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Everything posted by hamedsf

  1. there are so many possibilities in this unlimited universe! so we might consider those things as sci-fi but sci-fi stuff could be real AF!
  2. look, we're no different than an atom. our state of spiritual vibration is directly related to our emotions. the more we're in a good state of being for the lack of better word, our frequency is in coherent state. but bad feelings tend to have incoherent and low vibrational patterns which create chaos as a result. that's why various types of diseases and cancers are manifested after feeling a pile of bad emotions in the long run.
  3. you still can't see even my jokes can have full of deep meanings behind it!
  4. Yep, you can turn into a monster the next moment. ?
  5. vibration means your state of being. the more you feel happy and bliss, the more higher. the more you feel lower emotions like stress, fear or things like that, the lower your vibration!
  6. a man would be dead without the feeling of competition! so I love competition!
  7. authority is a neurological wiring in your brain that make you weaker and submissive when you face that person, group in the external world.
  8. @lardplanet well, here is the fact: nobody is immune to self-deception including me, you and leo! lower the expectation towards him and other people and still think independently for yourself and get outside of the matrix that is trying to enslave you!
  9. @charlie cho maybe. but yeah, women are full of insecurities (especially when it's online and she doesn't know you in person) it might be so laughable for us men, but women constantly are afraid of men being axe murders and end up killing them. ??
  10. @charlie cho Yep, kick 'em out from their rear side!
  11. If you're talking about women stop texting you or leaving you on read, it's because they have already lots of insecurities towards men. women are afraid of men and if you say something they might think something else, start startling and then ignore completely. and if you're talking about men, they may space out because they don't need you really.
  12. let go. let go of controlling stuff in your life. be okay with stuff happening spontaneously. also slow down the pace of your living. you might try slower living which brings you back to the inner bliss.
  13. Super Shredder unmasked ?
  14. Yep, only possible when you're be able to self-discipline and do some necessary self-study besides.
  15. wetting the trip sitter is better when she's female ?
  16. would not be a good solution if you're not that social person. if you already are then no problem with that.
  17. @Opo don't you dare change the content of my words again!
  18. women tell something but they might mean another thing. and some women might seek argument just because they get the excitement out of it (adrenaline effect!) If you wanna stop it, create excitements in and out of bedroom (provide her fun and excitement and she'll be yours forever) after providing those joyful experiences, if she stopped, that would mean her excitement wasn't provided, if she didn't, might be good opportunity to get out of it.
  19. both wings belongs to the same bat. republican shit, democratic shit.
  20. Truth: you never had an orgasm
  21. I can't go without earplugs. basically you should be disconnected from everything around you!