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Everything posted by aurum

  1. Of course. I believe everyone should have more money than they'd ever need. The paradox though is that I know I'm unlikely to make that kind of money unless I focus on life purpose. So I expect to be a millionaire because of what I contribute.
  2. @hinawashi The hero never really understands what he is getting into when he accepts the call. But as mind bending and confusing as it can be, I kind of like it this way. You never know what the next paradigm is going to be. Which is way more exciting than when you just thought you knew everything.
  3. I get it. And I do believe you. But I also believe you’re avoiding what’s a very obvious problem. Where’s the fear?
  4. You get a girlfriend. One of the main reasons for doing this work is that you can produce any kind of results you want in life. Want to be a millionaire? You can do it. Want to travel the world? You can do it. The idea that you should sacrifice getting a girlfriend just so you can do personal development is completely missing the point. Even Leo has a girlfriend. Here's the new question you need to ask yourself: why don't you feel you deserve a girlfriend?
  5. @LessonsSavesLifes Do you have a business you’re working on? You could ask about that. I’d also ask him about his experience as a CEO. How did he become an entrepreneur? What has been his biggest challenege running the YMCA? What would he do differently? Soak up as much of his mindset as possible. Listen 95% and talk 5%.
  6. @mikeyy Love it. You obviously can approach so your next step is learning how to do it more strategically. At what stage in the interaction did you find it going downhill? When you first approached? When you asked for her number? Tell me that and I can give you more specific advice.
  7. @Monkey-man My gut says you’re not teaching out of some sort of ego trip. You’re actually looking to help. The problem is your execution is off. You can’t force people into this work, there has to be some crack of receptivity first before that can happen. Also, you better make sure you do your homework. Master your subject and your ability to teach it if that’s what you truly care about.
  8. The Ultimate Model of Human Knowledge. That video came at such a perfect time for me when I was really questioning the nature of beliefs and what is true about reality. Completely opened up my mind.
  9. @doucey24 It is realistic, but maybe not for you at this current stage. One of the things you realize in this work is that you can only move up so fast. Everyone has a subconscious / energetic “baseline” they feel most comfortable at. And when you push outside that baseline too hard, too fast, there’s a snapback effect. That’s what you’re experiencing right now. This is progress though.The only thing to do is just to get back on your habits as soon as possible. Eventually you’ll get to a point where managing that morning routine is no struggle.
  10. @Peter Zemskov I’m on this as well. My gut says it’s absolutely possible. But so far I haven’t made much traction. Check out a guy named Meir Schneider. He’s been helping people do this for years. The main exercises I’ve seen people get benefits with is sungazing. Maybe it’s just the process of looking into the distance for an extended period of time. But there are good reports I’ve seen on that. The hardest part for me has just been the practical ramifications of dropping lens. My eyesight is so bad that to not wear my glasses or contacts means I almost can’t function. Add in the fact that almost all my work revolves around my computer / cell phone and it’s a struggle.
  11. @Joshua_ You’ve gotten some awareness that your emotions have always been under your control. That’s a big insight so well done. If you study Law of Attraction, they will say that your emotional state determines a huge amout of your reality. God speaks feelings, not words. So positive emotions not only feel nice, they guide us to creating a positive reality. After being skeptical of this for a long time, I have to admit that it lines up a lot with my own experience. Life is an emotional game, and those who can consciously control their emotional state reep the biggest rewards. Part of the reason its not talked about is because it ruins the stories people cling to about why they’re unhappy. They’d have to take responsibility for their own emotions.
  12. That’s the point. Confusion means your mind is processing new ideas. Did you just understand math the first time you stepped into a classroom? Or was there some confusion? You don’t need to read every book, and there are books you should read more than once. But I also I agree with Leo. Read 200 books and many of the questions you have will be answered. You’ll still be confused, but you’ll at least be confused while understanding more than 95% of the population. Understand that life is far more complex than you may have previously believed. For every good point an author makes in his book, there’s likely a counter argument that’s just as valid. So you need a mental model of the world that is ultimately contradictory. You should be seeking those ideas out, otherwise your thinking will be too simple to really navigate at a high level.
  13. @Samuel Garcia Would you have really listened? There’s certain things people just have to experience. Suffering might be part of that. As much as I believe in helping people, the the truth is that if someone else could do all the work for you, there’d be no point. And when you try to force change on people it almost always backfires because it’s not genuine. Its become about YOUR need to save everyone, not whether the other person wants to change.
  14. Of course it doesn’t feel that way. This is a lesson you’re probably going to have to hear hundreds of times before it starts to really sink in. If it was as simple as understanding it conceptually, almost everyone would get it. So start looking for how this plays out in your life. Watch what happens when your focus shifts from “it’s about me” to “it’s about contribution”. See the ramifications play out. Also, keep hammering yourself with kind of “contribution-positive” material. Leo’s life purpose course would help. Or you could read books which talk about the importance of contribution and service. Start programming yourself with those thoughts.
  15. @Ilya Your strategy has one serious flaw. People who don’t care about contributing to others never get what they really want. You say you want a wooden house beside a river. How are you going to get that? Unless you build it with your own hands, it’s going to be by working and contributing value for someone. You say you want the love of your life to live with you. But why would anyone want to be in a relationship with you if you’re not going to contribute to the relationship what they’re looking for? I could go on and on. It’s a law of the universe: you give to get. You might think that by not contributing you’re winning because you’re going to get what you want and not have to worry about anyone else. But that’s a myopic, naive worldview. So feel free to try your strategy. But I think you’re going to be ultimately disapointed with the results.
  16. Nice work. You took action and got some lessons. Now rinse, repeat until you’re where you want to be. You don’t. Things are generally happening too fast for the conscious mind, which is why we need to make it instinctual for you. You get that through massive repeition and getting out of your own head.
  17. I definitely agree with you, that’s the ultimate version of what game should look like. But consider that: a) what you’ve done in the past that may have seemed authentic hasn’t worked b) any personal growth is going to require change. If you’re not changing, you’re not growing. c) any new action is going to feel clunky and inauthentic at first So I’ll ask you. What are some specific things that you found inauthentic or distasteful about game?
  18. Here’s an imperfect analogy. Let’s say you’re trying to learn sales. So I hand you all the best training material I can find on how to sell. Guys who have been getting consistent results for years and years. But when I try to give it to you, you say “I don’t want learn from them. They’re objectifying the customer!”. Now because of your bias, you cut yourself off from learning. That’s you with pickup. The fact that you only want to learn game if its taught in the way YOU think it should be, shows you’re not truly ready to recieve yet. Because if you were, you’d follow truth wherever it lead. Here’s an controversial but undeniable fact: anyone who is looking to produce a tangible result in their life you should be willing to look at how the most low consciousness, manipulative people achieve it and understand why it works. Some of my best lessons early on in game came from friends of mine who were complete degenerates but knew how to get laid. Only because I didn’t judge it was I able to recieve those. If it’s sales, you should be able to understand why the hustler on the corner is able to consisteny swindle relatively smart people out of $50 in a game of dice. What I love is that once you understand it, you can rise above it. There’s many things certain puas do that I don’t indulge in. But when you’re learning, you don’t get to moralize and decide how pickup should or shouldn’t work. I don’t mean this as a personal attack. I went through the same thing. My intention is purely to make you aware of some internal blocks I’m percieving off you that are keeping you from where you want to go.
  19. No one is telling you to just stop believing it. That's impossible. What we're trying to do is explain to you that there's another paradigm. Another way of viewing the world. No, what you need is to GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD. If you don't do meditation, you need to now. You're not god damn robot. Your challenge is to go do something in the next 72 hours that will bring you to tears of joy. I don't care how you do it, just do it.
  20. @TeamBills I've never done a retreat, but I've spent a lot of time doing sports like snowboarding in those temperatures. Slow, deep breathing. Move your body. Spend sometime coming up to the retreat accumulating to those temperatures before you go. And bring a good immune support supplement because your body is going to be taxed. Other than that, grit your teeth and just do it.
  21. @Ether Thinking has a role. So if your goal is to never think again, I'd reconsider. Instead, shoot to eliminate the 80% of thinking which is basically useless conditioning just on repeat. The more you meditate the more present you'll become overtime.
  22. @egoless I don't endorse objectifying women, but the fact that you even asked that question shows me your mind is not in the right place. You're not going to have success in this area until you let go of your judgments of how it should be done.
  23. @heisenburger So glad you shared this, I'm a huge believer in conscious emotional control exercises like these. Take the time out of your day to get your mind right.
  24. @Ether No. I never even think about enlightenment anymore. That's not to say I'm not doing spiritual work. I just don't care if I ever reach this magical "enlightenment" point. I don't even care if it exists. What excites me is just getting better every day. Any mental energy I used to spend speculating about what enlightenment is like or if I was enlightened yet just seems like noise now.