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Everything posted by aurum

  1. Consider thinking about my previous points. I’m just a random stranger giving advice on internet, but I highly suspect that your perspective on the current legal situation will shift if you work on your fears. And your relationships will also be in a much better place.
  2. You are making conclusions by unconsciously selecting facts to support your emotional agenda. Otherwise known as making excuses. You really think your interpretation of the law is objective?
  3. Skewed as in strongly biased, which of course is directly related to your fear. Fear and bias go hand and hand. Your mind is distorting your perspective on the law to protect yourself. Notice that this whole story about how the legal system is rigged against men keeps you paralyzed and avoiding relationships. Isn't that highly convenient for you? Wthout that story, you might have to actually get into a relationship.
  4. + Your trust issues are also badly skewing the way that you view the law in this situation. Consider spending some time introspecting on these fears. You can't do much in life without a basic level of trust. And you are always trusting something, even it it's sabotage. You trust that sabotage will get you what you want. What makes you so confident sabotage is a winning strategy? And what do you get out of it?
  5. @actuallyenlightened There is no magic solution here. You need to sleep with women that you can trust. Being discerning, do not sleep with low integrity people. From there, you need to take precautions as far as birth control. This will require maturity on your end because she may not ask for it. I find condoms generally work best. I have concerns about the negative health effects of going on the pill for women. Lopsided how?
  6. What a mess. This whole conflict has been a perfect example of lose-lose dynamics unfolding.
  7. I would agree, which is why I did not list examples or instances. I think the best way to "go meta" and describe the structure of Green would be to look at what it all has in common. What is the origin of all those Green examples and content? To that, I would say it's because the structure of the stage Green psyche has become more Relativistic. From Relativism, we can derive egalitarianism, the desire for consensus, SJWs, empathy, acceptance, pluralism, kindness, anti-authoritarianism, etc. But you can't really do the derivation the other way around. That's why I consider it "higher" than the other features.
  8. It's true that even Hitler's conservatism is relative. At the same time, we are attempting to make distinctions here for practical purposes. We will have to be satisfied with some degree of relative truth or say nothing at all.
  9. To be fair to him, I understood he was asking for structure and not content. I explained it in my follow up post. The structure of Green is Relativism, since all Green content can be derived from that.
  10. You don't need to include mysticism in every conversation. Doing so in this context adds nothing.
  11. The structure of SD Green is Relativism. That is the core feature that defines it at the highest level. All the content can be derived from that.
  12. That sounds like a spiritual technicality to me. And also not relevant to our discussion.
  13. Not Nazi propaganda. Do not confuse SD Green post-modernism / deconstruction. If Hitler was truly post-modern in his approach, he would have had to deconstruct and relativize his entire Nazi ideology, which of course is the exact opposite of what he did. His ideological structure was Absolutist / Blue, mixed with devilry.
  14. Hitler was neither SD Green in content OR structure. Just because you can deconstruct narratives and blur lines does not make you Green. This is an absurd distortion of the model.
  15. No. Deception only gets you so far. If you want to go with a "anything is possible" technicality, fine. But it's rather meaningless then. It should be obvious we are talking about likely outcomes, not what fantasy might be theoretically possible.
  16. Actual insane people do not have that much power. Hitler tapped into deep resentment and bitterness that already existed among the German people, which is partially why he was able to do what he did. This is because the leader and the people being led are ONE SYSTEM, where their existence depends on each other. Development cuts BOTH ways. A stage Red / Blue society cannot behave like a Orange / Green society because it is not developed enough. But also, an Orange / Green society cannot behave like a Red / Blue one. At a certain point the behavior simply becomes untenable from BOTH directions. That being said, of course it is theoretically possible for a disaster to strike and for a regression in the Spiral. But it is unlikely. There are systemic forces that keep these things in check going both ways.
  17. Here is an article on this: Definitely seems to be some promising results so far, especially given the remission scores. We will need larger sample sizes in future but this could help inspire future funding.
  18. @DocWatts You are writing some high quality content. I'll add that the egoic mind will weaponize relativism for its own agenda. They can exploit your open-mindedness of different perspectives to get away with their anti-social or otherwise damaging behavior. Who is to say if I really cheated on my girlfriend? That's just like, your opinion, man. So it isn't just that relativism makes it hard for us to decide what is true or not. It's that self-bias will actively corrupt it. Of course the egoic mind can weaponize any epistemology, so this is not an inherent flaw to relativism per say.
  19. You are more than welcome to try. I agree that it's relevant for practical purposes. But the thing about God-Realization is that it transcends many of these practical concerns.
  20. I see. So you want to know if other people are God-Realized and how you can verify that they've achieved certain realizations. In that case, the answer is that you mostly can't verify anyone's claims of God-Realization. But what you can do is to become God-Realized yourself so that it becomes more obvious when people don't know what they're talking about. You can also develop keener discernment around self-deception in general, so that you can better spot fraudsters. Also, I've found that deeper God-Realization leads to you caring much less about feeling the need to verify other people's awakenings in general. It's useful for practical purposes so you don't get duped by false teachers, but otherwise it doesn't really matter.
  21. You aren't suppose to believe Leo or anyone else here. That's the whole point. Discover God for yourself. Practically speaking, there are many tools and practices that have been discussed at length for you to accomplish this. You will either do them and figure it out or not. Either way, your belief about it does not really matter as long as you are suffuciently open-minded to make a genuine effort.
  22. @soos_mite_ah Turquoise to me always felt really badly defined in the SD model. Once you hit Green / Yellow, I find it's no longer that useful to keep thinking of your growth in terms of the Spiral. If by Turquoise you basically just mean doing hardcore spiritual work, then I'd say that's not something to force. You might just be in a phase where you want to focus on more basic human things. Or maybe you don't even want the highest levels of spiritual realization in this life time at all.
  23. That’s even worse. Really think this through dude.