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Everything posted by Nemo28

  1. Yeah i know that i am everything ^^ i just wonder if these negative thoughts can be switched off ..
  2. Yeah, I never really noticed how much darkness and negativity there are around others before, I was more focused on myself (my own egoic problems) and never really thought about others, but now it's the way around, I have abondoned my egoic desires and extended my awareness outside to what I perceive other people and there is so much negativity and pain, which is why it gets overwhelming, I guess I can't do much about it, just practice acceptance and love. It feels as if I have no choice lol, it's what I really want, to accept as much as I can, all that negativity..
  3. Yeah but it's only true from one perspective. It's also true that I am those sounds and thoughts, I mean not really cause I can observe them, but they are part of me. I think I want to be aware of all of this "noise" in order to heal "myself" or the world.
  4. @VeganAwake wow thanks for reminding this again. Yeah I am just a label, I can't do anything really, things just happening (but it's so convincing I am doing it). But it's weird how when you realize this the behavior changes having less fear and more joy, it's as if "you" did something, or it just happened hmm..
  5. Thanks! Yes, ultimately I recognize that it's all coming from me "the I". I do try to accept everything about me, so I also accept others however much I can, but it just gets overwhelming.. Sometimes all you want to do is hide and be left alone.
  6. @Michael569 yeah I understand, I also were like them, but then I learnt forgiveness and love (thanks to psyhadelics). I want to heal people, by my ability to absorb their negativity and transform it to something more harmonious.
  7. @Aaron p there is no evil really, it's just gets overwhelming sometimes to be the 'sponge " for other people, to suck in (what I perceive, their thoughts and feelings). I guess, it's one reason I like to be alone. Yeah ayahuasca retreats have helped me a lot. God bless psyhadelics
  8. Does anyone here experience egoic satisfaction (pride) towards themself for being more advanced than most of the society? I feel superiour to others, knowing myself as awareness and having this ability to detach from the mind. When i look at other people i see them very absorbed into their personalities, activities, always distracted either by phone, headphones or friends, all the time talking and talking. Well the issue i have here is that i experience discomfort seeing myself liking this situation, its as if i enjoy other people suffering, i enjoy seeing their delusion, it gives me sense of superiority, and when i see people trying to become more aware i feel threatened and jealous that they might share the same understanding as i do and i would no longer feel superior and special. I mean its just one feeling among many i have, this is the one of the worst things in me i guess. I felt need to verbalize this. Can anyone relate or im just really fucked up (issues with self esteem maybe)?
  9. @VeganAwake yeah haha Wuhuu parteeey!
  10. nothing, but still despite that I am!
  11. @VeganAwake But I am! I am, I am, I am
  12. Well its not just hubris or excessive insecurity, its way worse, its all the possible "evils" that you could imagine, I contain all the shit you want to get rid from your mind and much more, and i have accepted it, thus im free from it. Lets not divide ourselves. I am both the devil and god, yet able to transcend these dualities by accepting them as part of me, cause thats what i experience and that is the truth.
  13. Dude this is really profoud! Wow it kinda blows my mind! There is no other experience than me, i am always central, how can there be anything else, its inconceivable..deem I am as i am, i accept myself totally ^^
  14. cause i like to be me Well yeah cause awareness is Oneness