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Everything posted by aurum

  1. I have no direct experience with this but my gut says that inter-dimensional beings do exist. Can't prove it yet, just intuition so far.
  2. You're welcome! Glad you liked it
  3. "Dissolving" is just a metaphor for lack of a better word for the process of dis-identifying with ego. Tolle doesn't actually mean you'll never function as your character again. It might be true that you're actually the one universal ineffable consciousness, but to paraphrase Jed McKenna, you need something to wear.
  4. 1) While you can experiences of no-ego, the ego never totally "dies" as Martin explains. It just eventually becomes like a costume you can take on or off 2) Sounds worth looking into. I did some digging and he has yoga exercises related to his ideas of symmetry
  5. Thanks! New review comes out every other day at midnight EST
  6. Neurosculpting, Man's Search for Meaning, Emotional Intelligence, Learned Optimism are all great ones.
  7. @Deepak sadhwani The Confidence Gap and Six-Pillars of Self-Esteem are great places to start. What specific things are you interested in?
  8. A question about cold approach...of course I gotta get in this mix I've done 1000's of approaches at this point and the benefits were shocking. I'm talking in just a COUPLE MONTHS, your range of what you would have considered socially possible for you could be astronomically different. Likewise, I've seen tons of guys go through the same process and have gotten similar results. So it's not just me. That being said, success in this area is probably not what you think. Guys have this idea that getting good at cold approach means that all your social problems will be solved. They think they'll NEVER get rejected again. Or they'll never feel socially awkward and everyone will love them. But that hasn't happened for me. Everyone makes mistakes. In essence, just like anything else, you'll get out of cold approach what you put in. If you just go out for a month, don't study the theory, don't breakdown your interactions, don't work on yourself outside of game, you probably you won't see a ton of change. But if you do put the work It's powerful shit.
  9. Sit crossed-legged. See how easy an hour is doing that first.
  10. Inspiring man! This was a total mind-fuck when I became aware of this. I didn't use those words, but I think I can see what you're trying to point at. Glad to hear not every trip is a dive into pure hell. The Kola-nut tip seems really useful. It's very interesting to see the interplay with seeking Truth and your personal development. Incredible that you seem to be getting all these benefits just from taking a drug, although I understand the emotional labor is still intense.
  11. Yes, you're really can be a nerd. The external doesn't matter that much. It's your psychology that counts the most.
  12. You're only looking at the surface level of things. You're seeing the "badboy" getting women and assuming "okay, this is how I must have to act". When in reality, there are underlying behaviors that the badboy might exhibit from time to time that make him attractive, but the entire strategy isn't what is winning him women. Vulnerability or "being nice" will make you crush it with women. But the problem is I can already tell you have no idea what people really mean when they say that. So it's useless advice to you, even if it's true. Here's some Game 101: When you meet a woman, she wants a man who she feels simultaneously wants her, yet doesn't NEED her at all. It's kind of attitude you usually have when you're just having fun with your friends. Things are good, and nothing necessarily needs to happen for you to have a nice time. Fall too far to one side of not giving a shit, and you're an asshole. Fall too far to one side of wanting her, and you come across as a needy pathetic nice guy. The badboy isn't needy, and that's why he does well when he does. But actually, most guys are complete assholes are not at all doing the best with women because the girl eventually feels like this guy just doesn't care at all. Guys THINK that material things like money, looks etc are what causing the girl to like you. So we spend our lives trying to manipulate our circumstances to meet what we think women want. But the reality is that when these things work, it's really because you psychologically allowed yourself to act in the way I described. And you can alter your identity to where acting like this is just feels completely natural. It's just "who you are". What sort of behaviors does a man who is in this mental head space tend to exhibit? 1) He's RELAXED and AT EASE WITH HIMSELF 2) He's not afraid to offend someone if deemed necessary 3) GIVING good emotions to other people 4) Laughter, having fun 5) Other women around him or seeking his approval 6) Being a leader 7) Knows how to make himself feel good 8) Not afraid to put their full personality and desires out there 9) Knows what he wants And I could go on and on. Don't get me wrong, I'm just presenting a model here. There will be lots of nuances and special cases. For instance, some women are more validation hungry than others and so will often go after guys who withhold validation more. But, generally this is how it's done. Now let's circle back to our original thesis, which was that being vulnerable is effective with women. Notice that many of the traits I listed could be defined as "being vulnerable". BUT it's being vulnerable in a very different way. We've pulled away false assumptions, like that you need to be afraid of rejection. So vulnerability takes on a much different meaning.
  13. I'm honestly probably not the best person to answer this because I know I still have some emotional walls around love. But I've at least seen the direction I want to go and share that with you. Ultimately, love isn't about what you "get" from the other person. Now, that doesn't mean chemistry isn't important. Because certainly some people are just better matches for each other. However, most people ONLY care about chemistry and how this person fulfills their own needs. From that perspective, love is honestly kind of selfish and just a tool of the ego. But I don't believe that's the highest form of love humans are capable of. True Love starts with YOU. You coming from a place where you're so fulfilled and at peace that you can't help but love other people. It just pours out of you. You can't help it. In that sense, True Love is really a love for yourself and for all of life. Then when you meet that person who you do have amazing chemistry with, your focus is more on GIVING. Another point: Love is a choice. No one can go into your brain and turn the "love dials". Ultimately, you do it to yourself. And so, you just make a choice that this is going to be the person you love and your actions reflect that. Now, most people won't like what I just said because it's validating to believe that it was something about THEM that made their lover fall head over heels. And certainly you do play a role. But you can't change a person who doesn't want to change. Do you and your boyfriend fit this description? I have no idea. I'm not faulting you if you don't because I certainly struggle with it. But just think about it.
  14. A quick note, it's very hard to break a habit unless you replace it with a new one. So for instance, if you're trying to kick TV watching, replace your TV watching time with maybe watching a self development video or listening to an audiobook. As far as incorporating multiple habits, it definitely can be tough. But I'd still try. What will probably happen is that some will stick and some won't, and then you'll eventually come back to the ones that didn't stick when the time is right.
  15. You don't. You can't actually repress emotions more than temporarily. That shit always comes back. Rather, observe your emotions objectively and see their impermanent nature.
  16. Awesome! Many people will not have that kind of experience in their whole life. You had it very quickly
  17. It depends on your definition of happiness. I'm not defining happiness as "excitement", like when you lost your virginity. I'm talking more about like a calm, present, peaceful state of being fulfilled instead of needing anything to be different. But yes, your positive emotions aren't "you" either. They're something going on in experience, and I'd much prefer them to negative emotions, but the truth is you can get attached to positivity as well and create suffering for yourself. Think about doing drugs. People get ATTACHED to the good feelings that come from the drugs. They can't handle when it goes away. They're still heavily identified with their experience. People who say they love life...great. I love life too. But actually, if you're so attached to "living", you won't be able love life because you're constantly afraid of death. Thus, you go through life actually suffering because of your attachment to it. When you drop those attachments to the either positive or negative, that's when presence and fulfillment comes in.
  18. Non-resistence and becoming present is definitely part of it. But I'm going to add one more thing: giving. When you genuinely give, you experience that sense of unity with all things people are looking for. I honestly feel like this is the key to life. Everything, whether you're trying to run a business or have good sex, comes from this place of giving. And yeah, you'll receive something usually in return. But even if you don't, it doesn't matter because the act of giving ALREADY made you feel good. So why do you need to receive anything? What can it give you at that moment that you don't already have? In that sense, you could argue even that giving is selfish. Giving is for you, because it puts you in this higher consciousness head space that automatically feels good. But we're arguing semantics at this point. Because if your motivations are impure, it won't do anything. The point is that you've become like Leo talks about a "benevolent force for good". You just want good for everybody and everything.
  19. Never said that. I'm not judging you, I'm trying to help you. In personal development, I've learned that not all emotions are created equal. There are certain behaviors and thoughts you don't engage with if you want to grow. I'm assuming you want to grow. What makes your feelings authentic? Because you're feeling them? Because you had a thought? Why are either of those things true? The truth is there's thoughts and emotions...and then there's your interpretation of these things. Low vibration, negative emotions aren't "authentic". That's ego creating suffering where there is none. I'm not asking you to repress or mask over anything. I'm saying see these things as they are. Some biological sensations in your chest? Some monkey mind chatter? Are you any of these things? No you're not. It's when you realize this that positivity and feeling good is a natural byproduct because you're not longer identified with these things. And over time, they tend to fall away to a certain degree. They never were true to begin with. Have you noticed that people who are highly evolved and successful tend to be happy? That's because they've learned this. They've learned they have control over how they want to live and interpret life. People who are stuck in negativity, that's what they call in personal development "coping, not thriving". They're just trying to get through your struggles and not feel bad, as apposed to THRIVING where you feel so good that you automatically want others to feel good. Happiness in this sense if actually something you need to fight for. Because although mediation can teach you that you don't need anything to be happy, you're not really capable of realizing that right now. You fight to the point where you can let it go.
  20. I'll tell you that my therapist is philosophically aligned much more with you (thriving instead of coping) and he does fantastic. That's why I see him, there was no one else who I felt really would be on board and understand my goals.
  21. Dude, this is exactly what I'm talking about. Whether or not I misinterpreted your question (I didn't), I still took time out of my day for no reason but to HELP you. Why would you not at least be appreciative? I'm not saying you need to get on your hands and knees and thank me, but why would you want to be negative? Why would you want me to feel a WORSE emotion? If you don't have friends that you feel you can express your problems to, it's NOT because people are assholes that lack empathy. There are INCREDBILE people out there in this world, people who would bleed for you, let alone listen to your "problems". But you're probably not finding them because you're negative! And they don't want to be around you because positive people want to be around other positive people. And so this just keeps reinforcing your world view that you can't find friends to express yourself to. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy man. You're doing this to yourself and you don't even realize it.
  22. For sure. Not that real life is much different @Frogfuciusone more thing, if people are giving you shit for this, they probably sense you're defensive about it. You can get away with so much social anarchy just by being unapologetic, it's hilarious when you see this glitch.
  23. Social media is a tool. If it fits your goals, use it. If it doesn't, don't. Deep Work by Cal Newport gives a detailed and nuanced explanation on this. I like social media, but not because I "use it" as a consumer. It's a business asset. Instagram is the number one driver of traffic to my blog. Easily the best marketing and sales tool I have. As a consumer, no way. I have no idea why people use it except that it obviously seems pretty addicting.