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Everything posted by aurum

  1. @okulele Could be a phase. Ultimately if you don't have drive, you've still got work to do.
  2. @7thLetter You're not supposed to have passion for everything. Find what speaks to you and go deep on that.
  3. Victim thinking is useful in that it can temporarily make us feel okay for "wrongs" we may have experienced. But make no mistake, it is a coping mechanism and needs to eventually be left behind if you are going to self-actualized. It damages us by taking away our power. When you say "I am a victim", what you're saying is that you don't believe you have the ability to effect this outcome. It just happened "to me". But the victim mentality is self-reinforcing. Because when you don't feel like you have the power to change an outcome, you won't do anything to change it. Which just makes you feel like more of a victim. And the cycle continues. Now let's say you decide to not be a victim. You decide to take responsibility for the outcomes in your life and believe you have the power to change them. All of a sudden, possibilities and solutions open up because your mind is looking for them. Spirituality speaking victim thinking is also just a huge lie. You are one with God, an eternal soul. How could you possibly be a victim?
  4. @Aquarius I'd also add that a leader challenges those around them to step up, even if it's just by their example.
  5. A sense of urgency in your actions is important. But it shouldn't be so much that it's debilitating and causing you to hate yourself and quit. Always keep your center.
  6. I hear you man, I should have been on it way earlier myself but I let fear temporarily win that one. Start off by following people who have the life you want. That could be me (@akourakin), the RSD crew, whoever. Study what these people are posting on their Instagram like you'd study a subject in school. What are they posting? How often? With who? What are they saying? What are they not saying? A few common themes you'll see: 1) 60 second video montage of events this person was attending or hosted 2) IG stories partying with girls 3) Travel 4) Luxury homes / cars 5) Photos / videos of their work 6) Memes / quotes 7) Hanging with friends / significant other So these are just examples of some of the things you'll see. Since you're starting from scratch, some of this you won't be able to do. That's fine. Recognize the gap between you and these people, but don't get discouraged and fall into self-doubt. Use it instead as inspiration for what you're shooting for and accept where you're at. For instance, maybe you just start out cold approaching girls and putting the ones that go well in your iG stories. That alone will help you out. Basically, just start posting everything that highlights your life in a positive way. But also don't be afraid to open up and share some vulnerabilities when appropriate.
  7. @billiesimon You can judge the process all you want, calling it shallow, inauthentic, superficial, whoring, whatever. It's not going to stop people from doing what they're doing. We'll see where your dating life is in three years.
  8. Stop idolizing the past dude. It's gone. So much of what you're probably calling a "connection" was just people fitting into societal norms and various forms of unconscious attachment. Yes, you can still get a girlfriend. But I would highly, highly recommend you also do the stuff they talk about and I'm doing if that's your end goal. Otherwise the likelihood that she is going to give a shit about your "connection" is about zero.
  9. @billiesimon I wanted to wait until I watched the video to response to this. So here's my take. There's nothing to be afraid of. Not because the trends he is pointing out aren't accurate (they mostly are), but because you can easily just follow the steps outlined in the video and you'll be fine. They're not fear mongering. They're telling you the solution right then and there. Follow me on IG at @akourakin and check out my highlights. I've been doing this stuff for over a year, it's simple and really works.
  10. I don’t really think about shit tests. It does happen, but it can make you paranoid if you think there’s all these tests you have to pass. People with good social skills don’t view socializing as a competition or a situation where they need to get approval. It’s just about creating a good vibe. Anyway, the reason she does it is because consciously or unconsciously she is looking to see if you’re really as cool as she think you might be. Being cool = non-reactive, state control, lack of neediness, etc.
  11. @FredFred You don’t know. Try and see.
  12. @Spiral Yeah I can definitely relate to this. My relationship with my family was terrible for a long time, still is in some ways. The biggest thing I’ve found beneficial is having those uncomfortable conversations. Asking the hard questions, really expressing what’s going on with you. It can be brutual but at some point you just got to do it. Awakening is going to bring all that unresolved shit to the surface. Also, a therapist can really help.
  13. @Dareghost Quick tip, try making the offer more win/win. Why should people want to speak with you?
  14. If you actually realized that, you would have escaped from suffering.
  15. @cena655 Yup, just as it should be. Keep working.
  16. @theking00 Yeah that's fairly accurate.
  17. @Beeflamb If we were a cult, you probably wouldn't get very honest answers. What does your intuition tell you?
  18. @Seed Obsession is good, just be obsessed with the right things.
  19. @ExodiaGearCEO Where is the past? Can you touch it? Do you have any proof it even happen beyond your thoughts? It's making you depressed because your thoughts are out of alignment with your true nature. Not because they're true.
  20. @John West Don't "try" to be happy. Let go into happiness. "Trying" implies you don't have it.
  21. That's good, because if you're envious of people who have wealth you're subconsciously telling the universe "I don't have money". So keep that up. However, I'm sure you know from your manifestation books that the first key to bringing something into your life is clarity of desire. You have to let the universe know what you want, or it can't bring it to you. So if you don't think about money and don't really want money, it shouldn't be all that surprising that you're not rolling in cash. You tell the universe "I don't need money" and the universe says "okay". Think about getting fit in the gym. If you really just don't care about getting fit, it will never happen. At some point there has to be a desire which actually prompts you to start hitting the treadmill. So I think your issue is very common with most spiritual people. They keep saying "I don't need money, I don't care about money" and then they obviously end up not having any. The key is the second part of manifestation, which is feeling the emotions that your desire is already here. Practice everyday feeling the gratitude for the money that you don't yet see in your experience. Visualize having it and feeling amazing. Yes you nailed it. Having money is not just about you, it's also about everyone around you who is going to benefit when you move into abundance. Keep that intention. When you want for the whole and not just for yourself, desires come faster. You'll probably like Money: A Love Story by Kate Northrup.
  22. @kingroboto YouTube “Tony robbins priming”. 10/10, will change your life dramatically.
  23. @Hardkill It depends on the girl obviously, but they absolutely get approached. I hear the horror stories all the time from female friends. Take a nightclub as an example. One of the reasons attractive women want to sit in the VIP section is because they won’t have to deal with the hordes of guys groping at them in GA. It’s not that they’re superficial whores, which is how most people view that. But even that isn’t safe, because as soon as she opens up her Instagram she is likely going to get hit with DMs and dick pics. Especially if she has a large following. My assumption is that Hayley Quinn is probably trying to inspire her clients to approach more. These are guys who are already scared to approach, so if you tell that women get approached all the time and often find it creepy, it’s just going to scare them even more. A better belief in that scenario would be that women rarely get approached and enjoy when it happens, therefore allowing you to approach free of guilt. So it really depends on what they guy is struggling with. If he is too aggresive and oblivious to what the girl is experiencing, he needs more empathy. But if he is too scared to do anything, you need to loosen the chains a bit.
  24. @MrEgoless I believe it is possible if you trained for it. I just don't see the point, you don't need to not eat to be healthy.
  25. @XYZ You definitely could start some sort of coaching practice geared towards serving successful people who haven't yet found their happiness. You would have to immerse yourself around people who are successful and network with them if you wanted to pull that off.