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Everything posted by aurum

  1. @Buba My gut reaction is to say you're trying to do too much at once. Pick one of those habits and start with that. I suggest meditation.
  2. @Omario You turn it around by becoming conscious of the fact that no one is better or worse than anyone. He's a tough question: who in your life do you feel superior to? Tell the truth.
  3. @thehero Don't talk about personal development with people who aren't into it. It's not your job to help them if they don't want it. Also, I'm giving you a homework assignment. For the next week, write five different things you like about this guy every night.
  4. @F A B I'm going to pick on you a bit and say that your question is way too broad. I've made out with girls without even talking and I've made out with girls after a long period of getting to know each other. There's really no hard and fast rule here. Here's some better questions: 1) What is attraction and what is the cause of it? 2) How do I know when a girl is feeling attracted to me? 3) What do women think about sex? If you answer these questions, you'll have the answer to your original question and more.
  5. @Frank B Do you pay yourself first? In other words, do you take a percentage of your income every month and put it away for savings first, before you pay your bills? If not, that's the quickest solution. But it's actually harder than you think because there's all sorts of psychological issues when it comes to money. Re: I'd also make a formal budget if you don't have one already. And then once you have it, STICK TO THE BUDGET. Must-Read-Books: - Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T Harv Eker - It's Not About The Money by Brent Kessell - Millionaire Booklet by Grant Cardone - Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki - Millionaire Fastlane by MJ DeMarco I also saw that @Keepmovingforward recommended Money, Master The Game by Tony Robbins. That's definitely a good book, but not if you're poor and want to be wealthy soon. That book is good if you're wealthy and want to stay wealthy.
  6. @OhHiMark Nothing else to do but learn what to do better in the future and then move on. There's always another job, even if it means you don't get to be on vacation 24/7 while the rest of us work
  7. @Leo-Tzu Yes to all. He had me write down three names (of deceased relatives) and three questions I want answered on a tiny index card. Then I signed the card, folded it up and gave it to him. He got all three names and three questions I wanted answered. Then for the next half hour continued to channel these entities. He also told me things that were shockingly accurate to my life. Things I can't explain how he would know. I also have an distant aunt who is an outspoken medium / psychic that lives in LA. Since the start of my own awakening, we've started to connect a lot more. As far as alternative healing, I've looked a lot into Reiki and just recently got trained in it. It definitely helps people.
  8. @h inandout I'm reading Unscripted by MJ DeMarco (10/10 book) and he had a couple great points on this. 1) Your passion can get killed by making it a job. When it's your source of livelihood, it becomes something you have to do. And no one wants to do anything they have to do, no matter what it is. 2) Passion comes from positive feedback. Sure, we'd all like to imagine that we're enlightened beings that don't need external rewards. But that's not reality. Reality is that external rewards help generate passion. When I see a comment on YouTube telling me how my content is changing their life, that fires me up and reminds me that what I'm doing is important. 3) Jobs can sometimes be a place of training / discovering your life purpose. Many entrepreneurs started at a job they were probably less passionate about and then broke off when the time was right.
  9. @Hardkill It's not "either / or". The winning formula is mass approach AND analyzing what you're doing. If you're just mass approaching and not self-reflecting, you'll improve, but you'll make a ton of the same mistakes over and over again. Your growth will be slower than necessary. If you're just self-reflecting, you're not getting the tangible experiences you need to develop those social skills. That would have never worked for me. When I was hitting it hard, it wouldn't be uncommon for me to approach 20-30 girls a night. I see a lot of new guys in pickup. The guys who get good are usually the guys who just embrace the fact they're going to have to approach a ton. The guys who never get better are the guys still going out 1-2x week and do three approaches. Sure, once you've already got good game and a solid social circle, 20-30 girls a week would be more than enough. But that's not the level where you're at. You're at the bottom. And it's okay if you're at the bottom. But that means you're going to need a different strategy than guys who are a bit ahead of you.
  10. @Malelekakis That is definitely a freedom of yours to indulge in. However, should the dream ever turn into a nightmare, I'd conjecture that you'd start considering waking up.
  11. @NoSelfSelf Disclaimer, I can't see auras (yet ) but the guy I learned reiki from taught me how to do it. What he said was to squint your eyes slightly and look right above the persons shoulder. If you keep looking, you should see a kinda grayish haze coming off. Don't be looking for anything crazy, it's subtle.
  12. @benny I dabbled in it while in college, basically just using the stuff I was learning on girls at frat parties. But I really started to take it seriously when I was 23. Took me about 6-8 months from there to get to a point where I started to consider myself good. And I was hitting it hard, usually out every single night. If you're wondering if it was worth it, the answer is absolutely. Game is this awesome combination of fun + learning and growth. I'd do it all again.
  13. Your true self isn't "doing" anything to you. It's difficult to imagine when you're in the struggle, but you chose all of this. Your true self looks on everything with love. The suffering, the victories, the loses, everything. It's all your journey and when you shift perspective, you can see it's beautiful. Easier said than done, I know. But that's okay too. Growth and learning is what this is all about.
  14. @smd Sounds like dude really wants to get laid. Teach him some game, it will save him a couple years of his life and his bank account.
  15. @egoless Yup, just another friendly paradox. More open-mindedness and seeing through your belief structure actually leads to more confidence. Understand that lack of confidence ultimately comes from not understanding your true connection to Source / The universe. When you still think you're this isolated person, everything seems uncertain and like it couldn't work out for you. The more you burn away the delusion of ego (your current belief structure) and connect with Source, the more you realize at a deep level you are the total creator of your experience. So then when you say "I want X" or "I am Y", there's no wavering or doubt that will happen. What couldn't you manifest when you have a direct line to God? Think about Jesus walking on water. Whether or not you believe that happened, the point is that Jesus KNEW so deeply he was one with God that he didn't hesitate to think he could walk on water. People who don't get this see it as being delusional. How could anyone have that much faith in themselves? But those people are still stuck in the egoic paradigm of the world where they think they have to do everything.
  16. Given that LOA is the law responsible for the total of everyone's experience, that's not strictly true. That would imply that egoic pursuits somehow aren't governed by the LoA. But the LoA doesn't judge ego as bad. If someone is being run by ego, they'll get egoic experiences. That's what most of our culture is. But if someone decides they want to move up and be driven by something more, they'll get that. It's all your choice.
  17. That's the beauty of it. The Light side couldn't be the Light side if it said "you must join us!". No. That would make it no different than the Dark side. So it's really just a choice you make for your own sake, not because anyone or anything is telling you to do it. And it can't be any other way. You'll find the courage to move up when you've finally had enough of being in the dark. You'll realize that while there is no "good" or "bad", the Dark side has a major cost. Your own well-being. Nonetheless, it will keep trying to sneak its way in. That get-rich-quick-scheme, that drug, that criticizing and moralizing. It's all the same shit. But the good news is that the Light has always been there. You don't have to find it, you have to let it out. That's when you've found something worth dying for.
  18. @Jhonny You're not an introvert. Or at the very least, this personality that you currently think is you is not who you really are. Can you remember any brief moments where maybe you were more extroverted? What did they look like and feel like?
  19. @Jhonny are you actually an introvert, or are you just shy?
  20. Are you sure? You already know the answer. Why is his happiness more important than yours?
  21. @Shakazulu Schedule, schedule, schedule. I resisted scheduling for awhile because I thought I wanted "freedom" and to "be in the moment". And while I do want those things, scheduling the right way doesn't negatively impact that. It helps. Before you go to sleep, put in your calendar for tomorrow when you going to read, work on your life purpose and whatever else you're doing. And then just stick to the schedule.
  22. Your degree of unconditional love for everything around you. The whole game of the ego is that it wants everything to be a certain way. When that criteria doesn't get met, that's when your resistance to what is kicks in.
  23. @Sopot That's great you're interested in the course. If you were to find a way to pay for the course on your own, what do you think it would be?
  24. @Tony Tellez They're just following the socially conditioned script that has been given to them. Don't fight it, you won't win. Just keep doing what you know is right and try and bring as many people up with you as you can.