Lucas Kehr

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Everything posted by Lucas Kehr

  1. @Name I am 20 too! My journey into self-actualization started when I was 17. I didn't know why I should pretend being happy or that things were ok in my life because I had nothing. I was a drug dealer getting high with people I called friends, but realized they were just depressed and anxious people too. What@Knock says is golden. Being curious about who I really am and questioning my identity is not fun, but it puts Me, Ego, in the spotlight which reveals a lot. Meditation is great. Porn was a problem for me too, but now my addiction is food. I fill the void, the emptiness, with whatever I can get. Money never comes easy. Guilt, shame, and fear can overwhelm me at times. What is key is VISION. What do you want to create? What are the results you want to create in your life? I want to be a singer that integrates mastery with spirituality, high consciousness awareness, and profound insights. I see myself performing in front of thousands of people, inspiring them to become the creative force in their own lives. But here I am. I have a long way to go. I work at this every day. I bought a singing course from a world renowned vocal coach, I spend 1-2 hours, 5 days a week doing vocal workouts and exercises. I sing to my favorite songs and bands. I listen to music. I play guitar, and I am in the process of creating my first song in a professional studio setup. I now need to write lyrics and sing for this new song. It's scary. It's invigorating. It's challenging. It's worth it. On top of it all, I am reading books and doing the Life Purpose Course (I recommend purchasing if and when you get enough money, I know how hard it can be as a young man like us in society). Does it get to be to much? Do I get lost? Not with a clear vision. That will keep you on track. I found this out myself. Skipping out on meditation or visualization isn't worth it, it only makes you feel worse about your life. Keep on. Another thing: Don't strive to be like Leo, BE YOU. Be the BEST you that you can be. Before we know it, there won't be a "You" or "Me" at all.
  2. Exceptionally powerful
  3. This is my current vision board, but I am refining it now. Working mostly on developing skill and technique to be a singer. I have just began using this forum, and to me this seems like the best place to share everything I have been working on with the life purpose course; Vision, Vision Board, and especially the Me Sheet. Sharing progress, passions, insights, and interests...yea this seems like the best!