has made it to Green. Supposedly above 10% creates a tipping point where more and more people will start to be attracted to that stage. But undoubtedly a lot of the world still needs to move through Blue and Orange. Green is a utopic fantasy for many.
  10. Keep cracking, it is indeed a big one. My recommendation would be to go more meta. From reading your responses, you’re still focusing too much on content. The content is irrelevant because it’s all still your experience happening in you. Space itself is consciousness.
  11. Yes there is some shanigans with Liver King. And undoubtedly there can be bias there for the sake of business interests. Especially when you build a whole identity around it, e.g “I’m a carnivore”. But I also think Paul is not that nefarious. I think his intentions are mostly in the right place. He has shown some willingness to adjust his diet with evidence (going from strict carnivore to animal-based). He just has a lot of bias. The the thing with Paul is that he tried vegan and it legitimately didn’t seem to work for him. And that negative experience lead him to really question the narratives around plant foods. Some of his conclusions I don’t find that bad, like: Anti-nutrients are real and need to be accounted for, especially if you have a known sensitivity Lower bioavailabilty for nutrients in plants is real and needs to be accounted for Certain micronutrients missing completely from plant foods is real and needs to be accounted for Fat and salt are not the monsters we once believed them to be. Mainstream science is sometimes reductionistic, misses root causes or is even corrupt The standard american diet is garbage I’d even grant him that (maybe) there is a historical, evolutionary precedent for humans to eat meat over plants. But this debate over LDL levels and atherosclerosis is a big deal. With cardiovascular disease being the number one killer in the world, you have to get this piece right. Otherwise your diet is highly suspect. I think if he can prove his ideas around atherosclerosis, then he has a legitimate case for a red meat heavy, animal-based diet. But that’s a big IF. He needs to get some reputable, third-party group to do research and cosign on his specific ideas. It’s not enough for him to just interpret the existing literature that is out there, he needs his own studies if he’s that confident. Paul, if you’re reading this, I’m rooting for you. If it turns out that eating meat, fruit and dairy is nutritionally optimal, I’ll be the first one doing cartwheels in the streets. I’d maybe consider even doing it under medical supervision. But to make it a mainstream movement, you gotta prove it. Most people like consensus science and are not going to risk their lives for a pet theory. Nor should they.
  12. @Tech36363 Search the forum, I made a post talking about my experience practicing sungazing for several months. To sum it up, I think the benefits people claim are largely bullshit or at the very least highly exaggerated. But I also thought the knee jerk response a lot of people have that “you’ll burn your eyes out” or hurt yourself in some way was wrong. I noticed no decline in my health in anyway. At best, I’d say it’s relaxing and gets you outside. Maybe can help with more esoteric energy healing. You do appreciating the sun a little more while doing it. You can start to figure out the patterns for how it moves over the months and generally feel more connected to it. Try if you like, you might have a different experience. But make sure you only do it when the sun is low enough! Golden hour only. And start slow to see how your body reacts. If it hurts to look at the sun or you find yourself blinking a lot, the sun is too high. It should be totally relaxing.
  13. Peter Attia seems to agree with this: Takes a couple minutes but they get there from the timestamp. Saladino of course does not buy the ApoB theory. His whole thing seems to be that atherosclerosis only involves LDL due to insulin resistance and damage to the endothelium. Then he takes it a step further by arguing that red meat is necessary to thrive due to high micronutrient content, high bioavailability, the evolutionary precedent (humans historically ate meat) and the lack of anti-nutrients. There might be some truth there, but my guess is there’s not as much as he argues. We could probably get around all those issues on a plant-based diet and some basic supplements if we wanted to.
  14. What do you make of these studies, which seem to link damage from red meat mostly to processed meat? It seems to me that these debates are are just way too binary and simplistic. Red meat is either “good” or “bad” for you. My thinking is that we need to consider more variables. Is it processed meat? How much meat? What’s the rest of your diet look like? Do you regularly exercise and are otherwise healthy? Etc
  15. ^ Same guy as above. Emphasis on Green wanting to be and see change in the world.
  16. Reggae artist talking to the owner of a local food operation. Lots of good vibes and hugs. Keywords: Community, local food, back to the land
  17. When this whole Twitter situation started, I didn't know much about it. I assumed Twitter would maybe have some moderation problems due to Elon's "free speech" stance, which could lead to further problems down the road. But if these numbers TYT is reporting are accurate, this is much, much worse for Twitter than some lax moderation. You are not going to hire back 88% of your employees any time fast and without serious cost. Who will even properly train them? The people who did their jobs won't even be there anymore. Perhaps Musk can still turn this around. He has accomplished some pretty incredible things in business that seemed impossible. But things are not looking good at the moment. We will have to continue watching.
  18. If a country is under attack, it’s likely that they will jump at any excuse for people to come to their aid. So I don’t see reasonable evidence for Ukraine to purposefully launch an attack against Poland. That does seem highly Machiavellian and conspiratorial. But it also does not surprise me that Zelensky immediately blamed Russia. That is his bias. He is fighting a war against Russia. And if Russia did attack Poland, that could be good for his efforts and Ukraine as it would likely rally NATO.
  19. My concern in this case is that the basic facts aren’t even fully known yet. This just happened. Give time for the media to report. We’ll have a better idea soon enough.
  20. Stay cool. Information is still being reported on this. It’s not clear yet if this was a deliberate act of war against Poland. My guess would be that it wasn’t.
  21. @Hatfort Yes decent results for Dems overall. Still two big races in particular to be called, senate in Georgia and governor in Arizona. If they both go Blue that will be a big deal.
  22. No he did not. Watch spreading misinformation. If you rewatch that video, you can clearly see him state that sprinkling in 10% bullshit was just a hypothetical. He did not promise he was going to do anything.
  23. This is a teaching environment. If you are not here to learn from Leo, why are you here? You wouldn’t walk into a Calculus class, start talking about how Calculus couldn’t be true and how the teacher is making up narcissist fantasies and expect them not to eventually kick you out. It’s disruptive, annoying and a waste of time for everyone. That should not fly in even a university setting, let alone when trying to discuss some of the most advanced spiritual / metaphysical topics humans have ever pondered. If don’t want to learn Calculus, don’t come to Calculus class. And if you are open to learning Calculus, then you do have to assume the teacher may know more than you most of the time. And if you do have a fundamental disagreement, you should seriously do your homework instead of just jumping to a conclusion. If you still disagree at that point, then you leave. Of course there is no government approved accreditation Leo can provide for teaching this kind of work. That’s the reality of teaching spiritual work right now. It’s outside the mainstream. So you’ve basically just have to go on Leo’s track record and your own direct experience to judge whether he is a teacher worth learning from. He could be wrong, but I think he has earned some openmindedness.