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Everything posted by themovement

  1. @Anton_Pierre why are you getting @theking00involved he hasn't posted
  2. Dose the black pill expose the real truth about spirituality? You have said it yourself its all genetics.
  3. Why do I keep getting burned then if hypergamy isn't true and people who have superior genetics get everything they want. Im scared spirituality is a cop out for others that do not do well in the dominance hierarchy. but its not like i have a choice so I may as well give this a try. I did do 2000UG LSD trip but i melted away it felt, left my fried but isn't it all a hallucination in the brain?
  4. Perhaps I am not enlightened enough yet,
  5. @SageModeAustin Exactly, what happened?
  6. @tsukiWhat about the studies on hypergamy? like on tinder surely that proves its more than a belief?
  7. @tsukiSurely I can change this? re imagine my reality like leo is saying. isn't this the point of spirituality, also maybe it will give me an edge being the spiritual dude. Its torturer seeing others get what you can't have just because of genetics, why should I even put effort into chasing women when others can get it instantly based of looks? Do I even have a choice not to suffer ?
  8. Well Im double screwed then, no enlightenment can save you from this
  9. @seeking_brillianceIt is when no one wants you, marriage's a con suited for only a select few.
  10. Its hard to get ride of old beliefs when you have been burned so many times, time and time again hypergamy proves itself to me. If I get ride of this belief then I will no longer be burned? I just don't see how this life is fair unless you win the genetic lottery. I haven't found what reality is, i just hope this is real and not some kind of pseudo relief from the harsh truths.
  11. @seeking_brilliance Mexico
  12. @Natasha Hypergamy theory says for men its people with good bone density and structure, wide jaw, athletic, tall and white
  13. @seeking_brilliance Genetically superior people will only marry other genetically superior people. Either I change my genetics or re imagine the dynamics of hypergamy.
  14. I would make it less brutal, its all about superior genetics. I would make it so people love for the personality, and before anyone says go to the gym bro ive done that and its bullshit.
  15. But with enough conciousness work I can re imagine hypergamy ? Do you not worry about marriage ?
  16. Can't deny the tinder analytics's and the marriage statistics match up with hypergamy theory. Again believe what you want.
  17. Ok I get that, can it be re imagined to not be the way it is? Leo said in his latest video that everything is imagined so I get that even hypergamy itself is imagined. Hard to get your head around as hypergamy has its scientific stats but even since is imagined according to Leo. I have started meditating, starting with 20 mins per day. @Preetom I'm yet to write my 2000ug LSD report, you will eat your words
  18. @Truth Addict How can I do this? How long dose it take to re imagine your reality? Hypergamy is so cruel
  19. After some time away, I wanted to think. Now I'm back!
  20. Wait for the trip report I am writing it up
  21. You will be shocked what I saw. @Shinexactly we are all trying to wake up to what is true hear. I want answers
  22. I have been questioning red pill and granted it is negative but I found it hard to deny hypergamy. I tried the 200ug LSD trip which I will post below the report. I melted away.
  23. This thread can be used for people to ask me advice on what I have learned away
  24. Having watched some of these so called spiritual teacher, they seem very beta to me. I feel they would back down to well defined alpha when confronted. Tho I will say Elliot Hulse is alpha.