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Everything posted by aurum
You're welcome. Yup it's a completely different skill. The DJs who actually are successful are the ones who are good at it. I mostly get them through social media (IG, Linkedin, YT, etc) and through people I know.
Probably none considering I'm not a fan of marriage or monogamy in general. The more attractive she is, often the less she has probably ever had to work on developing herself. There's just no incentive to do so. All of us here on this forum could talk about how we're just so driven to become higher consciousness and develop ourselves. But let's be honest about where that motivation initially came from. I know that for me, it came initially from a lot of pain. A lot of realizing that my life was going to be fucked up if I didn't do something. For many of these girls, they don't hit a point like that.
Thanks brotha There are other factors that will make this more or less true. But looks are obviously a major piece of it. Yes, but trust me when I say there are guys who are wayyyyy more successful in this area than I am. I only talk with authority about it on this forum because I know most of you don't even have the basics down.
I asked my friend Cameron Gallagher (successful coach) what his one regret was. He said “listening to my mom when I was 21 and she told me I couldn’t start as a life coach”. I’m not saying some people won’t hire you because you’re young. That will happen. But if you’re good you can still make it work. By the time you are only 30 you’ll have 10 years of coaching experience under your belt. That’s crazy valuable. Also, realize that even though a lot of people want to be coaches, the majority of them suck hard at marketing. My not so humble prediction is that I’m going to be way more successful than 99% of coaches simply for that reason. I won’t nessesarily be better than them, but my marketing will be. You can do the same.
Pros: very fulfilling and social job that really allows you to connect with people and help them. Also a well paying career if you get high end clients. Cons: everybody wants to be a life coach, so you better have your marketing and business skills down.
You know that’s not what I’m suggesting. I’m all about purpose and breaking out of the rat race. I’m saying that if your goal is to start some sort of small business to fund what you really want to do, it’s probably not going to happen. I tried the same thing myself and nothing ever came of it.
No it’s not. If it was I definitely wouldn’t be a life coach or spend time on this forum. I would have become a club promoter or started a modeling agency. I’m simply giving you an honest assessment of what it takes if those are the girls you want. If your goal is just to be a happy, spiritually evolved person, you don’t have to do any of what I just said. But I’m also not going to give you some fluff answer like “be authentic”.
@Pristinemn Keep in mind everything I'm about to say is literally only for the top women society has deemed attractive. These are women you see on Instagram with 100k to 10M followers and have posed in Maxim or Playboy. This is not for Jenny, the cute cashier at Whole Foods. I would agree with @Emerald about complimenting her. And @Spiral makes a good point about treating her the same because game is game. But here's what no one is going to tell you because they don't really understand it themselves. No one on this forum is on a track to hook up with those girls because her life is completely different than yours. No one. While you're going grocery shopping, her's get delivered. While you're at the local happy hour, she's at Alec Monopoly's mansion party during Art Basel. While you're going to events on Meetup.com, she's a member of SoHo House. While you're standing in the crowd at EDC, she's partying on the Sky Deck and in the DJ booth. While you're day gaming at the mall, she's on a photoshoot in Ibiza. Are you seeing the problem? I'm name-dropping all these things you've probably never heard of because I'm trying to get you to realize how outside the loop you are. The same reason you'll never hook up with these girls is the same reason you'll never be friends with Brad Pitt or some other celebrity. You're just never going to meet them. Even if Brad Pitt did something normal like go to the airport, he's going to have bodyguards and other gatekeepers to stop people from talking to him. And these girls are minor celebrities. If you want truly meet these girls and this isn't just some fantasy, forget about "game" for now. Instead, focus completely on "how do I put myself in a situation to consistently meet these girls? How do I start to overlap my life with their life?" It means you're going to have to be more strategic about where you spend your time. It means you're going to have to start developing a social circle of "high status" people. It means you're not going to be able to just do what everybody else is doing. Look, I know no body on this forum wants to hear this. It's completely different than what you're already doing. And you probably think it sounds stage orange or superficial. But I wouldn't be saying this if I didn't spend years banging my head against the wall until I accepted this is the current reality. So maybe it will take you a couple years as well. But at some point if you keep pushing for more stereotypical attractive girls, you won't be able to avoid it. The good news is that once you start doing this, it's actually way easier than normal cold approach. I was at a Model Citizen's Christmas party the other day. My friend who was working as the photographer introduced me to a couple girls all with like 200k IG followers. Do you know how easy it is to "game" when a girl gets introduced to you by someone she trusts at an event like that? The same girl who never would have cared about you if you cold approached her, now likes you before you even open your mouth. So start implementing this now. Follow my IG stories (@akourakin) if you want to see some of the stuff I'm doing.
Already did. It's an older one but it's still good:
@SageModeAustin It’s a nuanced topic, don’t look for easy answers when it comes to this stuff. It’s all messy. You make a good point about detaching from money. I would agree. You can read about that in Rich Dad, Poor Dad. But at the same time, don’t be naive. If you don’t think money is important, you’re 100% guaranteed to be poor. People who are rich do care about money. They think about it. They track it. They like it. They’re trying to get more of it. So the answer depends on the person and what their particular belief system is. Some people have been chasing a dollar their whole life and are unfulfilled. They hate their work. For these people, I would talk to them about passion and detaching from money. But if you’re broke and caught up in these fantasies that money doesn’t matter, I’m going to tell them they better start looking at their bank statement every month. You’ve got to have the self-awareness to know what your particular limiting beliefs are.
@kieranperez I’ll be honest dude, I think the idea of you creating a part time business so you can work on your purpose is unrealistic. I think you’re underestimating how much work it’s going to take to create a business that consistently handles your basic needs. If you try and do it part time very little is going to happen. You might want to look into Jason Capital’s youtube channel.
@Harikrishnan It depends at what stage you’re at. But just the fact you asked this question tells me you’re new. So go look up their foundational material. Once you’ve got that, I recommend you start implementing the social media stuff they’re talking about recently.
Authenticity occurs when you integrate the shadow aspects of yourself. Those parts of you that you’ve been denying, repressing and were conditioned to believe were unacceptable. Essentially it’s coming to embody God. It’s a real concept, but unfortunately the ego twists it as a means to simply stay the same and not evolve.
@ivory If I had to choose, I would take social skills over any other skill that I have. I can’t understate how important it is. Your entire life is going to revolve around people. Dating, friendship, family, business. Even in the social media age, there’s no way to get around it.
Rationalizations. Of course you should meet your needs, but not by imposing how you think she should behave for your benefit.
@Eric Tarpall Everything you just wrote is not only delusional, but it's filled with a false sense of self-importance. It's not going to happen. Unless your plan is to go to the Middle East and find some virgin girl who has had her sexuality repressed for the sake of your insecurities, no girl is not going to have been with a guy in the past. Look at how much you're making this all about you. You don't want her to have a boyfriend. You don't want her to have a sexual past. You want to be the only man in her life. What about her? Do you even give a shit about what maybe she wants? Waiting around for you to come and bless her with your magic dick isn't exactly in her best interests. She probably wants sex. She probably wants the comfort and security of a boyfriend. Really step into her shoes and care about her needs.
Do it if you want, it will probably be a good lesson either way. I'm all for fucking up if you learn from it. But notice from this comment that you're still identified with your old way of behavior. You think it's "who I actually am" and that doing something different feels fake. That's completely normal when you're making an identity level shift. But don't get it twisted, your current way of behavior is already inauthentic. It's simply conditioning that you've identified as "you". It's your ego structure. Why make it either or? The winning formula is to do both. Yeah you can do inner work like meditation and what not. And that's awesome. But real results also can create shifts. At first it will seem impossible, but then you'll do it and your mind will normalize the experience.
Ideally the answer is neither. If you're invested, you're invested. Even if you try and hide it the reality is that girls aren't that dumb. You need to get to a place where you don't end up in this situation to begin with.
@Shroomdoctor Love it man, keep pushing.
@Sahil Pandit One I've dealt with is Stonewalling. Basically, as a little kid you unconsciously learn that if you just "shut down" any feelings and distance yourself from others, you don't get hurt. Useful strategy for a little kid, not so much as an adult.
Did even you watch the video? They've specifically said follower count is not the most important thing. Misogyny is the consolation prize for losers. Girls don't want to fuck you, so at least you get to feel better by hating them. When I read stuff like this it honestly looks pathetic. While you're spending your precious time crying about how girls shouldn't behave this way and how you don't like society, I just accept everything, follow the flow and keep taking action. That's why I'll keep winning.
@okulele Could be a phase. Ultimately if you don't have drive, you've still got work to do.
@7thLetter You're not supposed to have passion for everything. Find what speaks to you and go deep on that.
Victim thinking is useful in that it can temporarily make us feel okay for "wrongs" we may have experienced. But make no mistake, it is a coping mechanism and needs to eventually be left behind if you are going to self-actualized. It damages us by taking away our power. When you say "I am a victim", what you're saying is that you don't believe you have the ability to effect this outcome. It just happened "to me". But the victim mentality is self-reinforcing. Because when you don't feel like you have the power to change an outcome, you won't do anything to change it. Which just makes you feel like more of a victim. And the cycle continues. Now let's say you decide to not be a victim. You decide to take responsibility for the outcomes in your life and believe you have the power to change them. All of a sudden, possibilities and solutions open up because your mind is looking for them. Spirituality speaking victim thinking is also just a huge lie. You are one with God, an eternal soul. How could you possibly be a victim?
@Aquarius I'd also add that a leader challenges those around them to step up, even if it's just by their example.