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Everything posted by hamedsf

  1. upon years after birth, when your EGO emerged and fledged fully, you developed different things including talking, thinking, etc. after you learned your mother tongue, you began to talk and interact with those around you, but surprisingly you developed another type of interaction! if you've ever noticed almost every person on earth has got a voice inside his or her head and you see that people have identified themselves with that voice. catch yourself once you talk to yourself in your head! notice, who you're talking to? are you two persons interacting together? if you observe more and be aware of the whole dysfunctional behavior pattern, you'd see that the "talking self" originates from a really superficial level and your "observer self" is way much deeper than that. this talking self has created problems in your life and will create more in the future. because this talking self is coming from a limited box aka EGO. this behavior detracts you from a higher or observer self. so be more observant and turn that voice off. the irony is that when you teach mindfulness meditation to people, when they're in meditation, they begin talk to themselves: "okay, in my meditation, lemme clear up my thoughts" and they try and try but they fail and again self-talk begins: "goddamit! why the heck this doesn't work? why amn't I good at this? " and they never take it much deeper. now the kicker is, some people who realize self-talk, they kinda try to talk to themselves again to convince themselves not to talk to, they should understand that birds of a feather flock together, you can't eliminate a thought with another thought or a self-talk with another self-talk, ultimately an unconditional observer is required to terminate all of these malicious patterns forever.
  2. @Elham Good question! The Ego communicating to itself in many forms but for the most part, it's thoughts in the forms of imagination and inner voice. saying that without talking to yourself, we can't get things done is shallow thinking and perspective about ourselves, because we have more things in deeper parts that know what will be doing based upon our individual agendas. one of them is feeling or for some people much deeper involved like intuition. for example, it happens a lot to us that when we know that we gotta wake up at 5:00 AM, we see that we wake up instantly in or on time without any conscious interference in the process. you might be asking, why the heck even positive self-talk isn't that important? if you're doing positive self-talk right now chances are you will do negative self-talk in the future because their origin is the same: EGO and both types of self-talks reinforce each other indirectly!! P.S: In some consciousness teachings, they refer to intuition as "inner voice", so watch out not to confuse this stuff together.
  3. @Eph75 not only did I point my finger to negative self-talk but also did refer to positive self-talk. any self-talk no matter it's positive or negative, it's self-talk and it reinforces the mechanisms of EGO just like negative self-talk does and even you can see positive self-talk doesn't help you to change yourself that much because it originates from a shallow and surface level.
  4. No, not like that. the whole point of visualization is to flow the certain "FEELING" in you, thus programming your subconscious mind. if you're visualizing for one specific scene, you can visualize the same scenario or different scenarios for the related content (DOESN'T MATTER IF YOU CHANGE IT SINCE IT'S ABOUT THE SAME CONTENT), don't forget to do 30 minutes of meditation before EVERY visualization because your brainwaves should descend down to alpha or delta state.
  5. @Raptorsin7 it should be done in a time that your mind is a bit detached from daily life activities, since I'm a bit perfectionist, it should be done in absolute darkness, you should find your specific time when your mind is tranquil and still, either early in the morning or late at night. for me, night time is my right time when I'm not feeling sleepy. but finding the right time is not the only factor, you should carefully watch the dark screen of your mind.
  6. @Rasheed I don't know which type of taking action you're talking about since even changing from inside without even moving one millimeter is taking action for me! but as a mater of fact, subconscious absorbs all of videos if you even don't do anything I mean just watching it, in fact, there should be a big difference between somebody who hasn't watched the videos at all and somebody who has watched half of them and forgot about it as time progressed.
  7. just observe everything in the long-term. it's right that I may sleep better after the fulfillment of jerking off to porn, but is it good for me in the long run? of course, not. you have certain fantasies and every girl has certain and special fantasies. remember by not jerking off to those bubble collection. you'll get the urge to learn the ropes to perform in the world, create your own porn scenes with your own girls if you are willful enough!
  8. coz most of the time, you should zoom out right to the big picture and see the big picture and the thing is that not 100% of the things he say is true so getting the big picture and getting the important points could help you.
  9. @Rasheed Don't be obsessed with taking serious notes and memorizing everything that he says line by line. you can take notes but carelessly, because for me, I actually watch them mindfully and try to get the big picture, when ever I've done watching all of them, I could start to re-watch them for taking notes. that's my plan for actualized.org.
  10. @Raptorsin7 of course, it's easier said than done, if I'm don't feel sleep and not tired at all, I can reach into that state even in less than 30 seconds.
  11. You should set the frame of your work on "materialism" and "no-metaphysics-at-all"! for example, introducing the evolution of the stage orange science, explaining how we as humans are evolved from a tiny cell or denying all of the mambo-jumbo or voodoo done by people around the world. because simply a hardcore stage orange person doesn't hold any place for any kind of superstitions. if the society is mainly orange, that'd be easy for a person as a higher blue person to evolve up to stage orange from lower stages and maintain his or her place there. if you are not familiar with the examples, I recommend you to check out "the spiral dynamics stage orange examples mega-thread"
  12. @Raptorsin7 as I said, you can't eliminate thought by thought or a voice with another voice, if you'd do, another thought would rise, an observer camera is needed to observe everything unconditionally non-judgmentally, that's not any part of the mind but coming out of space and time. a mediator should not be a human inside his/her meditation, the problem with beginners is that a beginner gets so empty that he gets back to thought to meditate again or he might speak to himself to make himself back to present moment, because he thinks if he doesn't have thought, he can't meditate properly as he learned with techniques, but he doesn't know that all process of profound meditation is done automatically when techniques are internalized in the long-run. hope you get the point.
  13. it should be a long-term plan without you being disappointed from them not making progress in the long run. you should push them forward gently without them knowing you're doing it. this should be done incrementally and has its own subtly and delicacy. you should throw new ideas and thoughts every now and then and provide evidences and examples from other parts of the world without leading them to develop resistance or create negative argument. they're higher blue, right? you should pull them up to the different tier of stage orange and explain about the prosperity and successes of orange countries and their people. explain it as if you're actually an orange girl and you feel into it while illustrating the examples. it'd get easier for you every time they're evolving up. it's a long process but it should be done constantly without being discouraged.
  14. that's your own mind problem, everyone of us are always trying out different lenses in our life and unfortunately your mind is programmed with that viewpoint and It's not a normal thing because every relationship whether it's with your friends, colleagues whether it's intimate relationship requires "trust" at first place. that could be problematic much more in intimate relationship, for example, if I turn to my girlfriend and ask her: do you trust me? and she'd beat around the bush in order to not to deliver the right answer, I'd get colder. that's the bitter fact! so if you want to take a step to change your viewpoint and take the healthiest one, I'd recommend you to push yourself further and further to be social to make the prior belief weaker and weaker. beware that your mind will try to maintain the status quo by collecting the related evidences.
  15. you can discover unswallowable truth one after the other but stick with modern life simultaneously. don't let the facts demotivate you in life, at the end of the day, truth is ultimately a source of joy and motivation.
  16. @Nivsch Well Said, Bro!
  17. You're a great subject changer GOD and Devil aren't the same. "the source" is primordial but any devil is transient and imaginary. PERIOD.
  18. "STUPIDITY" is the most valuable thing that you can receive from celibacy
  19. Nicely put! Gotta think of that! Tnx!
  20. Remember this key insight: whenever you're practicing developing a new habit, EGO will kill you to get back on your former habits. how? it will produce pain and suffering.
  21. @StefiKSM don't let over-excitement fool you! remember so many professionals use it without facing any dangers, but this doesn't mean you won't experience any! so start from minor safe dosage or postpone it and do it after you've done significant profound meditations. have you been great inside your meditations?