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Everything posted by aurum

  1. @Brivido To me, intention is simply the truth about why you are doing what you're doing. You mentioned pickup in your post, so I'll pull an example from that. Let's say you walk up to a girl and your voice is very soft. Your intention at that moment for why your voice is soft could be so that you don't appear rude and risk rejection. Conversely, you could walk up to a girl with a soft voice and have a completely different intention. Maybe your throat is sore and so you don't want to talk loudly. That subtle distinction makes all the difference in the world.
  2. The point of all these techniques is not that you have to do them all. Be opened minded, but otherwise just pick a couple practices that resonate with you at the moment and go hard with them. For instance, I don't have a formal self-inquiry practice. Never liked it. I also don't care much for kriya yoga or contemplation. Figure out what seems to be getting you the biggest gains and go with that.
  3. @Annoynymous Those obstructions do exist, but it doesn't matter. If you want to live in society than take responsibility and find a way to do the work.
  4. @Adam M I think it's a great idea. How are you going to support yourself financially while you work on this business?
  5. @Finland3286 I've definitely been there before, but I actually don't think you're as lost as it might seem. Let's start at the beginning, what do you like to do? What interests you?
  6. I'll also add networking with other successful people, often through things like masterminds. Don't forget videography and photography, especially if you're young and on the come up. You're living in the age of content, so that's a skill a lot of businesses need. You can even use it as an "in" to network with people more successful than you, or who you want to mentor you.
  7. And just like that, it's gone. All things impermanent
  8. Dude that's not bad at all. Yeah you can do better, but I wouldn't be down on it either. Haha welcome to game. You're getting new problems, that's a positive sign. This has happened to me on several occasions. I think the max I've done is accidentally approach the same girl three times. Needless to say, it didn't work. I'm skeptical of anyone who hasn't had that happen, because that means they're not really taking action. Funny little line you can use in that situation when she says "you talked to me before" is "really, did we fall in love?" It might not work, but it makes me laugh. First practical thing you should consider is going somewhere that has more girls. If there's only three girls in the place where you're doing game, yeah you're probably going to run into problems like what you're describing. It be impossible not to. So you want enough girls at the places that you're going so you can fly "under the radar". But once you get better at game, I'd suggest you shift your strategy. That's when you actually want to start going to smaller venues with the same people over and over again so you're recognized on purpose. It becomes more social circle and less cold approach. So I would start with just trying to find areas where there are more girls. See if that solves the fear on its own. If not, then maybe there's some inner work to be done.
  9. @habibi87 What specifically do you want to learn? There's plenty of great books but they might not be relevant for you.
  10. @Sahil Pandit He's right from his paradigm. Organized religion has become a huge tool for delusion and unconscious behavior. I know because I grew up Catholic, it's a shit show. That being said, what your professor hasn't realized yet is that he threw the baby out with the bath water. Organized religion may have been massively corrupted, but there was still a reason people were initially drawn to it besides being delusional. There were actual powerful truths and ideas being conveyed. Anyway, your professor is on his journey. He believes what he believes because that's just where he is at. Who knows, maybe he'll have a radical shift in perspective as the collective keeps waking up.
  11. @graded24 Going to move this to the Life Purpose, Career section. Look, the reality is that sometimes spiritual awakening means letting go of old jobs or careers. You're changing, and that's going to affect every area of your life. And change is not always convenient, and that's part of why we resist it. You might hit a point where there is just no reconciling the two. You might be forced into a new job or career that is more in alignment, maybe because you slack off and get fired. I don't know. Or maybe there's a way you can bring your new values into the career you currently have. That could happen too. My point is that from reading your post, it sounds like you want to change, but you don't want what change actually entails. But it doesn't work like that. So I would open up to the possibility that you might have to make more radical shifts than you previously thought.
  12. @Socrates Hard to say. Mastery was excellent, I think everyone should read that. But some of the other ones like The 48 Laws of Power and The Art of Seduction are definitely a bit jaded and paranoid.
  13. @Javfly33 Because once you’ve accepted that you have to change, you realize that stagnation will always be a failing strategy. You know that “group 2”, even though it looks the same every year, is actually death by comfort. You realize that being in nonresistance to change and evolving is actually easier than holding on.
  14. Often this is when people go within and start doing inner work. You start to realize the true value of service to others, contribution and fulfilling your potential rather than just winning. Although winning still matters.
  15. If you want out of stress, that only happens by you putting in the work. It doesn't matter if it's tiring, I'm tired all the time. Do the work.
  16. If you feel like that will help you find yourself, I don't want to discourage it. But know that you will have to come back and still explore things. It's unlikely you'll just get it all figured out by meditating all day.
  17. @bejapuskas I mostly eat raw vegan, but that's appropriate for the stage I'm at. It might not be for you. My rule of thumb is I just try to eat foods that make me feel good. And I don't mean "feel good" like eating a doughnut and passing out on the couch. I mean "feel good" as in it makes me feel more present, more alive.
  18. @TripleNipple Definitely take the Life Purpose course. Read good books on those topics you're interested in. And maybe most importantly, just try lots of different things and see what really resonates with you,
  19. @Matiyos What do you want to do with your life? You say self-improvement, but what is that tangibly leading to? What is your purpose? If you do the ashram in India, what happens when you're done?
  20. Not at all. I would delete this belief from your system. Unless you're going into a technical field where you have to have certain knowledge, like engineering, fuck it. You definitely don't need to go to school for philosophy and have some professor validate you. No one cares about your degree. Do you even know where Leo went to school? Do the actual practices and work than raise consciousness. Become an autodidact through your local public library and the internet. Once you have some money, you can buy more expensive courses and shit.
  21. @d0ornokey I think that's called an ashram or a monastery lol. Or if you don't want to do that, join masterminds.
  22. @Marinus I don't see the problem. Can you be more specific?
  23. Dude that was the advice. Instead of just fixating on this one girl, why don't you shift your focus to becoming a guy that any girl in your high school would want to be with? Your thinking is small. Think bigger and think more long term.
  24. Irrelevant. If your goal is to be a pickup teacher, you're going to have to work with clients who aren't at your level of consciousness. That's why they're hiring you in the first place. If they were all stage turquoise, than there's no longer a need for a teacher.