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Everything posted by aurum

  1. @tashawoodfall I think you need a shift in perspective. I'm sure you want to positively impact as many people as possible, which is good. But don't get caught up in the ego fantasy of everyone is going to love what I have to say. Change one life. If that's all you did, it's still worth it. Because that one person will go out and help one more person. Who will help another person. So that would be my advice. Don't let your self-esteem get wrapped up in people's reactions to what you are saying. Say it because it's your truth and it feels good to share.
  2. Start putting out content, and if people buy it, you were good enough.
  3. @Torch How are you benefiting by not being motivated? And don't say you're not.
  4. Then that's what you'll get. Time to wake up.
  5. @Helios It's all about how you use it. I actually would consider music sometimes a more valuable self-actualization tool than even books. Because with books, you're often just sitting in your logical mind and conceptualizing. Music is about feeling, and feeling is extremely important. So it really depends. In general, I would say people consume too much entertainment because they lack purpose and seek an escape from their life. But there is a way to consume that is healthy.
  6. @thehero It seems so, which is why people do things like saging and Feng-Shui.
  7. Why are you even trying to define things in such a black and white way? People in general are insecure, you can't not be at lower states of consciousness. That's your own projection. You think because it's that way for you, it must be the same for other men. Men who are more successful with women don't see it that way.
  8. @Viking What is the desire? Sounds like you are surpressing.
  9. @Gligorije The problem is that what most people call “play” is sometimes just bullshit. For instance, something like eating unhealthy food is often seen as “fun” and “living”. In reality that person probably just lacks a larger purpose that is challenging them and / or still has emotional addictions. Ideally, your work should be play. There shouldn’t be a difference in the two, because your work is just so in alignment with your core.
  10. @saffron You could benefit from spending more time around real women. They’re just people with largely the same concerns as men. They’re not going to hurt you, worst case scenario is they unfollow you on Instagram.
  11. @theking00 There's what Leo calls the devil and what you might call the devil. How do you define it?
  12. @ULFBERHT Yes it's a legit technique for realization. Whether it qualifies technically as "self-inquiry" I don't think really matters.
  13. It is normal. Just keep following your interests, you're on the right path.
  14. @rNOW It's not because you're an introvert! The reason you're exhausted is because you are in your head. You're not present. Period. End of discussion. Stop thinking and analyzing so much and watch this problem just "magically" disappear.
  15. @Annoynymous I would say self-survival is necessary to certain degree. The idea is to take what is good about self-survival and transcend. For instance, it's good to take care of yourself partly because that allows you to help others. This is a healthy self-survival that benefits the whole. Unhealthy self-survival might be something like constant fear about the future, Win/Lose situations, etc.
  16. Just about all of them. Love is the answer.
  17. @SelfHelpGuy I'm going to bust on you a little bit and say that this question itself is kind of silly. There isn't "one" relationship style that is best for everyone, that way of thinking is way too simplistic. For one person, monogamy might be really powerful and growth inspiring. For someone else, it might be complacency and degeneration. You have to evaluate your situation the best you can, make an honest assessment of where you are and where you're trying to get to, and then just make a decision.
  18. Huge Tolle fan boy. You can tell that energetically he is in a completely different place than most people. Also, people say that The Power of Now is a beginner's book, I completely disagree. That book goes very, very deep.
  19. That's all true, but try thinking about it like this: Someone with a lot of value to offer is going to be less accessible than people who don't. They're going to have lots of people asking them questions, lots of people who want their valuable time and attention. So how do you cut through the noise? Find a way to add value to their life in a way they care about. For instance, I get a good amount of people who message me and simply ask to work for me for free. That's an intelligent way to get me to help you because you're not asking for anything, and because now I'm going to be sharing whatever pieces of wisdom I have with that person all the time. Also I feel like this person actually wants to be helped, because they're willing to put some skin in the game. Which makes me want to help them even more. Yeah, you could throw a hail mary into Peter Ralston's inbox. And maybe you'll get a reply. But you're really selling yourself short in terms of the value you could be getting. And you're not instilling the habit of giving instead of taking.
  20. Yes but that's about you. Why should they want to speak to you? What do they get out of it?
  21. @theking00 Yes, your body and your emotion are way more linked than most people realize. It's actually incredible how perfectly they often mirror each other. Energy healers can feel the spots where the energy is stuck and move it / clear it.
  22. Awareness is an important first step. Study your behavior like scientist. Then when you catch yourself in those moments when you're suppressing, either express them or let it go. Formal practices like meditation, yoga and breathwork will help as well. @LoveandPurpose
  23. What do you do when you're hungry? You eat. I think you're already suppressing your sexuality. What makes you believe you're not ready for a relationship?
  24. This statement right here is a sign of why you are broke. Imagine if you took this same attitude with your health. “Do I really have to dive into going to the gym and eating healthy?” What would your health look like? Same thing with relationships. “Do I really have to dive into getting a girlfriend and spending time with her?” How would your relationships look? I think you get my point. Everything you want involves some sort of investment of your time and energy. Money is no different. If you think it’s not important, surprise, surprise, you won’t have any. From reading your post, I think you have some negative associations with money. Probably coming largely from your relationship with your family, since they have such a different attitude towards money.