Guru Fat Bastard

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Everything posted by Guru Fat Bastard

  1. Extraordinary = Extra-ordinary Yogani describes well as extraordinary ordinariness
  2. @Mikael89 ? Glad you enjoyed it. Yeah,he does have some other great vids and I would encourage anyone to go and take a look at them.
  3. Excellent rendition of Adi Shankara's 'Atma Bodha", along with animated visuals and easy to understand analogies for easy comprehension.
  4. Who are you being right now? Is the one who wants to know how be God, real? What is unreal, will never be, nor become, the real. The unreal has to be seen to be unreal,then the real will stand as it always was.
  5. There's only one inarguable,non-debatable,undeniable,ultimate truth that is eternally true. Any other so called truth is relative and, not That. If ultimate truth has dawned, no argument or debate can truly be had about it. It is the great Silencer and thus, why anything ultimately said about it will always miss the mark. The paths and ways or non-ways, in which one can possibly have that realization can vary among different cultures and individuals,but that which is realized is non-debatable.
  6. Timeless (i.e.not in time/beyond time,not limited to space & dimension ). Being beyond time,it is eternal (no beginning & no end),always and forever existent and no time in which it was never non-existent. Being beyond space & dimension,it is boundless,unlimited,never ending.
  7. "Enlightenment is an accident but practice makes us accident prone" Zen Master Baker Roshi
  8. Reverse the question. "Where is me in this Conciousness?"
  9. Mind and/or thought, is time. Where there is no mind,there is no time.This moment is not a "present" moment,"past"moment,or "future" moment , This moment is not a 'when" question. It is a "where" question,because it is timeless. If you ask "when is this moment" or "when is this present moment",the mind and/or thought will say "it is now",which is the minds conception of this moment, and thus a time bound,thought representation of this moment. This moment does not exist in the mind and is not relative to the thought/concept bound mind. Inquiring within..."where" is this moment" or "where" is this moment right now", it will point to it's timeless nature, and not the mind. What can know or be aware of the timeless is the timeless,therefore "you" and the timeless are not separate.
  10. You may have heard the term Bliss before. Well, this is the Bliss that is spoken of. The Bliss of Being. That's the essence of meditation. Abiding in the Self or Self Abidance. Which means to abide or rest in the awareness of your own being. Bring this simple "being aware of being" or awareness of being, into your waking hours also and "the insanity" will begin to fall away.
  11. Good. Stay there. Even better,repeat it and remind yourself whenever you look for,feel the need, or try to come up with some meaning.. If you repeatedly remind yourself "I have no fucking clue (what This is)", things will start revealing themselves. And they will reveal things that "meaning" would savagely distort and corrupt. Meaning severely distorts and obscures the miracle of what's happening. No meaning will ever live up to what this existence is. This also includes you, as you and existence are not separate. "I have no fucking clue" is a doorway to the freedom you're looking for,not a punishment. So keep " having no clue" every moment for the rest your life and every moment will reveal things that meaning could never touch. A little drop of wisdom for ya.
  12. The rock bottom of understanding is not an understanding, but a living reality, It's the end of understanding. it is the inarguable living and abiding Truth (not theoretical or conceptual understanding), that "I Am the living, infinite,eternal, Absolute Reality. It's irreversible,permanent enlightenment. Nothing left to understand. Having an initial,experiential awakening/realization of the Absolute Reality is the real beginning of spirituality,not when one begins seeking. This initial awakening gives one the fundamental, experiential understanding/knowing, (not theoretical understanding or belief) , that "I am the Absolute Reality", It isn't the permanent,irreversible abiding shift, but it is the beginning of what is now, an inevitability.Whereas with seeking, there is still doubt about it's possibility. Depending on one's Karmic load after this awakening, it may take quite some time, or, not much at all. This is why some get permanent irreversible enlightenment from the first glimpse without having, or hardly having, anything to do with spirituality. The other 99.9% ,have to work for it. So yes there is an end. "Awakenings",meaning many or multiple, are continual realizations/insights, not Complete enlightenment. If the enlightenment is complete there will be no more realizations or insights to be had about the nature of Absolute Reality. You are that reality and there is nothing more to know. If there are still realizations and insights coming about the Absolute then you haven't hit the end.
  13. If full,embodied realization has happened,then there's no one to "decide" to teach. What has awakened has it's own will, and if teaching happens, it's not the will of an individual or person who decided to do it. It was decided for them. Just, as an example, Ramana never sought to, nor ever left the mountain to go out and teach the world, yet he's one of the most influential teachers of the 20th century. Truth has it's own way of getting itself out there whether it's the will of the one who's teaching or not. If they are fully realized, odds are, they didn't choose to do so. As Jesus said, "not my will,but thy will be done". Would he have gone out and spread the truth by his own will,knowing what the cost would be ? As realization deepens and gets further integrated,one very much observes the falling/fading away of personal will. It can be very trying on the so called "personal" level because one's desire and drive to pursue what was once considered of significant importance and meaning, starts falling away. Once the "new" energy or drive starts taking over,"you're" no longer in the driver's seat (well,there never was a "you" driving), Now there's just "going along for the ride" to where it wants to go.
  14. Simple isn't it. When all mental concepts and strategies to avoid Being are dropped, Being is all there is.
  15. Just sit (i.e., rest/relax) in the silence. Waiting implies expectation,and if you're waiting for something to arise you're not resting in the silence. There is an agitation in the mind there. A still mind is a silent mind. If the body is tense and the mind is highly active,inquiry is going to be difficult. So definitely take that into consideration.
  16. insight comes from the silence prior to thought. Insight is a spontaneous revelation from the infinite intelligence not previously collected by the intellect and stored as memory. Thoughts are learned,conditioned conceptual ideas gathered from memory. What "you" already "know" is of the past and can never be a new,and spontaneous revelation. "Spontaneous revelation" is often referred to as "flash of insight".
  17. Lol,you just gave him another answer to use. Whatever you heard or read is only assumed to be true,you don't really know. Inquire "who am I as not a thought or idea"? This negates any thought that arises right off the bat. Take it as a rule that Any thought that comes to mind is to be automatically rejected as untrue. Note that self inquiry is questioning the very existence of "I",not to verify it's existence as "I am this or that."
  18. Thought is a movement. And mind cannot catch mind as mind itself is a thought. Now here's a paradox. The only thing faster than movement,is stillness. That which doesn't move is what perceives or observes movement. Thought, being an object/form ,as with all objects /forms, can only be seen or perceived in the space in which it appears. Space/emptiness is formless and also motionless or non-moving. That which you call "reality" is an illusion (neither real nor unreal. Not real because it is an impermanent ever changing appearance. But not unreal because it can't be said to be totally non existent or separate from absolute reality. Whatever is not existent,doesn't exist. Non-existence, does not-exist. To manipulate a belief would only change the seeming appearance of the illusion,but it still remains an illusion. And since it is your belief that your manipulating, the change in appearance would only appear to you and you alone.
  19. ??. Being is simple. Sometimes the biggest obstacle to simply Being,is in ones reluctance to just let themselves Be. A few lyrics from the song Down in hole (by Alice In Chains). "Well you don't understand who they thought I was supposed to be But look at me now , a man who won't let himself be." Singer,(Layne Staley) later died of heroin addiction.
  20. What you're not conscious of is unknown. Not necessarily that it doesn't exist.
  21. What is the size, shape,and dimension of awareness? What is it's colorless color,tasteless taste,soundless sound, smelless smell,non-felt feel? Where is something with no age,no shape,no boundary,no size,no dimension,located? Am (I),ever present awareness.. unaware?