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Everything posted by aurum

  1. Can you point to anything that is 100% ethical? Or even define what that means? I'm not saying all businesses are the same in the value they bring to society or that there hasn't been corruption. But if you're looking for 100% ethical where no one ever gets hurt and nothing bad ever happens to anyone ever, that's a real fairy tale. A much more realistic perspective is to just accept that society is imperfect and that every attempt to improve it will also be imperfect. We just do the best we can at the current stage we are at. That's all anyone can ever do anyway.
  2. @egoless If by financial investor you mean a venture capitalist, his contribution would be providing resources to businesses that are helping people.
  3. @Ayilton I've really enjoyed it every time I've done it. That was a go-to move for my girlfriend and I in high school so we didn't get caught by our parents in the house. You won't be doing advanced Karma Sutra positions, but if you have a big enough car it's not overly limiting. Missionary works, cowgirl works, doggy works. You don't need much more than that because the novelty of doing it in a car is usually enough. It definitely does get hot though. That thing in the movies where the windows fog up is real as real. Put on the AC if you can and you should be fine.
  4. @jivvie Welcome to the forum! Glad you decided to make the leap.
  5. Consistent good content + hashtags + automation for almost 2 years. The account you're looking at actually used to have 400+ pictures but I deleted a ton of them because I wanted to take things in a new direction. I wouldn't worry about follower count too much if it's just for girls. They don't really care that much. Way more important is your pictures and your Story. Stack that social proof and document all the cool things you do.
  6. @Freakrik What is manipulation? Is going to school to learn how to talk manipulation? Is getting your haircut manipulation? Is practicing a big speech in front of a mirror manipulation? Is making a joke manipulation? A far better question than asking if you're "manipulating people" is what is your intention? Your intent trumps all. The reason I have no hangups with the pickup stuff is because I know who I am and what my intent is. I know I want a positive experience for any girl I meet and that she is going to be blown away once she gets to know me. When you say things like : that you're experiencing a lot of guilt and shame. You're conflicted because you WANT to get girls, but the way to get girls seems evil and wrong. You gotta kill that mindset. No good salesperson doesn't believe in selling. No good musician doesn't believe in playing music. Likewise, if you want to be good at picking up girls, you have to believe in picking up girls. It's really that simple. You have to believe you're doing something positive. Again, it all comes down to intent. Set your genuine intention for not only a good experience for yourself, but also for her. No matter what happens no one can take your intent away.
  7. Fantasy and projection basically. The good news is that it's extremely common. The bad news is that it usually leads to heartbreak.
  8. Has this been the case so far? How has being the fixer worked out for you? And how has it helped you in the past?
  9. I think your initial reaction is the right one. Sounds pretty miserable.
  10. Could you do all of this without necessarily intending on dating her? When I say "enjoy being single", I don't mean do nothing. I mean meet girls, maybe hook up with them and just let things happen organically. That's actually my strategy for getting a girlfriend. I emotionally let go of needing a girlfriend while still continually putting myself out there in situations where I know it could happen. That's up to you, I can't tell you how much you should be invested in your own goals. So while time may be a real concern, I'd also consider if time is really the issue. Where there ever be a perfect time? Or will you finish your exam and have another commitment to attend to? Just chew it over. Absolutely not, because of one thing: Instagram. Now that most dating apps allow you to connect your Instagram, their value has skyrocketed for me. If you have a good Instagram it can basically do all the work for you in terms of "game". If you don't have a good Instagram, I would seriously consider starting to build one. Follow me at @akourakin if you wanna see examples of what I'm doing. That all being said, of course there is lots of value to approaching girls in person as well.
  11. Well said. We often wonder why people aren't more conscious, but the reality is that many people just aren't ready. The blocks exist for a reason.
  12. @Torkys From the quotes I'm reading from him, he sounds very similar to the mindset of many school shooters. My armchair theory is that he was in a lot of pain and wanted other people to understand him. This is very common in school shooters: they want to inflict pain because it's the only way they see that they can feel connected. In retrospect, all of us should have had more empathy and saw these posts for what they actually were. Cries for help. Let's send some love to his family.
  13. Welcome, thanks for joining us. No there aren't. There are only stages of development. However, you will find that certain hobbies are going to far more beneficial than others. In theory, you could. But most people just zone out like zombies when they watch TV. That's the point of it. They're just trying to distract themselves and avoid being present. I do a lot of social events. Some people might say it's distracting but it really depends on the person and why they're doing it.
  14. @lmfao It really depends. Many people's life purpose will involve helping other people in some sort of fashion, so I don't imagine self-actualization means living in a cave for them.
  15. If you really just want to say fuck it and go celibate, that's up to you. But if you really want a girlfriend, why quit? You already don't have a girlfriend. So the worse that can happen is you just end up back at square one. You have nothing to lose. And yes, most girls you meet will not be girls you want to make your girlfriend. So what? Enjoy being single. Another thing I would suggest you do is get crystal clear on what kind of girl you want to date long term. What ethnicity is she? What hair color? What values? What does she do for fun? What are her goals? Etc Once you have that crystal clear idea, reverse engineer it. Where does she hang out? How could you meet her? Then start putting the pieces in place to make that happen. For example, let's say you wanted to date a girl who is a fashion model. I would start making friends with photographers, attending fashion shows, making sure my wardrobe is up to par, etc. Just swiping Tinder is probably not going to be enough if you really want a high quality dating life.
  16. I set people free from themselves.
  17. @RendHeaven He's actually very spot on. Many people refuse to seek the right help and so they never grow.
  18. It's 0% true. That being said, it's a very small percentage of men out there who would actually be willing to commit to that level of improvement. Improvement is fucking hard and getting to a high level in anything requires a ton of dedication.
  19. @IvanV21 You don't deal with her, you make a better decision next time you choose who is going to be your girlfriend. Break it off. That sounds harsh but you can't control her or fix whatever emotional issues she has. That's not your responsibility. And next time you go to commit to a girl, test the waters first. What happens if you suddenly don't text back for a couple days? What happens if you bring a female friend around? If she freaks out at those kind of things, you can expect it will only get way worse once you're actually together.
  20. I actually plan on making a whole video on my channel about this topic. It's really in depth. Here's a couple options: 1) Work 40 hours a week and hustle on your life purpose in any free time you have. 2) Work 40 hours a week but save money and plot your escape to open some sort of business. I might be wrong but I'm pretty sure this is what Leo did. 3) Get a part time job (20~ hrs a week) and drastically cut your expenses. Hustle on your life purpose in your free time. 4) Leverage social connections you might have. I was able to get free rent for half a year at a beautiful apartment simply because of someone I knew. I've used all these options at different points. At the end of the day, you just have to find a way to make it work. Do whatever it takes.
  21. @BestSelf Very normal, expect that your progress is going to always fluctuate. Keep up the good work.
  22. @SirImprovement I've moved on, but I actually was pretty involved in that community for awhile. So I know all about it. Basically it's the place to go if you're angry and hurt about your past experiences with women. Maybe you got divorced, maybe you got cheated on or maybe girls just never wanted to have sex with you. And you're starting to see that the beliefs you were fed about women by society are just not true. So there's a lot of accurate ideas that get thrown around TheRedPill. At the same time, the whole community is so based on pain that there's a lot of victim mentality / misogyny that comes up as well. But you know what? I'm okay with all of it. It's easy for us to judge guys who are going through that. But the truth is none of us are born with the perfect paradigm and perfectly enlightened. You have to go through the process. And sometimes that process is messy. Sometimes the process looks like you being pissed the fuck off. Sometimes it looks like you lashing out at others. Sometimes it looks like plain delusion. So I see TheRedPill as healing disguised as anger. Healing for guys who truthfully don't have many other options. Where else can you learn this and find people with similar experiences who will understand you?
  23. Life purpose. Much easier said than done, but that is the answer.
  24. There is some fundamental problems with this line of thinking. First is that you believe that her emotions are your responsibility. That's another socially conditioned belief. In reality, every person has the choice to feel however they want about a situation. I'm not suggesting using that as an excuse to run around hurting people. But notice that this belief is actually keeping you from being free and fully authentic. Whose life are you living if you're afraid of how she will feel if you break up with her? The reason seeing her feel "bad" makes you feel bad is because it triggers your own feelings of shame. Unfortunately she doesn't understand any of this and so she will likely externalize the cause of her negative emotions onto you. You can't control that, that's her own issues she will have to work through when the time comes. Again, the consequences of you not doing this are far greater than doing it. This relationship is likely just going to get more and more toxic as long as these feelings go unexpressed.
  25. Sounds to me that maybe you want this because you're lost, at least somewhat scared, and don't know what to do.