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Everything posted by aurum

  1. @psychoknaut You're still so young. Experiment and try things out that you feel called towards. If you wanna meet girls you're probably going to have to move to an area where there's a lot of girls. Oh and start meditating if you don't already.
  2. @thehero Yeah I've been in similar situations. It sucks but it's not your job to rescue their relationship. Don't let them make you feel guilty, they have to take responsibility for the fact that they are lying to their partner and wanted you to cover for them.
  3. Shit man you gotta let me know what your secret is since it's so easy for you.
  4. I don't have a set time, really just depends what I have going on that day. Usually somewhere between 8AM - 10AM
  5. @BestSelf You can think of ego as your fear-based mental programming. The essence of this being that you are a separate entity that must cling and struggle to survive. Part of this is just basic social conditioning, but part of this is also due to negative experiences growing up. Let's say someone in your family is killed by a member of a different race. The pain of that death might cause your family to react negatively and form a mental separation against that race. It's now "us vs them" instead of just "us". Or take the example of someone who had really negative social experiences growing up. Because they never felt accepted and part of the group, they grow up feeling separated. They feel like an "outsider" and may even develop negative beliefs like "people can't be trusted". So heavy identification with ego is in many ways just compensation. It's not a coincidence that people who are attracted to the spiritual community usually have deep wounds that need healing. Conversely, I've found that people with really positive experiences growing up tend not to create so many serious mental separations. They feel accepted and part of the whole. They feel love for everyone. Love is the natural state. I like to say that sometimes awakening just feels like you're becoming "normal" for the first time. And so I definitely think it's possible that people with positive experiences growing up can be happy. They never had to heavily identify with ego.
  6. @BobbyLowell That's a really broad question. Do you have something more specific?
  7. @Jamesc For most people, it represents scarcity and an attempt to fulfill a socially conditioned narrative.
  8. I'm mostly kidding. But there is some truth to it. Guys think getting jacked is what will get them laid. Wrong. The intangibles are far more important, which is what yoga places an emphasis a on. Yoga also has a community aspect to it. People will hang out before and after class, sometimes go to outside events. You could easily meet 10 girls who you have a commonality with today by going to a yoga class. Compare that to trying to hit on the random girl at the gym in between sets. So while I don't recommend being the guy who just goes to yoga to creep on girls, it is great if it's something you genuinely enjoy. The girls are just a bonus.
  9. @thehero "Yoga will get you laid a lot more than lifting weights".
  10. @Xin My morning ritual is pretty long right now. I don't think everyone needs to do what I'm doing, but since I've committed to being a teacher of this work I want to really understand it. So here it is: 1) I take a quick trip to the beach with my yoga mat. Dip in the ocean, and then do some yoga in the morning sun. Stole this from Russell Simmons. 2) Come home and meditate for an hour 3) I do what Tony Robbin's calls priming. It's basically a set of visualizations and breathing techniques used to put you in a high vibration state and set your subconscious mind on your goals. Just YouTube "Tony Robbins priming" to see what I'm talking about. 4) I'm now about 3 hours in. Now I'll finally eat something, usually just some raw vegetables. Obviously I don't do this verbatim every single day. But I definitely do some version of this on an average day. I always want to end with the priming because I feel like that's what puts me in a high vibration state the most.
  11. @Shroomdoctor Thanks, glad it helped. Awesome, go for it
  12. @Dami I think wanting to help animals is great. But no one should ever do it out of feeling guilty because guilt is a lie. There is no reason to feel guilty about anything. Guilt is also a weak motivator. No one moves a mountain because they feel guilty, they do the bare minimum they can get away with so that they don't have to feel guilt anymore. So you won't save many animals that way. Also, consider that it's literally impossible to not inflict some amount of harm on other people or species no matter what you do. If you walked outside in nature today, you probably stepped on some bugs. If you take an Uber, you didn't take a taxi. Animals kill other animals to eat and survive all the time. So at a certain point, you just have to accept that the world isn't perfect and isn't going to be perfect probably anytime soon. We can work to improve things, but at the end of the day society is where it's at and unless you're going to move into a cave, you have to live in it. And maybe things don't need to be perfect. Maybe they're perfect in their own way, not in the way we wish they would be.
  13. I had a similar situation in college. I didn't have the strength to say "fuck it" either until a couple years after I graduated. It may be part of your journey that you actually have to be in the Matrix for a bit longer. You may still have some lessons to learn or skills to gain before breaking out. Or, you could double down on your resolve to break out. Read books like Toxic Parents by Susan Forward and If You Had Controlling Parents by Dan Neuharth. Realize that what they are doing is ultimately selfish and not about you at all. And of course, keep up the spiritual work.
  14. @Widdle Puppy I don't want to make you paranoid but night clubs are designed to intimidate you. They want people to feel like the club is maybe too cool for them. This makes the people who are on the inside feel very validated because they're in the super exclusive club. And it also screens out people who perceive themselves as low status and don't think they deserve to be there. The key is just to desensitize yourself to it. I live in Miami and go to nightclubs a lot, so at this point it doesn't affect me much. There's only so many times you can watch bottles of alcohol with sparklers get wheeled out before it stops becoming a big deal. Combine that with all the inner work that Leo teaches on and you'll be fine.
  15. Grant Cardone, Tai Lopez and Gary Vee are some of my favorites. All incredible salesmen.
  16. I'm happy to share a story. One of the hardest periods of my life was when I launched my blog at I had just finished graduate school and had planned on going into a lucrative career in the financial world. But right towards the tail end of my schooling, I had a deep awakening experience. The experience was so intense that I had to spend a large part of the next couple months just trying to figure out what the hell had happen to me. Major existential crisis. Taking a more traditional career no longer felt right anymore, and so I started as a passion project instead. Things were okay for awhile. The blog made some money but it wasn't enough to pay the bills even though I was working basically 24/7. I started burning through my savings that I got from previous jobs in order to keep it going. Then it all went to shit. One day I go to check my bank account and my stomach drops. Zero dollars. I am completely flat broke and a stack of bills to pay. For some of you, maybe this isn't a big deal. Bu I never had something like that happen to me before. And I was triggered bad. Then the next day, one of the girls I was fucking calls me up crying. She's late on her period and thinks she might be pregnant. And since she isn't fucking anyone else, the kid would have to be mine. Now I'm basically panicking. But of course, I can't let her know that because I'm the man and I'm supposed to have things under control. I have to go see her and calm her down instead. The next few days it felt like I was exorcising demons from myself. All these thoughts of what could happen and how my life was over were just replaying over and over. Everything just seemed to be coming at me all at once and I had no idea what to do. At some point I decided to lay down on my bed and just stare at the ceiling. I think it was about all the energy I had I was so beat down. But something strange happened. As I stared at the ceiling, I suddenly started to laugh. The whole situation just seemed absurd. Existential crisis, being broke, the stress of figuring out a new business, pregnancy scare. I mean, could there be anything else? Was I going to get struck by lightening when I walked outside too? So I just let it go. And when I did, things started to shift. I was still pretty depressed and confused. But by some miracle I paid all my bills and got some more money coming in. That girl ended up not being pregnant. And I sorted out a lot of the existential, spiritual questions I had looming. Things are much better now. My career is on an awesome upward track. I'm networking with higher and higher up people. My game is better than it's ever been. And I'm just way happier. What's crazy though is that I feel like this is only the start. I've been planting a lot of seeds behind the scenes, so for those of you who follow my content don't be surprised if you see me doing some big things in the next couple years. Life really is amazing. The fact that I'm sitting here and able to write this at all is a blessing I never want to take for granted. And if you're traveling through that darkness, I want everyone to see that's a blessing in it's own way. Because you don't know who you're going to be on the other side.
  17. Until you have a new girl, it can be tough to left go of the old. It sounds crude but it does work. Quick tip, if you're 22 I would just scratch the whole idea of inviting girls on formal one on one "dates". First dates are high pressure for a girl. Instead, invite out groups of people. Make it a social thing.
  18. Yes it's okay. It's not that a certain amount of support and affection aren't important in relationships. They're extremely important. But they have to be coming from the right place, which is what I mentioned in the previous comment.
  19. Sounds like that definitely could be part of it. You might want to read Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T Harv Eker and It's Not About The Money by Brent Kessel.
  20. There's asking for advice, and then there's wanting to be told what to think and how to act. The first is what every smart person should be doing. You don't know everything, so of course you want to seek out mentors, guidance etc. The second is being a sheep. You don't question things or think critically. You just blindly follow people who you perceive as an authority or certain in their beliefs.
  21. Does Luke Skywalker know he's going to be able to blow up the Death Star and defeat the Empire? No, he's going into the unknown where failure is possible. The good and bad news is that this is not a unique problem to you. The reality is that no one knows whether what they're doing is right. There are people though who are at peace with the ambiguity. These are the people who set trends and run the world. While everyone else is looking to be told how to think and how to act, they make decisions. That's how you want to think of yourself. Not someone who always has the answer, but someone who can decide for themselves anyway. Another important point is that it sounds like you're just getting started with self-actualization. Your context for how things are going to turn out is very small, which can add to the confusion. One reason it's a little easier for me to have faith in the process is that I can see how even my lowest moments benefited me. You may not have that luxury. Nothing to do but stick to the process of the proven things that work. Keep meditating, reading, cleaning up your diet, etc.
  22. @7thLetter All the examples you listed here involve money. What are your beliefs about money?
  23. @Temuka Start by getting small wins. Set a realistic goal and then actually go and execute on it instead of fantasizing. Slowly your mind will open up to more and more possibilities as your self-image and confidence changes.