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About charlesvonschwarz

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  1. is freebase suitable for plugging or would converting it to a salt (acetate) still be recommended?
  2. Can i just a drop of vinegar to a bit of 5 meo with a ml of water , converting the freebase to acetate salt and making it soluble. This solution should then be suitable for injection. (Not necessary to teach about purity and hygiene, i know)
  3. thats why most need a safe place to pass through the process, a place like a community with a teacher, Otherwise it is easy to get lost or to become to fearful.
  4. Start loving and meditating all beings, become the divine giver. Da
  6. @winterknight I like your answers, thank you! <3
  7. Thank you! I believe this is a more aligned approach to semen retention as opposed to total avoidance of sexuality . This can also be practiced with a partner (sexual stimulation + conductivity of the energy, without degenerative orgasm). I really like the sexual practice as Adi da samraj describes, which is very similar to this (in books like ¨the complete yoga of human emotional sexual life)¨.
  8. Of course he is talking about any type of sexual practice (like masturbation), or even orgasm in general, ever since that desire first arose.