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Everything posted by SilentTears

  1. Just to let you know, be careful when going into this work. I learned a little from this dude and being energy sensitive I would feel like I should not learn from him. I felt something was off. When learning this work people will take on the karma of their guru and that means that he also takes on the karma of who he teaches. meaning if someone does "bad" from his teachings then he will also get messed up. Found this out the hard way. I had to call upon gods to help me fight that energy and since then I will never learn from an online source like that. books or yt. Basic stuff like leo teaches is great and he is a lot purer then most people. you connect from who you learn from. This is mainly true for magick and other stuff. do what you want, that was just a fair warning. If you still plan to continue then stay pure and stay away from quick results. Honestly these types of paths need guru's.
  2. Congrats! I hope you have an amazing time. You can eat before, however it is recommended to fast for a stronger experience. I would recommend bringing some fruit to snack on as you will probably get a little hungry. That and water. during the experience I tend to like just natural sounds. This one is highly subjective tho. props That's quite a long time. I think you should be more then fine to drive. I of course do not know what you will experience, however for .5-1 g you should be more then fine. Enjoy yourself.
  3. Thank you, I’m coming back here after eating myself and I already forgot what we talked about. it’s fine you pure soul. I read the rest and you had good intentions. There will always be forgiveness and yet nothing to forgive. For this place is perfect. That is true. It’s fine how you worded it before too. I don’t even know what enlightenment is. True It’s fine. It’s actually a great pointer to point out people’s unconsisness. Not sure why people wanna do that tho. lol what is enlightenment? enjoy your day.
  4. I debated about explaining myself. *sigh* my bad for the confusion. lol I wasn’t saying one path bullshit. Each path has their own benefits and there are many paths for each and every person. I worded it bad I guess so my bad. tho I do see a lot of people mixing paths with stupid af beliefs. That is what I tried to point to in the post. no one needs to suffer to get enlightenment, however suffering isn’t even bad. Do you think men cry about fighting? Na, they enjoy it. It’s not suffering unless you make it suffering. (This comes from my path so dw about it if it doesn’t resonate with you.... and yes I do see people’s suffering as real) while sharing I see you spread around a lot of Buddha type beliefs. @Moksha good luck. I edited my last post for you.
  5. Lol don’t mind him. He is advocating the path which works best for him. You took a different kinda path(kinda). Of course you guys are spirituality differently. always do what’s best intuitively for you.
  6. This is a great tread to people who have different paths towards awakening. shows how people can truly take random ass paths and end up at the same place. All was meant to be. Btw, I wouldn’t really agree with that. I’ve seen people who suffered nothing and got awakened. They took the Hindu path sure, however I saw them not suffering(doesn’t mean they all won’t suffer). I suffered a shit ton to awaken. Not a big deal, but I would like to point out this bs. it’s just one path(edit: It is just one path that thinks about suffering is the best way to devolve the ego. Don’t get lost in stupid and toxic beliefs) . To newbies this stupid belief can be taken on dogmatically really quickly so don’t get lost in it. YOU DONT NEED TO SUFFER. And even if you do no worries. Suffering can be fun. Once it is done you can look back and laugh. lol, I would like to say that many people in spirituality have a lot of mixed Buddha beliefs which I see hold them back. Such as not killing, love, and other stuff. These aren’t bad they are just one pointer to purity. Question your own beliefs. Budddha path is not meant for a lot of people. It’s kinda girly too.(I reread this and I saw how this can be taken wrongly to the girly folks. This isn’t shitting on Buddha’s. I love em. They take a path in which I cannot.) Have you ever seen a truly masculine path? (Lol I wouldn’t consider this a super masculine path, however you know people kill impure people and get awoken? It’s a legit path.)
  7. To go about understanding truth in a low conscious frame of mind would be considered an ego desire. To take this path(I mean the low conscious one) is suffering itself funny enough. a high conscious way would be one Leo just spoke up above. (That said, it’s not the only high conscious way to pursue purity) everything ultimately is Coming from purity... it just sometimes dilutes itself into impurity.
  8. From a high conscious state of being of course it’s all perfect. However people do suffer. It’s just a matter of which state of being you are in. Some days you can be in a high conscious place and see the infinite perfection so much that even helping the child is perfection. A high conscious person understands that lower conscious people do suffer and may want to help said person who is suffering. that said, there are different paths to enlightenment. Some people may never move when they are seeing something a lower conscious person may say is “evil” unless they are asked to help and some may move to protect purity. whatever happens is already perfect Edit: just because your high conscious doesn’t mean you view everything as already perfect. I actually go from viewing things as suffering(low conscious), viewing them as perfect(high conscious), then simply being void of those two yet still have a dualistic mindset(higher conscious. It’s like this. When I’m low conscious I keep a dualistic mindset and view suffering as existing. a little higher consciousness I view everything as perfect And keep a non-dual perspective. even higher, I take back a dualistic perspective(kinda, it’s different) yet I view both suffering and no suffering. I would say I integrate them both in a high conscious way. This helps both me and others. I connect and understand all points of consciousness here.
  9. Right! lol for me I’m still in my teens, but props to living the same kinda lifestyle ?
  10. Lol! I love this! Simply amazing. I also recommend this.
  11. Haha stop trying to mess with me. That was funny.
  12. Damn! That is slick. Ngl, love that response. To the point and simple. Get it?
  13. Great reply by Moksha above! Good job consciously, no. do I enjoy my thoughts? so much! Yes so much so. they kinda just appear inside our awareness. I see it as one aspect of consciousness playing with itself(another aspect of awareness)
  14. Being = being. Being can do purposeful things, however purpose is not always being. to have purpose would be a drive to do something. Like a pull to go live your dream life. If you want you can do an exercise where you close you eyes and say “being” and then try again and say “purpose”. Feel the difference in energy. Being does not need purpose. Being doesn’t need anything. Purpose needs. I think that is the duality he was trying to explain. I think I explained it well above, however I will give more clarification. being is simply that which is. Purpose is like adding reasons on top of what is there. that said, reason and purpose can be very valuable so don’t throw them away.
  15. great job, I’m very proud of you.
  16. Lmao! I once saw a guru, such an amazing man, and broke down laughing. My friend knew this man, however it was the first time I actually spoke to him and I couldn’t stop laughing. I laughed for like 15 min then cried for another 10. I kept saying “omg, there is so much love inside this man. He is so pure”
  17. Omg! This made me laugh so much! Thanks so much, your amazing!
  18. Love this tread! same here! Share the love! Share the smiles! @Cykaaaa nice to see you here, I do the same T-T haha Sometimes bursts of laughter are followed by intense crying of the beauty.
  19. @Nahm that technique was nice. I felt as if my heart chakra was thinner then the rest of my chakras and also about 5-7 times the size. I also noticed that my third eye, heart, and crown spun the opposite direction as the other chakras. After this technique they all aligned and it really felt as if my body was one chakra spinning.
  20. @Inliytened1 yeah, I get you. my thing is from my experiences and understanding of “consciousness”... there’s another level. One which deals energy and nothingness. It’s like there is this form of consciousness and we understand because of consciousness. However outside this conciseness there is shiva. Outside shiva is energy his wife. They both have created this. This is his daughter. This daughter holds gods. Gods created this so we can understand and grow. It’s ultimately just aspects of shiva and energy. Shiva created Vishnu and.... lol I’m explaining in Hindu terminology. Sorry if that confused anyone. It’s easier for me then explaining what they are. anyways, I’m still growing and learning. I honestly just loved talking about this with you! p.s shiva = nothingness so great you stop existing, so does energy, so does consciousness inside of it. tara(their daughter) holds this world. it’s so beautiful. mother = love, purity, energy. love is ultimately a aspect of purity... the energy of purity to be exact.