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Everything posted by hamedsf

  1. Their government are excellent at obeying like a donkey. exploitative colonial countries drink their oil like daily coffee.
  2. telling that there are some elites who are trying to control the world is not unicorn or something. it's actually happening behind the scenes. whether you believe it or not! (real old hag is here on earth and she's the queen of the England) so showing higher sensitivity towards that kind of topics really makes me doubtful. you'd be so sensitive if somebody say something against a group which you receive some funds on a monthly basis, otherwise it's irrational.
  3. I'm curious to know that are a paid attorney for him? your opinion is as stable as a piece of cloud. at least it's what I've witnessed in this thread. I'm a man who tells what in his mind straightforward, not a hypocrite for getting approval.
  4. don't be jealous or at least don't show your jealousy. there's some beta guys that women misuse them for showing other guys that they have wide options. he might be one of 'em! ? escalate things aggressively without making her feel like that she's been forced. after a while if you see that she doesn't pursue you, don't pursue her either. the rest of the process would be considered "simping"
  5. it would transform you upside-down!
  6. well, present her your middle finger mentally! well, the time will come that she will end up realizing the number of guys are reached over 10 and emotionally damaged. she was not yours, it was just your turn, tbh. move on, she belongs to the streets! ?
  7. Ego backlash... your mind is whipping you that you make significant progress without giving it time to restore itself.
  8. MAN UP, BRO! why should a breakup screw you up this much? everyone of us make mistakes and that girl is not perfect, is she perfect being? nah... every time that I have broken up with a girl, I have let her go AF mentally! not even apologetic or crying over spelled milk! ? so you might hear some reasons of broke up from her she's telling ya but remember those are made-up words for some excuses. my recommendation: move on to another girl just like she moved on to another guy easily.
  9. don't feel down, man! all of men are ghosted at least one time in their life times regardless of their appearance. AND you should accept the fact that females have more power when it's online because they can ignore or block you at the drop of the hat and that's because women have been receiving hundreds of messages online and it makes them kinda empowered while I can say 98% of those messages are sent by garbage people. but in person, they're at least a bit disarmed if you go out to date with her. try out both online and in person.
  10. you women might not like me consciously, but your lizard brains love me, coz I'm a human reptile ?
  11. females are drawn to us because we have masculine energy, they love the fact that our behaviors are different ruled by our hormones. they might complain but deep inside they love seeing that toughness because they have fragility. I have experienced that a girl has complained about my toughness talking to her girlfriends, but the night of that same day she has dropped her pants for me. ?
  12. @Leo Gura oh my lord! we forgot that you have a few episodes about open-mindedness! where did they go? out of window? this much of your sensitivity towards this topic makes me doubt about your personality and your intentions.
  13. @Opo I'm too busy to provide you evidences. all I can say is that duckduckgo is the best search engine for that type of self-research!
  14. telling that Afghanistan or Iraq deserves that type of government is another lie and ignorance. look how the people of Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria looked like. of course, western governments would be envy especially USA government. those countries would be a pretty modern country as of now, if there wasn't any interferences or wasn't the playground of some countries. of course, don't misunderstand me. I love the people , but I talking about those elites.
  15. 3rd World Countries are 3rd World Countries by intention. the intention holders are those who don't wanna see the eastern world (especially middle east) to progress
  16. Daniel Schmachtenbergers's favorite tree:
  17. certain malicious alterations in the body by the m.RNA
  18. @impulse9 Haha, right on the point!
  19. and my experience has been the exact opposite, bro!
  20. it's like to say how to get over the fear or paranoia towards jumping off the cliff. you can't because it's rational. I'm afraid to tell you, you are happily brainwashed by the govt. your family is in the right direction. you are the one who's targeted by govt full of colorful mischievous agenda!
  21. throw some of your misconceptions about us out of your windows and DO NOT make the misused science your scientology!
  22. vaccines? heh, you might say it didn't kill you but it has some subtle side effects for you as a gift in the long-run. I'm rather ready to be exposed to the real covid to get the antibody then being exposed to the thing that I don't know why it exists in the first place.
  23. well, that's true and it lowers your self-esteem and masculinity! when they say it's damaged it means it's something unnatural and get you doped by jerking off to the pixels not to the real woman. it rewires the neurons in the wrong neural pathway as a result. fucking prostitutes or overindulgence in sex could be turned into an addiction as well but it's natural anyways. you can pursue women for sex or have sex with prostitutes in exchange for money and get the dopamine. but in that process, you don't make the real effort and you get the extreme dopamine for doing nothin' literally. that's why your reward center gets lazy.
  24. there's nothing wrong with that and if you have money from that skill, it means that you have money. but some poker stuff are forbidden in some countries. so it's not a real skill to rely on.