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Everything posted by Nemo28

  1. @Fede83 is this love you feel an emotion? How would you describe it?
  2. @XYZ I wonder if this is how death feels like..
  3. This morning I had OBE. It happened around 4am, remeber I couldn't fall asleep that night/morning cause i was a bit depressed. Its first time this happens to me. I literaly felt my Soul! What was percieved was beautiful, crisp light, fast vibrations of my whole being with sounds ( not vocal) and feeling of lightness, freedom and surrender that felt amazing, but for some reason i fell back (and went into dreaming mode where i exited body within dream, which is not the same thing) This was the most amazing experience ever, even if it lasted few seconds.. My experience with psychadelics cant compare to this feeling.. Was thinking maybe some other people experienced something similar and could share
  4. @Mondsee Hmm you said it happened yesterday in the morning around 4 am? Weird thing is I experienced Something similar at that exact time. Remeber it was also 4 pm when i woke up, not long after that I felt pull from my chest that pushed me up, which was accompanied by Light, buzzing sound, Vibrations and I just felt like surrendering and was pushed more and more up untill i collapsed back to my body and started dreaming... I find it fascinating it happened around same time
  5. @Charlotte yeah but that mind always dissatisfied and I'm being pulled into it, and feel confused all the time of who am I.. It's maddening
  6. @erik8lrl ok thanks, thats all i need to hear
  7. sometimes its rather disatisfying ..
  8. @erik8lrlehh maybe someday will understand.. But thanks for loving me ^^
  9. @erik8lrl Is this Love emotion or?
  10. @erik8lrl But do you love me..? I still am unable to really feel that love everyone talks about ..
  11. Again and again I flip between being lost in thoughts and coming back to awareness, just recently thanks to @Nahm by him asking me the right questions I came to clarity of recognizing with certainty the distinction between thoughts and "witnessing" now I remain as awareness (although occasionally drifting in thoughts). Staying as awareness feels so great, indeed everything feels fresh, the experience of life feels renewed (although I still feel I can go much deeper..I'm only scratching the surface as Leo says..) now I wonder how could I ever overlook this present moment, how could I be so lost in thoughts rejecting this very moment, this life, this feeling, this being.. Truly nothing is lacking, it's all perfect, I'm so blessed!
  12. are you not intelligent? Are you not the result of randomness? And evolution theory doesnt really explain anything, it describes the happenings, where it all come no one knows.
  13. Okay yes there is distinction between thinking and viewing the thinking as separate thing (awareness) or not separate just something that happens within awareness. But what's the point of awareness it doesn't do anything, just witnessing?
  14. @Nahm so how do I know my direct awareness is not just another thought? Maybe everything is thought and there is nothing else, maybe the awareness as something distinct doesn't exist, since it's just a thought.
  15. @VeganAwake Do you know where you can get this book for free?
  16. Well this direct "awareness" does feel kinda like separation from thoughts, objects, sensations all the things you can externalize. But you could say its like a container that contains all the external stuff. Dont you think this direct "awareness" is both separation and no-separation, i kinda feel it depends on point of view to say what it is.
  17. Well if you ignore all thoughts and just stay as an awareness then yes, the problem(question) of separation doesn't occur (I guess dogs don't engage in such inquiries of whether they are separate or not, since they're just being all the time :D) Would you say if I stay in this being (awareness) mode for prolonged time, it wouldn't feel dissatisfying, I guess I already know the answer haha. So it would be wise to drop all the questions huh?
  18. Firstly its a thought that says "I am separate (cause I have this body which is different from yours and what happens to yours will not affect mine, so it is reasoned that we are separate), then there is thought "I cant (dont want) connect with others thus I feel isolated, etc.." then its feeling of not being connected with others (but its been realized that i dont really like to form relationships with other humans so this separations feeling I recon is more psychological issue for me rather than spiritual. Okay so you could say all this feeling of separation is caused by my past events (unhappy childhood). So maybe if i had happy one I wouldnt feel this separation, since its all derived from memory (so thought). So i wonder if i would be able to create great relationships with other people would i still say im feeling separate ? But forming relationships are not my thing, im very bored with people, disinterested and i feel no need for friends as it is seen they are permanent, changing and ultimately dissatisfying, so im seeking something more satisfying that would fulfill me, i just cant see value in sustaining human relationships, in the past i was bothered by it but now I truly dont care its as if no one exists except me, so there is no need to seek other. Yet I still crave for deep relationship, something that is genuine and unconditional, I still have yet to find that "Thing".. (sorry again some self -talk ) What you think ?
  19. Well in the awareness you could say we are One. But the separation exists in senses. Devoid of all my senses we are One being i guess. But i find (the thought finds) just being aware is rather uninteresting, dissatisfying state, I feel there must be more, hence the seeking.