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Everything posted by hamedsf

  1. Yooo boy! eastern european countries have affordable fees for international students.
  2. absolutely. when I improved my interaction skills better with men in society, I saw that my interaction with women had gone to a whole new level too, sort of yin and yang.
  3. make the sex adventurous, she will become clingy this time.
  4. in relationship, show your power and masculinity to her, even Inna Shevchenko will be ready to ask you what to wear.
  5. basically It's pointless to chase her when she bombards you with multiple "no", choose who chase u!
  6. you are taking actions on spiritual aspect but not physical. take bold actions. what you want from world? get out and ruthlessly chase it!
  7. I like computer, biology and business. how shall I handle? I should have a solid plan of working on them for a few years moving forward without losing concentration. that is the key!
  8. don't think of yourself as high conscious being and others low conscious beings (this is another trap) you shouldn't have that much of the resistance towards low consciousness stuff otherwise you're wasting your energy.
  9. starting that kind of job would be equal to putting your manhood on risk! man up and do gracious jobs!
  10. take whatever you healthy dose you want but before noon. it won't affect your sleep.
  11. oh, you're in the group of that kind of women that guys online complain about, that cancel the date at the very last minute, I got ya!
  12. I smoke. my friends smoke. what is the difference? they do it out of a habit and I do it once or twice in a month without developing a habit. wine is not bad, your clinginess/habit makes it bad for your health.
  13. NOPE. I don't care what people do out there, falling sexually in love with a tree or marrying an alien. but engaging with dick for me is a big red flag for losing my male identity (you might tell it's just an identity but I'm totally okay identifying or overidentifying myself with that as a male role) PS: didn't see "as a female" part of your question but still you can see some humans looking like females but having dicks
  14. why do you want to be more feminine? saying you need to install more feminine energy is like eagle would claim that he needs more stone hung from his feet to fly!
  15. it's quite normal. don't expect yourself too much and too much growth in the short timeframe. don't try to defeat your biology wirings, it will come back and dominate you, so one step at a time! "Many a mickle makes a muckle"
  16. if you are a heavy coffee drinker like me, it might be a suitable time to mix it with your meditation. if you're too awake and drink a coffee, your meditation will be just full of thoughts even more than usual because it causes your organs to produce stress hormones for you. in this state your brain is in beta state which is a pretty bad brain wave for the meditation. so pick a time that you are completely free and a bit drowsy that your body exactly needs a short nap of 10-20 min (not more) drink your cup of coffee and immediately hop on your meditation session. If you get comfortable and relax physically short dreams will flash in the screen of your mind (in this stage you're getting into delta state) then when you wake up again into your meditation, you're exactly in the best brain wave for meditation which is: alpha state. hope this helps!
  17. “It's supposed to be hard. If it were easy, everyone would do it.” (oh yeah! ?)
  18. next time say: my dad is police and he's patrolling around here, now I'm calling him to show you the end of the day!
  19. strong in every way possible especially psychologically and spiritually.
  20. oh, man! time to inoculate the lovers. cumshot is the best shot ever! ?
  21. @Raptorsin7 that's good time too but I intended for the meditation without melatonin. if you seek a meditation with melatonin 3-4 AM in the morning is the best time.