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Everything posted by hamedsf

  1. @Mikael89 BECAUSE in sleep, our internal clock is still active and at play, in anesthesia, I think that internal clock is also deactivated
  2. it's about your mind program and frequency that makes the lottery for you. for example, winners think oftentimes that they are lucky!
  3. Judging by their profile you feel no attraction to?
  4. to hell with solitude, go and become a musician! chase after material success! alongside meditate on a daily basis!
  5. @theking00 please let go of enlightenment and go out to get a girlfriend and then come back to the path to enlightenment later, if you don't know how, invest your money on attraction courses or watch free YouTube videos. there are tons of techniques to attract girls, don't waste your youth on isolation. everything should be balanced (yin and yang) socialization in opposite direction of isolation! presence of desire and not fulfilling it is the huge hindrance for spiritual development and I should say that desire of sex (especially sex love) is the most powerful desire that you can't put up resistance against it, unless taking the edge off your desires will somehow backfire on you psychologically in the long run! GOOD LUCK!
  6. take a minute to think. do you think of this action because of the presence of the bleakness and despairing of your life? do you think you'd think to do the same if you had the life of Dan Bilzerian? think deeper and deeper, it's a escape rather than seeking a pure enlightenment! try to take multiple actions on your dreams, fulfill your dreams by your own hands! hope you'd come to your senses ASAP! GOOD LUCK!
  7. @NoSelfSelf Yup, you're right! but apart from reproduction, It'd be fascinating to see my girlfriend also watches actualized.org episodes and comprehend them to a tee, the main point is to find the person who is on the same wavelength!
  8. well put! nice idea! well, I don't agree on ajasatya's viewpoint because if the relationship is more functional and healthy, it'd help for two persons to grow themselves psychologically/consciously! I should invent a dating app for the self-actualizers to find each other and hook up together! haha
  10. The most fundamental step to full-scale self-actualization!
  11. not at all in the middle east, even the modern countries!
  12. sound silly for me. if you're interested in that style, no problem! but I think most probably, you're imitating Buddha, and when you're doing that you're just an unactualized copy, not the authentic one!
  13. I don't know, if you found your life passion, you'd be working without getting tired of it! this is my experience with psychology!
  14. There's no where and no when! it's only You who is stripping the fake self out to get to the true self which is now in front of your eyes but you don't see it!
  16. first of all, to hell with social/peer pressure, you are here to self-actualize yourself to get rid of these pressures at first place!! I don't know which one is more important for ya, getting out of the country or following your passion in the study? from my POV, I'd take the first option if it'd be at the cost of throwing my passions in study subject to the wolves :)) it's so nice that you wrote your problems and hesitation here, but to get the best consultation which is fit for your status quo, I'd say that take the one from the person who has the closest experience to you! I'm telling you, 4 years of biology "inland" could be the dumbest decision you could take in your life! (now it's up to you!) but at the end of the day, it's you who knows the "YOU" better than anybody else! and remember the process could be sacrificing one of your normal-level passion to your greatest passion! sit down, and evaluate your options, remember from universal perspective: there's no better option, it's you who is making meaning out of options, so think it through thoroughly. if you need further help, we could talk about it via direct message, because there could be personal examples and experiences of a consultant!
  17. after enlightenment, no survival but creation! for example, a common person would need sex for both his survival and excitement but enlightened person would perform sex for the sake of excitement and not survival at all!
  18. in this reality, you reach a level and you think to yourself : hush! I've reached the ultimate stage! this will only happen when two Sundays come together! haha
  19. you have an energetic bound with your past that should be cut off and that is being present for a while like meditation for hours and hours on a daily basis!
  20. same here! I've been told many times that I have penetrative glance and they laugh at my way of looking directly
  21. This is your EGO mechanism trying to defeat you when you're abstaining from it.
  22. after enlightenment, you could still get back to your old habit as a recreation but once you decide not to repeat that habit forever you won't repeat those anymore! because your will comes from the deep point of self!
  23. it's not about robing freedom, it's about energy consumption. if you go through the motions, it means that you consume much lesser energy and when you want to make a change in the system, you consume more energy to make that change happen. so changing something inside is out of habit and autopilot behavior so expect the feeling of being inconvenient while your doing something new because it's energy consumer until it takes fixed form as a new habit!