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Everything posted by aurum

  1. Yes, but I would argue it’s more than that. It’s clear from my study of ACIM and other New Thought teachings that “sickness is an illusion” would be a pretty accurate statement of what they believe. But of course, you must also understand what such a statement actually means. So yes, the View critique is missing context. I’m not worried about Marianne trying to enforce faith healing across the country. But I do suspect her beliefs towards illness carry a strong metaphysical / spiritual component.
  2. Yes. Her spiritual background may also help her connect with the religious Right, as long as she keeps it vague.
  3. I personally appreciate the way she has handled critics so far: She is doing the right thing: stick to the issues, take the high road, but also don’t let them walk over you. It’s going to be interesting to see how far she gets. I hope we at least get a public Biden V Williamson debate, that’ll be fun. Also, it’s interesting to watch Krystal and Kyle try and make sense of Marianne’s New Age beliefs. They want to frame it as if Marianne is just being pulled out of context, and she doesn’t actually believe that “sickness is an illusion”. Or does she? You cannot make sense of Marianne’s worldview from inside the materialist / dualist paradigm. But many progressives will try.
  4. Key memes: vulnerability, connecting to your emotions, safe spaces, healing trauma, escaping the rat race
  5. @BlessedLion Aubrey missed big on Covid. He is a smart guy spiritually, but a number of his political takes are low-quality. This is one of them.
  6. If the images are still being hosted with Google, then IMO yes. Google uses PhotoDNA to track for this kind of thing. It’s just an algorithm. It not sophisticated enough at this point to know your human intentions. He can certainly do that if he wants. I don’t know how much of a legal case he has though. He’d have to talk with a lawyer. My unprofessional guess is the case would be pretty weak, but maybe he could still get paid some damages.
  7. I will admit that I am looking at this through the bias of someone from a western country. Also, it sounds like I am likely a bit older than you and therefore have a different dating agenda. I will do my best to account for this difference and I am open to critiques for how to improve in this area. At the same time, my bias means that I may be able to see what you cannot see. Because you also are biased. In this case, your bias is towards success in pickup. What I am talking about is much more subtle than actual rape. I am talking about the unconscious strategy you are using to be try and be successful in pickup. There is no guarantee such a strategy will actually work, but nonetheless we develop and use them. Most strategies are unconscious to us because they must be in order to be effective. Once we become conscious of them, the question is whether we wish continue using it. A different choice is also available at that time.
  8. Yes. The whole problem is that Google does not know what these photos are being used for. Therefore it must act as if there could be an issue. Well that I agree with. I’ve been saying throughout this whole thread. I would like to see Google rectify their error. See my response above to Dani. Google must act without evidence because it doesn’t know ahead of time this person is innocent. It cannot just assume this person is a caring parent taking their kid to the doctor.
  9. Nice try, but no. That fact that you are even saying this just proves my point. You are not seriously taking the consequences or externalities of your behavior. It's not the woman's responsibility to stop you from doing creepy things, which it sounds like you were. That's something you're suppose to figure out on your own. Some women will just not say they don't want to engage with you because they are either too afraid or uncomfortable to say so. You won't take this seriously because it doesn't serve your pick up agenda to do so. What serves your pickup agenda is to eschew responsibility for how you negatively impact women, as well as to see women as sexual objects for conquer. This is what allows you to keep doing your approaches like you're doing. And that's exactly the attitude you are displaying in this thread. Maybe she did. But also consider that it's because she just didn't like you. You don't seriously consider that because then you might have to change your behavior. Thus, you yet again externalize responsibility.
  10. But that's not the case. A cut finger is not going to trigger any google alarms. No one cares about that. But a child's genitalia can and should trigger those alarms. I think the only thing Google didn't do correctly here was reinstate the guy's account. So that's really the only problem to remedy. Perhaps Google needs to funnel more resources towards handling appeals for wrongly banned accounts. Hard to say exactly.
  11. A good example of how David Packman (mostly Green) misunderstands Blue: Key thing to notice here: the lack of understanding of why Blue cares about Bibles in hotel rooms and how that makes sense to them. For Blue, God is the ultimate authority figure. God's word is Law. God is how you create order in society and know what is right or wrong. Therefore from Blue's perspective, without God, you are morally lost and lawless. Notice also that Blue is not completely wrong about this. The whole reason so many people follow this stage Blue strategy is because IT WORKS. Of course it is also very limited and eventually needs to be transcended.
  12. This kind of thread is why people think pickup is toxic and women don't want to be on this forum. And they're not wrong.
  13. I didn’t say it’s not important at all. It’s important to some degree. What I said was that your privacy is not as important as your post suggested. You suggested that google is overreaching by being able to see your photos and cancel your account. And I don’t agree. Google cannot and should not allow its millions of users to host illegal files. The FBI would shut down Google in no time. 99.9% of users will never have a problem. Only when people do something obviously egregious like hosting potential child porn will there be problems. Or in a case like this where there was a legitimate mixup. Granted, I’d still like for Google to reinstate the dad’s account. Seems like the right thing to do since he was innocent. But that’s separate from the issue of whether Google should have the authority to see your photos and flag them.
  14. Some amount of division is good. Division can create competition among candidates. If you take no division to its ultimate conclusion, you get a monarchy. Not saying I believe you are advocating for that, but I think it’s good to be cognizant here of the limitation of both sides. Too much division = support is too diffused and splintered. Too little division = authoritarian, lack of choices and a lack of checks and balances.
  15. That’s because it is reasonable.
  16. A bit of a longer example, but contains many Green memes throughout if you pay attention. Notice: Lyrical themes of the song (healing trauma, authenticity, positive affirmations, freedom over fear and conformity) The sign language interpreter (inclusivity for non abled-bodied people) The “letting go” communal ceremony in the middle of the song The sign off message about “changing the world” as the band leaves
  17. I don’t see the problem here. If anything, this was intelligent Twitter moderation. Right-wingers are reaching so hard with this whole Twitter files thing.
  18. I didn’t say it didn’t suck for the dad. I admitted it’s bad customer service, and obviously I wouldn’t want that to happen to me. I’m simply saying OP is paranoid and overblowing the issue.
  19. @MsNobody I personally love all the creativity that feels like it has opened up to me. It doesn’t feel draining to me, if anything that’s when I feel most energized. You might just need to simply and slow things down a bit. See what is really necessary and what might just be unnecessary pressure you are putting on yourself.
  20. Gotchu. Cool project, two of the things I really enjoy.
  21. I think you’re being paranoid. Your privacy is not that important. And google is not “defying” the police. The police didn’t demand google do anything. I’d say if anything this is just bad customer service. One of like a billion bad customer services events that every day. It’s not illegal and it’s not really news. Also this happened like almost a year ago. So I’m not sure why we are bringing it up now.
  22. I can see all that. So let me offer a synthesis. We can say that we have a spectrum of tolerance towards fascism. On one end of the spectrum, we have fascists sneaking fascism under the radar with their fascist shenanigans. On the other end of the spectrum, we have progressives (most likely SD Tier 1) who are unable to see outside their perspective and qualify almost anything outside their worldview as fascism. Both ends of the spectrum produce problems, with progressives increasing political polarization on one side and fascists gaining ground on the other. As well-intending and intelligent citizens, it's our job to stay somewhere in the middle of that spectrum. I.e, call a spade a spade, but don't call a spade a shovel. And definitely don't call a spade a hammer. Making these discernments requires good judgment and clear-seeing, which we can improve by: 1) Studying the history of fascism and why / how it occurs 2) Generating herustics to be able to spot fascism 3) Helping others to spot fascism, which improves our own seeing and helps clean up the epistemic commons 4) Healing trauma and shadow wounds that may unconsciously be causing us to bite on the hook fascism 5) Developing a SD Tier 2 mindset by studying developmental psychology, meta-modernism and integrating the conservative / liberal mind 6) Staying informed and educated on current issues, ideally from sources with steelman positions with 4, 5 and 6 more so being part of an overall strategy of becoming more politically savvy. @DocWatts feel free to chime in as well if you have any thoughts. @Ulax good nuance about policing tone.
  23. @Carl-Richard I’ve noticed myself doing this before to a small degree. It doesn’t seem compulsive or problematic for me. I feel I am able to switch perspectives fairly easily and at will.
  24. Rachel Carson, considered by many to be the catalyst for the modern environmental movement: Notice the difference in paradigm between the scientist and Rachel Carson. Great example of how and why Green emerges.