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Everything posted by aurum

  1. @Tim R I'd highly recommend anyone interested in this topic to check out the works of Charles Eisenstein, Michael Linton and Daniel Schmachtenberger. As well as the Ecovillage, ReGen Villages and Transition Town movements. General idea is that we're moving towards more collective ownership and sharing. It will be less about accumulating personal wealth as support is found in community rather than personal accomplishment. As far as government, research something called Sociocracy as well as Holacracy. More consensus, more decentralization. In other words, from Stage Orange to Green. It as already happening all around the world. These ideas may not have cracked the mainstream consciousness but they're certainly not fringe anymore. People are already living this way.
  2. That is no joke. Getting out of those relationships can be one of the hardest things anyone ever does. To me, it sounds like you're still somatically carrying the trauma of the experience. You've consciously moved on, but your body / subconscious has not. Stick with whatever spiritual practice you have. And I'd also recommend seeing a professional healer for an issue like this. Theta healing is my personal favorite, but you can choose whatever you want.
  3. @Rilles I resonate with the multi-potential model. I have a wide range of interests and believe that specialization is partially a product of Stage Orange capitalism. In a more evolved society, people would be more holistic in their approach to life. The shadow to be aware of here though is lack of commitment. I've fallen into this trap, telling myself "I'm just a holistic thinker" while simultaneously avoiding deep levels commitment. For me, commitment can feel like I'm being suffocated or being squeezed into a role I don't want to be in. The result ends up being a lot of half-finished manifestations. Watch for this if you resonate with multi-potential people.
  4. Limiting beliefs are usually subconscious. Because if you were truly conscious of what they were, you'd let them go. So yeah of course you feel like you don't know what they are. That's why you have to study psychology and spend a lot of time introspecting on yourself. Also, your life is always mirroring back to you your limiting beliefs. So start taking a look at all the areas of your life that seem like a mess. It will clue you in on what's going on.
  5. I didn't see it as dangerous. I could still feel pain and I agree with you that pain is good. That's why I talking about separating pain and suffering.
  6. I'd say forget about the ecommerce business then. I'd also consider a part-time job in sales then since you're in college. You'll bring in money (more than your ecomm business is right now) and you'll learn social skills. Also, start with pickup. Find guys who are into it and start going out. Do courses in that as well so you can understand the industry. This will also help your social skills. Doesn't matter if no one watches, you'll build skills just by talking into the camera. This also all sounds good to me. Do it all.
  7. I like Sadhguru, but as someone trained in both Reiki and Theta Healing, I really have to disagree with him on this. First off, the energy healer is never doing the healing. God is always doing the healing, so to say you are "trying to play God" or "meddling with the energies" is misleading. And yes, you could hurt someone. But so could any doctor. That's why you have training. As far as bad karma / psychic attacks, any practitioner should be aware it's a potential risk. But protection is simple to accomplish and is taught to all practitioners.
  8. @Leo Nordin They're all just pointers, I wouldn't get too hung up on it. Being yourself at the deepest level would mean awakening or enlightenment, since "yourself" is God.
  9. @Viking History to me becomes more interesting when I can see how it will affect my life. For instance, I'm deeply interested in the history of the United States because it can give us clues to what is happening in our country today. So find the practical benefit. Knowing your history does pay off.
  10. @Anirban657 How badly do you need the money? If it's going to make the difference between affording food or not, I'd probably stay in it at least until you're ready to transition to something better. But if you feel like you can financially let it go, and that's what you want, go for it. You made $70 in 3 months, it's not like you're walking away from a million dollar company. Regardless, I'd suggest clarifying your life purpose. This is great: but it's not specific enough. Start mastering your social skills and see if that is an industry you want to be in. You can even do that and your ecomm business at the same time if you really wanted.
  11. It depends on the situation. What is "forced" today might seem common knowledge as society matures. That's the nature of resistance. But there's also virtue signaling and empty gestures that are often made. These are obviously not ideal either.
  12. What are your intentions with Jess relationship-wise? Do you want her to be your girlfriend? Friends-with-benefits? It sounds like you at least enjoy spending time with her outside having sex. The more clearly you define the relationship the easier things will be. You've lost nothing. Those conversations because you were being yourself. And you can't lose that. The more you're paranoid about this, the more you'll manifest it. Do you actually know that she is "unloving" you?
  13. congrats man! Keep us updated.
  14. They’re all very different topics. What’s the biggest thing you want to work on?
  15. You’re welcome. Anything that makes your connection clearer to God will help. Could be energy work, meditation, yoga etc. I wouldn’t recommend the average person try an instant healing though. I’ve been trained to do this kind of thing on the people I work with. Unless you’ve had some practice, you’re more likely to frustrate yourself than anything.
  16. Yes and no. It will appear instantaneous to anyone who witnessed it. So you could say it happened somewhere in linear time from that traditional perspective. However, the healing involves tapping into God’s perspective, which is not bound by time in anyway. So in that sense it’s happening outside of time. Which is also what makes it possible. If it wasn’t happening outside of time, it couldn’t be instant.
  17. In my experience, yes. Even physical instantaneous healing is possible.
  18. @K VIL2 To ape basically means to copy or fake. For instance, you could go to an ashram and record what the spiritual guru says on your cell phone. Then you could memorize it and start giving your own talks. But it wouldn't mean you actually had any of the wisdom that guru had. To authentically grow would be to actually did what the guru did, i.e contemplate, meditate, etc. In your case, I'd say it's more about fear of losing your job. Or perhaps some other insecurity.
  19. @AdamR95 I had a deep experience of this while doing Strong Determination Sitting. It was during my 10 day Vispassana retreat, which meant that my body was really starting to ache. I really thought I was going quit in the middle of the SDS session, but instead what happened was my resistance just dropped to nothing. It was the most bizarre experience. I still could feel most of the sensations we associate with pain. And yet, mentally it felt like I could have sat there for another hour no problem. Pain, but no suffering. I concluded that pain and suffering must therefore be separate phenomena. And that much of what we think of negatively as "pain" is really extra layers of suffering we add on through resistance. So yes, I think it is possible to fully accept physical pain. I think it's possible to fully accept anything. Which is NOT the same thing as saying that it's easy. Or that if you start cutting me with a knife I'll just sit there. It is to say a different state of consciousness is possible.
  20. @xxBryantxx I'd ask you what do you think? Relationships in of themselves can be a powerful spiritual path as they challenge our trauma. So the question is, what's your real motive? Do you want to bail because you're setting a healthy boundary? Or do you want to bail because she's triggering you?
  21. @MrBON You're stuck in the Soulmate Trap my friend. This is where the ego tells you that "I just love them and no one else!", which allows you to avoid connecting with anyone else. Don't get me wrong, I believe in soulmates. And getting rejected sucks. But the love you are seeking is inside you. You're trying to get more light by turning off the lights. Instead, what you should be doing is shining as brightly as possible. Don't believe the lie you're telling yourself that there aren't other women out there you can connect with.
  22. @lukasferre Yeah I can relate to this dilemma. I haven't found any easy answers here. But I can say that you want to get to a point where you really want the commitment. It can't feel like a cage anymore, it's got to feel like you're really consciously choosing this. You're excited about the idea of just seeing her, even if you're physically attracted to other women. How you get there depends on you. You might have to mess around with other girls until it clicks that you want something deeper. Or, maybe you realize you just want to be single forever.
  23. @somegirl I’m going to echo what some other users have said. My guess is you had some bad sexual experiences and you maybe don’t even realize it. I could be wrong, but that’s the feeling I’m getting. I’m saying this because most women I’ve met don’t walk away from truly amazing, soul expanding, beautiful sexual experiences feeling “meh” about it. Usually that happens because the sex was meh. Or worse.
  24. Depends. There’s many, many techniques for changing beliefs. If you feel like you’ve got beliefs that aren’t in alignment with where you want to go, usually I would do some introspection to find out what they are first. From there you can work on reprogramming. Sometimes that isn’t even necessary though. For instance, if you do bodywork or energy healing, you can clear subconscious beliefs without necessarily knowing what the belief was.
  25. It's not true at all. Fame is not a one to one relationship with how hard you work. There are many other factors at play. Most important thing to consider with any goal is to be fully in alignment with it. No subconscious beliefs pulling you in different directions.