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About ARMeeeeRA

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  1. Thanks @Zigzag Idiot. In a funny kind of way it's comforting to know I'm not the only one with this hurdle. I mean, it's very easy most of the time to point out others projecting but much harder to point out my own particularly in a high paced kind of a setting, like when I inadvertently challenge someones web of beliefs. Then it all becomes about scrutinising how my grammar is set out and justifying world views etc. I'm sure you get the idea. I implement the method of saying nothing also and in many cases it speaks volumes anyway. In the social media format, the difficulty there for me is that it isn't just a one on one conversation and there are others looking to see how I respond. Of course the balance there is Diplomacy vs Authenticity. In any event I have come to realise in deep meditation today that the need in me to "correct" anybody is what is actually in question. Why do "I" need to be correct? I found myself playing another role of like "shepherd" and realised it was only another role and was able to let it go. Another helpful technique today was to actually write out a draft of my response and read it a few times filtering it down and down. In the end of that I had a pretty good response BUT did not have the desire to post it anymore. Things seem to have worked out. I appreciate you taking the time to reply to me today, Zigzag. Namaste
  2. Thanks, you are right Vincent. Silence is a powerful ally indeed. Namaste
  3. Hi Guys, Not sure if this is where I’d post a question but here goes. I’m pretty new here, have been following Leo’s work pretty closely for about a year now and I’m at the stage where I am sharing on social media certain techniques and methods that are yielding wonderful benefits for me personally BUT I notice the projections of “others” and their own biases, usually religious webs of belief etc, that of course bring up plenty for me to integrate from the shadow haha. That’s not the problem though. The question is how can I respond in a timely manner to these people without unconsciously projecting myself or my own perhaps unresolved ideologies etc onto them? Please help, I want to be helpful to “others” and I want to be able to respond effectively. Is it just a skillset that improves over time with practice, is there something I’ve missed? yours,
  4. Greetings! Thank you for holding this space. I would like to start by saying that I have not read as much as Leo has. (Not by a long shot). But I have experienced something very similar to what he described. I have always been able to see tiny little holes in "reality" kind of like white noise, and the more I self actualise (by doing the suggested exercises) the more I begin to understand what it is that I see. Even nothing is something otherwise it wouldn't be everything. Imagining the world? Perhaps it's more like dreaming as we both perceive and create entire worlds and dimensions of worlds within in dreams, not so much when we imagine things, too many parameters that need to make sense to our finite minds to accept and process. De-nial is not only a river in Egypt. I love your work Leo. Sharing your insights has helped me a lot. I look forward to the future of as this blog has shown me the best is yet to come. Love is always.