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Everything posted by aurum

  1. @Deepu You need the ability to self-reflect, but you don't want to turn that into self-attack where you hate yourself. Meditate.
  2. You're only 19 and I'm assuming the opportunity for these kind of things is not great in Egypt. However, it also sounds like there's a part of you that still wants it. So if you're telling yourself that you don't care because you're already happy, I would definitely question that.
  3. From what I've seen, yes. It's always about a wound. But be careful. It's tempting when you here that to think "wow that's fucked up" or believe that something has "gone wrong" with you or anyone else. No. You chose for that to happen. That wound is ironically your way to waking up. The dark energy builds until you decide to let it go.
  4. You're welcome brotha
  5. @WildeChilde McKenna is a bit of an enigma. On the one hand, he seems like a very caring man who has had some deep existential insights and is passionate about his work. On the other hand, he seems likes a grumpy old man that wants to sit on his porch and yell at the kids for playing on his lawn. Is it marketing? It is a genius enlightened master's trick? Is he so far beyond us that we can't even understand him? I don't know and I don't really care to know. Speculation beyond a limit is pointless. What really matters is your own journey and how you choose to live your life.
  6. @Widdle Puppy Any sort of healing practice will help here. Look into meditation, yoga, breathwork, reiki etc. I'd especially focus on opening up your heart and solar plexus chakra. Beyond that, I have no blueprint. You want an engineering solution to an emotional problem. You'll let go when you're ready to let go.
  7. @BobbyLowell More accurate to say you'll be giving up your emotional attachment to being understood. Being authentic means some people will not understand you, ever. You don't have to like it but you do at some point need to accept it.
  8. @Solvinden I've gotten professional coaching before. It can definitely be a great investment given that you found the right coach. I don't know anything about the program you're talking about so it's hard for me to say if it's a good deal.
  9. @Viking I'd say just the opposite. We'd probably develop the empathy, compassion and understanding to stop killing each other and even live in harmony.
  10. @7thLetter Meditation, yoga, healthy eating, gym, sun gazing, affirmations, visualization, life purpose, pickup, reading.
  11. It doesn't matter what normal is. Normal is bullshit, there is no normal. The question is, what do you want? You're free to do whatever you want. Maybe you really do just need to focus on yourself for awhile. But don't use that as an excuse to not take action. No, the universe will not do that. If I wanted a successful business, but never actually took action on starting a business, what are the odds that I'd have a successful business?
  12. @SuchIsLife I got this from Jason Capital. I don't always use it but when I do, it works well. Split your note taking paper into to columns. Label one column "insights" and the other "action steps". Whenever you read something that you like and sticks out, put it down in the "insights" column. And then IMMEDIATELY write an action step for how you will implement that insight in the "action steps" column. Pretty simple, but it forces you to think action and not just theory. Very useful.
  13. @Growf It's something you'll want to drop eventually, alcohol is really poor for you energetically. Plenty of ways to feel good and have without it.
  14. It has two roles. One is that it can get you out of the system. That's mostly what MJ talks about in Unscripted as you know. The second is that entrepreneurship can be a vehicle for your life purpose. Maybe you're going to start something similar to or maybe you'll open meditation studio. Who knows. Even if your life purpose is to be something like a musician, you're still in many ways an entrepreneur. Because you're building the brand of your music. The spiritual path will make you a better entrepreneur IF it's authentic to you and that's your intention. If you choose to go live in a cave for 30 years, you may be very spiritually evolved but you'll probably be a shit entrepreneur. Assuming it is authentic, here's why it can help. Let's look at some of the characteristics of a good entrepreneur: 1) Highly driven and on purpose 2) High levels of energy 3) Charismatic and influential. High degree of people skills 4) Decisive 5) Willing to take risks and disrupt social norms 6) Accepts 100% responsibility for the companies success 7) Not attached to wins or loses ALL of these things can come from being on some sort of spiritual path. You don't have to apply it in that way, but the point is you could.
  15. It can be done in a way that's Win/Win and leads to personal / spiritual growth. Really what it comes down to is what is your intention? Think of pickup as a tool, like a hammer. You can hit yourself in the head with it or you can use it to build something amazing. That's up to you. But this idea that pickup is inherently bad and selfish is totally misguided.
  16. I went through this as well. I freaked out for a long time thinking I was going to go to hell when I stopped following my religion because "omg but what if they're right???". The thing that really helped me was just time. Anytime you go through a major shift in beliefs like you have, usually the old way of thinking sticks around for awhile before it falls away. Probably because they did have some non-physical experience. Spiritual truths aren't necessarily wrong, they're just not what you were taught in church.
  17. Look, I did some coke too in college, it's not the end of the world. But you definitely don't want to keep doing if you're serious about self-actualization. It's a really low-vibration activity. The reason you don't feel like you have control of it is because you kind of don't. These decisions are all made by the subconscious mind, you're basically just along for the ride. At this point, probably yes. Environment is the quickest way to change any habit. It's just too easy to slip up otherwise.
  18. @Ross You can but it's going to take work. Start doing things like meditation, yoga and eating healthy. Get as much social experience as you can, even if it's terrifying.
  19. @brugluiz Have you ever considered that you should be selfish? You're probably a really nice guy. You actually would be a great catch for a girl and could really add value to her life. But how does you not knowing how to attract her and just sitting at home help anybody? Here's what's really going on. You're looking at RSD and seeing that it makes sense. You're seeing that you could actually have success in this area. But because it would require change, your mind is resisting it. It's throwing on the brakes. Ask yourself this: does it piss you off that some douchebag club promoter out there is fucking all the girls you want? Because it should. He's not going to bring them up, he's just going to give them some drugs, fuck them and then leave them. And he will have no moral crisis about it. Why are you the only person who doesn't seem to deserve a girl? Why are you the only one who seems to get screwed?
  20. @MarkusSweden @Nahm I agree with you guys but I think it's also important to point out that @Spinoza isn't entirely wrong either though. Yes it's all perfect and yes it's all Love. But let's not go into spiritual bypassing mode. Think about the environment. Human beings are basically destroying the planet, is that just perception too? Or is that because human beings can be selfish and low consciousness? To me, that's something that needs to be acknowledged so it can be dealt with. Not swept under the rug because of high level spiritual truths.
  21. @Shakazulu What is the dark side? I don't ever remember David Deida talking about this.
  22. @SelfHelpGuy There's no black and white answer, you're going to have to try things out and see what happens. But I can give you some paradigms that will be helpful. Giving should be something that you genuinely enjoy doing and that you'd be doing anyway. For instance, I love teaching. And so when I make free YouTube videos, that's me doing something I love and would be doing really no matter what. But that alone is not enough. As much as I love making free videos, the reality is that it's not free for me. Camera equipment, maintaining a website, video editing software etc are all things that cost money. So it has to be monetized through paid products and services. Given that I can use that money to create more content and help more people, and given that I truly believe my services will benefit the person buying, I now have an OBLIGATION to sell and receive. That might mean running ads. That might mean studying marketing. Or that might mean strong calls to action. It's all necessary. Believe me, I'd rather just make the free videos and answer everyone's questions all day. But what I've realized is that's not spiritual, that's actually a shadow side of my personality. The only reason I would do that is because I didn't think I was worthy of receiving. And that's not just me. Many, many people I've met are insecure about being compensated. Life is about finding Win/Win solutions because it's the only sustainable strategy. Good for others AND good for you. Otherwise it breaks down every single time.
  23. @ZZZZ The key is you need to blend radical authenticity with social awareness. When people say "be authentic", what they're really saying is don't do things out of fear. Because fear is never authentic to your higher self. For instance, let's take the example you used of dressing well to attract girls. One guy dresses well because he's insecure and he saw in GQ magazine that this is what he is supposed to dress like. This is inauthentic and usually won't do much in terms of results with women because the truth will come out. Now let's say you have another guy who isn't afraid to violate social norms. This guy chooses from a place of power to dress well in a way that feels authentic but also is aware of social norms. It really comes down to your intentions. Don't ask "what" are you doing, ask "why" are you doing it.
  24. @Ether Not permanently but I've had glimpses of this. It usually happens when I become extremely present to the moment.
  25. Yes, some people are actively trying to hold others back. But it's always from a place of ignorance.