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@Nivsch Yes, it seems both but regarding the long term effect, do you think it's for or against it? let's see... let's not just focus on consciousness practice, let's pick up and talk about an everyday mundane matter, for example:"waking up at 5 am everyday" you decide to do this for two months and ultimately make a habit out of it, at first, it seems that you're cruel on your"SELF = EGO", because as you're doing it everyday, you have suffering and pain in the process on a daily basis! DON'T YOU? let's assume, you 100% succeeded and you woke up everyday at exactly 5 am everyday, at the end of the time period, you see that you can wake up easily and be productive because you have much time to do things with the new sleep program. you see that benefit in your"SELF = EGO" now, let's zoom out and see all things from above, at first, you were against (YOURSELF = EGO), but at the end of the process, you see that you've gained a new beneficial habit for (YOURSELF = EGO) in the short term, against, but in the long term, for!!
hamedsf replied to Michael Paul's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@remember nice explanation! some people during psychedelic experience, they'd think to themselves that if they even would jump off the cliff, because all are hallucinations, nothing would happen for them, but in that state, they don't know that hallucinations has its own levels and layers which means if you break the rule of the much rigid hallucination, you'd wind up dying on the pavement of the street. -
Letting Go is Powerful Technique, Don't Underestimate it! even if it serves the EGO, why do you see any problem in there? for instance, If I'd tell you go and jump off the cliff, would you do it? you'd say that it'd create unnecessary problems for you in the future! why do you avoid it? because you're serving your EGO in the first place. so don't try to label it bad or negative to serve the EGO! we even stop serving EGO excessively just because we're afraid that in future, the habit of excessively doing or consuming something will create extra suffering, so even the intention of stop for serving the EGO is serving EGO in its essence, just think about it! so even the letting go technique would seem a reducer of serving but you serve it in future by practicing the creating the state of peace inside yourself. Letting Go doesn't remove the surface problems, it can also remove the deep problems, but that's true as long as you're not misusing it like someone would think to itself : let's Let Go of the desire to have sex forever and not do it anymore! that'd create more problems!
as you've written: ""the real picture is a lot more complex with dozens of parameters"", so you kinda answered your own question that the issue of OCD doesn't boil down to the simplistic mathematical equations that if that is higher than this, you'll definitely experience that mood! that's just true on the paper, and when you apply it in the reality you see a different kind of direction, just like the lessons of classical physics in our high school that we tend to imagine and depict the trajectory of a projectile in a fixed and specific direction. but when we did it in reality, plenty of factors were engaged in the direction of a projectile. so when we're just referring to our own specific problem inside ourselves, we should dig deeper to see the roots and many factors causing the problem, so knowing the approximate time and month of the manifestation of a psychological problem doesn't mean that we should only turn to simplistic ideas rather than seeking the multiple-factor complication. so try to solve the problem immediately, find ways to improve it. you're compelled to do it even if the salvation is in the material world!!
hamedsf replied to Michael Paul's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
There are layers to hallucinations -
that's one of the most important point that consciousness seekers seem to miss!
Both Yes and No! Letting Go could happen in every present moment, if you wanna be in the present moment, you should let go of everything, but you could not accept the situation and you'd take necessary steps to get to the point of change. but most of the time, they are the same, but as long as the meaning of acceptance wouldn't get the negative meaning like tolerance...
Hello there again! @KP_Spirituality27 sexual energy is vital and not the same energy that keeps you awake, it's more of a "motivating energy" for the lack of better word. yes, sexual energy when gone out of hand could create a hell for ya. coz this energy is hard to let go of. so if you wanna gain some control over this, first off, don't force yourself to be asexual forever, think about having a partner or somebody you could have sex with. if you feel the urge to jerk off frequently. it means that your mind is still involved in the sexual imaginations, everytime you feel like to start the sexual imagination, let that go! do you know why you get blue balls? because you feel aroused to the images that you had in your head! if you eliminate the source of arousal which are sexual imaginations, you'd be able to stay comfortable without masturbating.
Yes, you're right! after babies, the sexual fire between two partners become extinct. that has numerous factors in it. but a man should be able to skillfully handle this issue and not let the fire die down. although the issue boils down both to man and woman, but for the most part : man! conversely, I've seen couples who have been in the same sexual energy together just like before they had babies!
being positive after experiencing a bad occurrence like death of loved ones is not wrong thing per se. it's because you see this in a psychopath person you label it as bad. just like confidence! a maniac could be over-confident! but every mentally sound man can be too!
Are you sure about these information Mrs.Natasha? the biology is to some extend true but the masculine energy is totally off-base! That's because of one thing: women have been labeled significantly by the society if they would express they sexual emotions freely all the time even you can see this in the modern countries. so women have chosen subconsciously not to do it directly because they'd think that if they do it without any initial love, they'd be called "bitch" by the society and the people around them. a woman can't exceed her biological program for sure, but definitely she is able to remove the social conditioning programs.
if she agrees why not going to have it! the life is all about freedom! don't moralize it @F A B !
try to keep up with your basic needs at the same time, do the consciousness work rigidly! learn about chakra (energy centers) as well. if you'd be able to move your chakra energy from the lower part up all the way up to the heart or throat. you'd see that your struggle for survival stuff would be decreased by half!
your EGO is the winner in this case.
moralizing sex again. you haven't seen women who are ready to have sex without even a light love and they are not even whore.
Yes, unconsciousness of the body create tensions and your body in order to relieve it, it compels you to do extra things like nail biting, hair picking and so on. the more unconsciousness creates more tensions, the more consciousness creates more lightness and the sense of being comfy. remember the practice of being in your body is the anchor to the present moment.
I had the same habit months ago sometimes I notice as it rises. the consequences of not being in the body for the longer period of time will manifest variously in various individuals. so it's nail biting in your case. as I practice being in my entire body for longer period of time, I see a sense of lightness in my body so give it a shot too.
the problem is that even when you're trying to do the observation, you're doing it for the sake of relief and it's also judgmental too, for instance when you experience negative thing, you would think to yourself: lemme do the observation in order to ward off this negative experience, Then you do that for 10 or whatever minutes and you see nothing changes, then your Ego mind's chatter starts: see? I knew it's worthless trying, as you know the EGO doesn't stop, Yes, I mean that there are unlimited levels to the observation and concentration, and maybe they take effort at first place in order for the brain to set up neurological hardware associated with those in your brain in order to come into effect significantly, my advice is that you should do the observation meditation for longer period of time or as a shortcut any psychedelic that befits your personal psyche that can transform your whole structure of your mind after you come back to your daily life. so accordingly you'd see an enormous change in your observation and concentration. Hope that it helps my friend
don't blame it on observation. just because we have shaky observation ability doesn't mean that observation per se is groundless. observation just like any other skill like concentration is a brain muscle that can be trained for better qualities through rough practice.
@Nivsch well, how do you think you'd be able to transcend your EGO so that when you come back to yourself, you experience a radical shift within you? that's what I mean when I say "hardcore approach" and it's not a certain technique, it's a personal solution. and here's a thing: don't listen to the voices inside your head or don't talk with yourself (those are originated from the EGO), just observation is enough. but again, the pace doesn't come before mindfulness, oftentimes it comes from the heart of the mindfulness. conscious person knows where to rush and where not to, but oftentimes he's slower. but remember, any type of obsession has roots in racing thoughts, you should be vigilant about it so me should either.
hamedsf replied to mindcentral's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
affirmation without the certain feeling which will give rise to frequency change is nothing. the most important thing is feeling that changes the program of subconscious mind. -
well, medicine loves to put names on the various kinds of dysfunctional behaviors done by humans like : OCD, PANIC ATTACK and etc. but to put it simply, it's an obsession to repeat the same thing over and over again. well, we now know that if EGO is activated and spin out of one's control, any type of non-adaptive behavior could manifest. but to know OCD, I should say that the one who is suffering from acute condition of OCD is someone who has racing thoughts ( or speedy thoughts) and they tend to do their daily activities in a higher pace. as we talked before, solution could be mindfulness practices but the hardcore approach!! and slow down! doing everything in a hasteful manner will give rise to the various kinds of maladaptive behaviors. the pace of your daily activities can determine whether you're going to combat OCD or not.
SEX is the same SEX
there's no right answer. just when you finished your comprehensive progress in your life you could decide to bring another human to this life (for example: when you reached to the normal extent of emotional mastery, financial mastery and so on and so forth) remember, majority of parents in the world are irresponsible and they transfer they whole dysfunctional limiting beliefs, psychological complexes, mental illnesses, false perceptions and beliefs right into the brain of their children.
remember a human doesn't have one personality at place. in any condition or situation, one persona manifest itself automatically out of the group of personas when a certain situation appears. be conscious how you're behaving when you're with professors, and how you're behaving with your close friends. how you're behaving when you're walking down the street all alone and the same with friends. this is called "fragmentation" maintaining awareness on your fragmentations could easily help you to choose the one you like most of the time.