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Everything posted by CultivateLove

  1. Ah I see, you seem not to understand how English works, it's totally understandable I wish you good luck in your journey on learning to use it.
  2. @Iksander By saying men and women can't be friends because "sex is a basic need" is just such a crazy thing to say that I actually find it more probable that you maybe meant something else and worded it clumsily. If you want to get further into this discussion then please just either confirm or deny that's what you actually believe.
  3. Simply this. Millions of years of caloric scarcity hard-wired into our DNA. These things are a signal of "Wow, lot's of energy detected" basically, which was important when we didn't have a grocery shop / restaurant at every street. Not something you should use an excuse, of course, unless you don't give a f*ck about your health and your life. Btw, not all salt is the same. There's a big difference between pure Sodium Chloride (Basic white table salt) and something like Pink Himalayan Sea salt, which comes with many different minerals which are good for the body.
  4. Is it bad to want masculine energy also in my life but as friends? Like wtf. No there's nothing wrong at all wanting friends of the opposite gender. Although, if you're a pretty girl, a lot of guys will try to weasel their way into your pants by acting like it's only platonic at first, then going for the shot. With those guys just set clear boundaries, if you want to do it without hurting them, just say something like "Sorry, I just have very specific criteria for what I want in a partner, which is probably why I'm still single, but you just don't fit those criteria, it doesn't mean there's something wrong with you, it just means you're not my type, and I would really appreciate if you could respect that and just keep being friends". If they can't respect that, then do you really want them as a friend in the first place? "We're designed that way" is just a way to shoulder off all personal responsibility for your actions. "I'm sorry, I just can't resist my biological programming!" Herpdy. fucking. derp. Just jibberish and victim mentality.
  5. Bro you're swallowing too many pills lmao
  6. How would I even do that? Find some celebrity example? I don't know them, and neither do you, how the f*ck would either of us really know? I'm speaking strictly from personal experience and from what I've seen in real life with friends and family, and I've been blessed meet and make friends with some genuinely good hearted guys, who just happen to be in loving relationships. The difference is though, they're not JUST "nice", because it just doesn't fucking cut it, just as "just" anything doesn't work. Maybe you even have a totally different view of what "nice" is than me, it's pretty subjective.
  7. I haven't read pretty much any replies on this thread so it may already have been said in one way or another but here's how I see it: 99% of self-proclaimed "nice guys" are actually just deeply entitled and needy guys who don't realize it, yet pretty much everyone else (ESPECIALLY GIRLS) can smell it in a mile away. I've met self-proclaimed assholes and even sociopaths that are actually WAY nicer than the majority of self-proclaimed nice guys. It's a bitter pill to swallow, but you either swallow it and grow, or just keep being in denial and projecting all your shadows onto women and wallow in your bitterness and despair because women aren't dropping their panties for some needy, victim mindset pleb who gives her a compliment while expecting pussy in return. The reality is, girls actually love REAL nice guys, the ones who's niceness comes from within and without a condition, expectation or a price, as opposed to the self-proclaimed "nice guys" who use it as a tactic to get what they want / think they want, and then get bitter and start judging the girl / women as a whole when it doesn't work, which is... really not nice.
  8. Bro... Have you even read a single paper on nutrition / meal timing in your life? Be honest. Typical "it's all just calories in vs calories out" bro. No nuance or further information required. Guess where you are on this chart - It's called the Dunning Kruger effect, you just fell victim to it.
  9. Perfect example of stage 1 over-estimating its spiral development.
  10. You're all asking the wrong questions. Leo, what's the name of the chick with "God is Love" tattoo? For research purposes, of course.
  11. Leo, I highly respect & love you bro, but that's just wrong. I know from personal experience. Maybe for someone with your background where your parents fed you garbage and you grew up on video games, it's totally unrealistic, but for someone like me who did a ton of sports from an early age - swimming, football, basketball, biking, volleyball, tennis, badminton, martial arts, long distance running, sprinting, bodybuilding, power lifting, yoga and more, it's kind of easy. (Viking genetics may also play a role ) Because of my past, my body is simply built differently from most people, foundationally. And I know I'm not the only one, and there's people out there with even MORE potential than me, I even know a couple of them. I can gorge like a fucking pig daily while playing video games and smoking weed for months or perhaps even a few years and not gain an ounce of fat, I only start to lose muscle, become lazy/lethargic etc, but I barely gain ANY fat, and when I get back into fitness, I gain muscle and strength at a rate that genuinely shocks people, and even myself sometimes. It's just because I've pushed my body to its limits more times than I could possibly remember. Sure, @28 cm unbuffed's picture screams of ego, and I have a couple of pictures like that myself (which also came from insecurity and ego), but that doesn't take away from the truth that it's possible for some people, to say otherwise is simply wrong. I agree, it's not possible for most people, but the sad truth is, "most people" are either a bundle of brittle twigs, man-pig hybrids, or a mixture of both...
  12. @TheDao Grow up
  13. Good technicalities, but no soul or underlying deeper message. Whether it's Ghandi's or Hitler's, it has no effect on my opinion of the painting itself.
  14. Your mom is Bullshit Your post is Bullshit This reply is Bullshit Everything I just said is Bullshit Edit: Bullshit is Bullshit
  15. Nah, everything's totally arbitrary and normal. No mystery here at all. Everything's been figured out.
  16. Yes, but do you walk the walk? Or only talk the talk?
  17. Yet you care SOOOO much about Preety, lol. Why, have a crush on her or something? Or maybe you see something in her that you've disowned/rejected in yourself? I don't care if you don't care what I think, I'm still gonna call you out for being an insensitive, arrogant asshole.
  18. Lol. Zoom/Skype call still available. I'm genuinely curious if you can take what you dish out, and if you actually live up to even half of what you preach. So far doesn't seem like it.
  19. @Zeroguy The way you're behaving, strongly signals that you're not even capable of helping yourself, don't even get started with another person. Be totally honest, do you even have your own life / mental health together? If so, I'd be interested in having a face-to-face talk with you on Zoom/Skype, it's much harder to bullshit when the other person can see your face and hear your voice. I just hate seeing an incapable twerp preaching as if he's got all the answers to a person he knows nothing about, it reeks of arrogance and does the exact opposite of helping.
  20. Which is? And why do you think I'm scared of anything? Especially of you? If anything I'm holding back because I'm worried you might be having a psychotic episode and I don't want to make it worse.
  21. @Zeroguy Dude, get off your pedestal...
  22. I personally love Leo's style, the more authentic the better. If he started sugar-coating his message as to not trigger some snowflakes, I'd start to lose interest. I believe it's in his best interest to be as authentic to himself so he can actually attract the type of people who resonate with his style, instead of putting on a mask to "grow his channel".