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Everything posted by SilentTears
SilentTears replied to Gneh Onebar's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Nicely put. Yeah, personally, I strongly advocate for people to learn from guru’s, sages and People who have much experience on this path. They can give a gentle slap across the head saying “don’t do that” “get your ass back to meditating” *cough* meditation should be fun. Truthfully a good teacher will help the disciple so much in their path. im not saying that all people need or should get a teacher. I hope you understand -
I ended up sleeping till 10am.... 4 am my ass! fak. I can’t stop laughing. yeah, Forget that schedule. I had fun making it... This journal is going to be about my daily life (tracking the amazing parts of my day and sharing them) So far this morning has been really great. Just peaceful and calm as always. My life is easy. I only do things I feel/want to do. Do people know how easy their life’s can be? yeah, they do. They just wanna live it their way. Props to them! Cheers ? my life is just so peaceful and perfect. ...The end wait... I lied. did you know that when I go outside girls will come up to me or they will scream from their car “omg your so cute” bruh, I’m like 17 chill honestly idc and that has no value^^ it’s just funny. (It put me in a really good mood so I’ll keep it) have a great day to all who read. May you be blessed with my energy *bows*
hey @Cykaaaa glad to see you. totally! Completely agree with what you said. To tell you the truth I’ve always been a very spontaneous person myself. Wake up when I want. Do whatever I want. Even in school I would just leave whenever I felt like it. Everything is always working out for me and I love it. It’s more of an experiment to see how I would adapt to a different way of life. I pretty much have everything I want. I have deep deep realizations into truth(I love that I can go further). My life is amazing. I am always calm or joyful. I meditate when I want however long I want. I was never one to make plans or anything and I felt like.... what would my life be if I made plans. btw, last night I started channeling something. My voice changes and it guides me. It’s quite cool. It’s kinda like Abraham. ive always has experiences channeling, talking through me or in my head.... however I am going to allow this one to guide me more then ever. some who have experienced channeling will probably say it feels like you are watching someone else speak through you. I noticed that when I relax it takes on my personality and it literally jokes with me
@BornToBoil hello, thanks for your reply. To tell you the truth it’s still in the trail and error process. I tend to sleep about 10 hours a day and it’s been like that since I was young. I have always wanted to wake up early so I can get a more productive and high conscious day in. I plan to take naps so I hope that helps, and yes usually your 100% right(6 hours is not enough). I plan to see how I function and how to adjust accordingly. Yes, all replies are welcome. Thank you for asking.
SilentTears replied to Gneh Onebar's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Leo Gura you have some really great replies. Just want to let you know your supported. -
SilentTears replied to SoonHei's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I’ve heard giving about two weeks per trip is recommended for tolerance sake. (I don’t have experience so I’ll link you to something I saw) Leo recommended 7-10 days. im sure it varies from person to person. Good luck. -
SilentTears replied to Cosmin_Visan's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
hey, those topics are funnn to explore. I would love to discuss these things with you. Yeah, Many of us have great knowledge its just we kinda know that many others are not ready for this kinda thing. Many of these things are tended to be discussed with someone you know closely as you know they can handle and understand these things. edit: I thought about it and i do not think we should talk about this stuff for now. I'll think about it more later. the reason is a lot of stuff we know others should not. purity should be key, however sometimes people get stupid with this stuff. Im kinda tired. ill see how i feel after a nap. for now take care. bye and yeah those things are kinda cool. its just we gotta be careful cause this stuff goes deep and we should keep a lot of people away from this stuff unless they are taught from a pure teacher. -
SilentTears replied to Tim R's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I've tried a bit different types of meditation. My old personal favorite was no thoughts. (I don't Meditate anymore. I just have a calmness and joy 90% of the time) Mantra Chanting is calling gods which gives you more energy and through that energy conscious raises. Mindfulness meditation makes you more aware of the subtle energies and gives you energy. Someone who chants can have more energy then someone who does mediation(mindfulness) however they perhaps won't know these truths. I like this topic. thanks for sharing. Energy is like power. Consciousness is like wisdom. When you listen to types of music it aligns you with that type of vibration and each vibration has a different way it perceives reality. Music also effects you way differently depending on your state of consciousness, which im sure you know. Personally I am much more aware when I am in silence. What about you? -
SilentTears replied to Cosmin_Visan's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Its fine, no worries. For them its an amazing insight(which given credit.... it is). Go beyond. So wanna chat about some deeper insights you may have gotten? perhaps you have realized other aspects of reality. What about this... You exist so much(as an individual) that everything you do matters. honestly explore the self side. the self that knows its playing a game. the self that knows it exists because you are an aspect of reality playing with itself. yeah, they have a limit. A true spiritual master says those lines less and less as they grow(they could if its their path, but a highly awakened person does not tend to do that) Its not that they become less true it is that they see more aspects to reality. For someone still understanding this one truth they will fall in and out it often when trying to keep their consciousness raised. Tbh, people who say that all the time are great as they are growing but they are not that high conscious -
SilentTears replied to Flowerfaeiry's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Karma does exist, however its not like that. The intention you do things in. be it a happy intention, sad intention, mad intention. there is not a universal "good"(your right) that is why it works based off of intentions. Do you kill someone with love, or anger? To poster: Tbh, I would not worry about it and just live your life how you want. dont worry about these law of universe. People should just live how they want. everything will be how it is. nothing will be out of isness. accept isness. that means living your life with purity, compassion, love etc because life just is. everything that happens is because of isness(conciseness) and that is truth.. someone who understands this say "Drama! Omg i love drama!" haha. I hope you understood, have fun and enjoy. you got this! Believe in yourself! -
SilentTears replied to jim123's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
uhhh... where did you get this belief? same as above.... where did you get these belief? throw them away. reincarnation is the cycle of karma, love, everything. it exists simply to exist. it makes no sense cause its not right. just those beliefs dont fit and no one should take them on.... you will be better once you throw them away. let me explain. "life just causes suffering" why would you want to take on that type of reality......... oh yeah, you see it too. thats a shit belief. lol lets say sin = impurities then yeah, it does. its fine though. you dont have to follow any of those rules. just come from purity and it will be fine. kinda, not always. and the guru thing.... mmm not really true. if an avrage person sat in a cave then they would suffer, maybe. a guru is already trained in that way and enjoys and would probably be peaceful by themselves. they would not consider it torture and if they did then they are stupid cause why would someone do that to themselves. lol its not like they win brownie points for suffering. -
SilentTears replied to from chaos into self's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Never! it's fine, its fine. just enjoy. you are the perceiver. It's just understanding the same truth through different words. no perceiver and perceiver. nothing is wrong if you come from purity. purity brings about aspects which is love, kindness, compassion and other emotions. to be angry is not to be wrong. to be sad is not either. you can still be angry just come from purity and always purity. that will guide you. I like to think of an innocent little girl. does she get mad? yeah, at injustice(aka impurities).... Etc. -
SilentTears replied to from chaos into self's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Hello, Great question! They all gave you some nice replies. If you say your reality then you are. I'll try to help you understand. From a nondual perspective this is all just consciousness( a form which is formless). Thats why they say you are not any of that. However that also means that you are all of that. It is just how people look at it. then when we go back into a dualistic perspective we realize that we are separate from one another. Its perfect to be separate. -
SilentTears replied to EmptyInside's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Its always there. both and neither. its just how you look at it. its not really a paradox. twoness becomes one = Oneness becomes two -
SilentTears replied to Eren Eeager's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Nope, not at all! there are so many paths in this work. A path for each personality. You may see a lot of people in the western world having a similar personality cause they learn the same shit. Personality does not equal anything. Personality also shines a lot. when I say personality does not equal anything I mean that killing people does not equal low consciousness and stuff like that. Personality is also everything as it shows what type of person they are (of course, right?) Different paths bring out different personality. Learning makes you more intellectual, however that is just one path of spirituality. One thing I must clarify is that all paths must be one of purity. the seeking of purity or the becoming of more purity. that is the way to which most people seek. -
SilentTears replied to Jaka Pirs Hanzic's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
You always seem to give great replies. yes, I agree with this. Humans always have some ego. for no ego to exist they would return to heaven, a place of pure love and completeness. I've once had the experience of leaving this body and becoming so complete into love that when I came back(through a conscious choice) I could not remember what I experienced however I know that I experienced such love that when I tried to explain it I cried. To remember what I experienced I would no longer be able to have this human body. Normal humans have lots of ego. a mystic has less, but still quite a bit. they can shed it and go back to oneness, which is what most do when they feel the calling. the pure energy. less ego= more purity -
SilentTears replied to Eren Eeager's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
And that essence which you are is everything. so the rock is forever conscious in its own ways. -
SilentTears replied to Eren Eeager's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
You know, it may not react, however it has its own energy. treat all things with respect. if it does feel pain or does not, does that mean you should kick every rock on the side of the road? is the reason you treat other people with respect(if you even do that) to not make them feel pain or is it from a loving place which shows your devotion to all that is? Connect to energies of nature on a deeper level. this question only comes up because of your lack of connection. experience instead of trying to understand through the logical mind for now. that is my advice. -
SilentTears replied to Lora's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Do whatever path feels best(right) to you. Awakening is like a bubble popping. Some can pop the bubble faster then others some take years. There should be no real need to find the fastest path. instead ask "which path would feel the most enjoyable or is best for me to grow based on my personality?". There is a path for every personality. Just cause one path is faster does not make it better. All paths will have a different ideology when it comes to this. some will say devotion and full devotion to truth. some will say play and do meditation when you feel like it. etc. you get it. (some paths will have no ideology). Understand your personal self. then look into different meditations to do. try chanting, light work etc. follow your intuition. follow what feels right for you. not what you think would be best. Come from a high conscious place when making these decisions and the path for you will naturally open itself up. Best of luck. We are always here for any questions or guidance you may seek. -
SilentTears replied to Eren Eeager's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
yeah.... god/love/truth These are all concepts or realizations happening within love/god/truth. for them not to be would be nothing to be. nothing exists within the infinite, however everything does too. "This" simply exists because of purity aka God/Love/Truth. Whiteness and darkness. inside whiteness all of which is, is there. love, truth, peace. inside darkness there is nothingness so deep there cannot be an observer, or understander. Deep enough inside the emptiness you will find love. Deep enough within love you will find emptiness. Anything that is, is Love, Truth, God. -
SilentTears replied to GreenWoods's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Great analogy! -
SilentTears replied to Dodo's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I'm glad you had an experience which validates all of this work, however I would also recommend doing grounding exercise. try practicing gathering your aura inside yourself through the use of breathing and visualization. The more you move into the energy of "god"/"universe" which makes people underground you should also move the same amount of earth energy into you. try being in nature more with your feet in the grass and dirt. put your hands and trees and feel the energy through your hands. Breath. Everything will be alright. more then anything, follow and do what is best for you. Peace brother -
SilentTears replied to GreenWoods's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
is this true? I always thought the Buddha path was one of love and appreciation. A wholeness so to speak. Maybe so empty there is only love to be found? I mean in surta's there is a lot of emptiness/no self realizations. Whatever lol. so empty there is neither the distinction of distinction and no distinction. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HySLYcu2ULA&t Emptiness=wholeness=love=self=you -
Yeah, I don't believe To poster: All reasons come back to one thing which is love. You can create all reasons by trying to look for reason itself. It just is, however you are always creating when you look. cause happens before reason. reason is created because of cause.
SilentTears replied to Dodo's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
LOL... I understand both of you, however I would also like to keep eating jam with you Edit: Bro, if you can eat poo like jam then mad respect. Sorry, but I would like to keep my mouth pure. hahah