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Everything posted by CultivateLove

  1. Ah C.S. Joseph, that's a name I haven't heard in a while. I advice you take everything he says with a grain of salt, he's the perfect example of the saying by Abraham Maslow "If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail". In his case it's not a hammer, but the cognitive functions.
  2. She's looking for a daddy, bro.
  3. Careful with parroting phrases without actually thinking them through
  4. Hehe - Guy who literally ate an airplane
  5. I think you're right. However I think those men would rarely hold themselves to the same standard, thus making it a hypocritical and sexist stand to take. And I'd bet a lot of women have cheated on their men precisely because of that reason, their loyalty is eroded as soon as they see their partner as being sexist and hypocritical. I agree, I only brought up the Mormons as an example because they are the most sexually repressed, puritan and straight up dumbest group of people I've ever interacted with. Four out of the eight Mormons I've talked to literally said that pre-marital sex is as bad as murder. Most of us have a fear of being cheated on and deal with that fear in childish and unhealthy ways. What differentiates us is how we deal with it. Some simply stay single, some go with polygamy / open relationships, some go for the girl who acts all pure and innocent, some resort to stalker type of behavior. But none of these methods are effective in giving us what most of us crave, a close, intimate relationship where you feel safe to fully trust that person not to break your trust. The way I see it, the best way to achieve this is stop focusing so much on all the qualities you want in your partner, and start focusing more on what qualities you can embody that would make someone fall madly in love with you. I'd trust a slut who's madly in love with to be loyal a lot more than a self-proclaimed virgin who I have to chase around just to get half her attention. Ah I see. To clarify I wasn't talking about cheaters, in my mind a slut is not a cheater by default, nor is an innocent virgin/almost virgin type of girl loyal by default. In most cases I think it's a red flag yes. Strong sign of either insecurity, religious zealotism or some type of primitive magical thinking (spiral dynamics stage purple). I am however open to hearing any steelman arguments for it.
  6. I think it's mostly cultural actually. Slut shaming is basically non-existent in my home country Iceland, there it's very normal for both sexes to enjoy casual sex, in fact, that's how a lot of relationships start there, just some fling down town that might lead to a date. So keep in mind my view of this, like most people's, are shaped by the culture they grew up in, since it's a hard mold to break. I think it's an unfair double standard that benefits neither men nor women. At least where I'm from, Iceland, and where I've lived in the past 5 years, Denmark, this is without a shadow of a doubt true. Whenever you feel like it. I'm all up for stupid shaming those who slut shame. Like, why would you care? Are you a Mormon? If not, maybe you should consider fucking off to wherever they are. I honestly can't answer the first half because I've never heard a guy slut shame a woman in the way that is sometimes portrayed in movies or TV shows. You know, the typical guy gets rejected and when she goes home with another guy he gets all butthurt and calls her a slut. Maybe that's something that's common in cultures I'm not so familiar with, but I have never witnessed it in person but if I would I'd probably laugh in the guy's face and tell him to stop being such a butthurt baby. However back before we had proper hygiene, condoms, birth control, medicine to deal STD's and marriage was often tied to politics and bare survival, I can see how most men wanted virgins as wives, but that's not the world most of us live in any longer, but some minds just haven't kept up with the changes I guess. Personally I'd much rather be with an honest slut over a judgemental girl who represses her own sexuality thinking she's better than all the other girls because of it.
  7. These 2, Wiz Khalifa and Snoop Dogg
  8. Interesting you see it that way, to me it's a pretty simple and straight forward question like will we ever find a cure for balding? Maybe it's because I've been at the paradigm this question stems from, which is the belief that you are a fully separate entity from the outside world and the death of your body is the death of you. It would be interesting if you've never seen the world from that paradigm since it's a very common one especially in the western world and you've only (semi-recently) taken psychedelics hehe .
  9. Well, care to explain how the question would sound if it were... forward?
  10. Well first off it's a broad generalization. If you're talking about a group of 330 million people living in 50 different states, there are bound to be a lot of differences and nuances. That being said, it depends which country you compare them to. If you compare them to pretty much any first world country, they lack pretty much everything of importance, since (in my opinion) America doesn't cut it to be classified as a FWC anymore. But if you compare America to Brazil for example, America starts to look pretty good on all fronts. (Well, except when it comes to their waistline )
  11. When I use Google Chrome I can just copy paste a video URL and you can watch the video on this website, but when I use copy paste a URL link from ME the only thing that comes up is the title of the video, for example : Jordan Peterson, An Integral View: Ken Wilber - YouTube Does anyone know why this happens, and how to work around it?
  12. Reasoning a person out of a position they didn't reason themselves into is usually next to impossible.
  13. Is there a clear difference between these two? I looked up the definition of those two but the definitions wary based on which dictionary it's in. Definition of insight in The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition: "The ability to discern the true nature of a situation, especially by intuition." But in the Oxford dictionary it defines intuition as: "The capacity to gain an accurate and deep understanding of someone or something." The same applies to the word Awakening, it is similar but differs slightly based on which dictionary it is in. @Leo Gura I'm especially interested in hearing from you because to me it seems like you use those two words distinctively.
  14. @Leo Gura Nice, I'll check it out!
  15. I always laughed when people attributed some cosmic meaning to seeing numbers repeatedly. Seemed so ridiculous to me. Until 1111 and 69 appeared in my sight way too frequently, without me looking for it at all. Now I can at least say I kinda understand how some people might get the impression that it actually means something more, although I'm still leaning on the side of it's probably just a funny coincidence and my mind is constantly trying to make connections. For now. Who knows, reality is pure magic after all, right?
  16. @Leo Gura Ah I see, so it's kind of like becoming lucid in a dream, but in "waking life". I remember making that connection in the past yet somehow it slipped away from me... I had a few lucid dreams in my life and they always had a strong mystical, magical sort of feeling. Like reality was pure magic. I get that sometimes in waking life too, but no as strong, except when on psychedelics. Thanks for the clarification.
  17. Isn't saying "I awoke to the fact I am God" just the same as saying "I realized I am God" or "I had the insight that I am God" I realize language is entirely subjective and it doesn't have any inherent meaning, but why would one use different words for the same thing when trying to speak as clearly as possible?
  18. Why do you want the ban? Why can't you just leave? Why do you need to draw all this attention towards yourself for wanting to leave?
  19. I actually see a lot of what people claim is stage green as stage blue. Its full of moralism, where Stage green is supposed to be love of all things, at least to my understanding. So, I'd say its stage blue v blue/ orange here. I don't see radical feminism as being stage green but instead as stage blue phenomena. Its v similar to how spirituality gets co-opted by religion, at least the stage green aspects of spirituality. @Ulax Don't you think quoting the entire first post is a little much?
  20. Lmao this guys entire YT channel is about Leo
  21. If saying something stupid were enough to end JP's reign, he'd be out of the game a long time ago.
  22. How do you think that would go exactly? That he'd start writhing in orgasmic pleasure as this dude wiggles his fingers infront of him while he's making "deep, mystical eye contact"?
  23. Stage green is so lovable and laughable at the same time