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Everything posted by CultivateLove

  1. I decided to switch it up and do some Wim Hof breathing. I've done it in the past, but now it's something entirely different. The amount of energy going through my system is insane, yet I can be completely still, and my breath is so much deeper and smoother. I can feel a massive amount of neurosis leaving my body and mind, I can just be, I don't feel a need to do anything or be anywhere. On top of that, the "external" world has simply gone poof, gone It was never there in the first place! It's so obvious that everything "I" see, hear, or feel is all just happening within myself! As "I" "look" at a "chair", "I" just see "myself". All these labels such as "I" "Myself" "Chair" etc seem so silly now because it's just that, labels and concepts! It has all just melded into consciousness... It's like nothing has really changed, but everything changed. Reality just shines in such exquisite beauty... It's magnificent.
  2. I sit down cross-legged on the ground, I do some (you would think) simple breathing exercises, mainly breath holds, sometimes with the air in my belly, sometimes I push all the air out. I relax into it and my whole body starts doing something... It happens to me more than it is me doing something, but it's like my whole body starts going through a process of "straightening itself" through whatever means necessary, muscles start convulsing and shaking, my spine straightens up like crazy, sometimes the muscles flex insanely hard followed by an intense shake. It even makes me fart for some reason... It's not a comfortable process, but I feel knots in my muscles simply disappear in a matter of minutes, I feel my "chakras" or whatever you want to call them (mainly the solar plexus and right above the naval) start to open up. I feel this intense aliveness in my body so much so that I start to sweat. I can choose to do this process, but at the same time, it's something that feels more like that is "happening to me" at the same time, I can't explain it... After just half an hour of this I can write on my keyboard like 3x faster than before this because I had such an intense shake and loosening up in my hands, they were shaking so fast and so loosely I could barely believe it... I would upload a video but I'm only allowed to upload a 4.88MB file.
  3. When I hold out long enough I start to feel the locations of pinched nerves over my body and my body "just knows" how to make the necessary adjustments to un-pinch them, it's like if I get out of the way enough during these breath holds, an intelligence that's located in my body and not mind takes over, and it does it so much better than if my mind were to do it.
  4. I've done 2 ceremonies and at least for me personally I see no reason why I couldn't do it alone. I would not recommend this for most people though.
  5. Online consulting/coaching/service providing. Check out freedom business mentoring program.
  6. @Serotoninluv What drives you? What is it that makes you so persistent in helping like this? And how can you be sure that you're not just being trolled?
  7. Oh my God. I applaud the people who have the patience to keep on trying to convince this guy who's never had sex that having good sex with another human being is a skill and not purely instinctual like with dogs. I don't have that type of patience. My message is short and simple - Hey, dude, you're embarrassing yourself. You're like a walking embodiment of the dunning-kruger effect. Go out and have sex (if you can in the first place) and I promise you, you will realize just how full of sh*t you are. These are my only words on this subject. Namaste.
  8. Hey, as the title suggests, I got some MDMA which I am intending to take in about a week. I'm going to take100mg which is quite standard. My intention for this trip is to - To improve my relationship with others, improve my relationship with myself, and hopefully have a love awakening experience. Some basic and potentially relevant information about me - I'm a 24 years old male, my MBTI type is INFJ, and my health is in quite a good condition, so I don't have to worry about the drug negatively interacting with any serious medical conditions or heart problems. I quit my job (which I hated) 4 months back, after having saved up a decent sum of money which I could sit on while I try to make a better life for myself, one where I do something I'm actually passionate about and allows more freedom in my life to do things like traveling and going on real psychedelic/meditation retreats/seminars which has been my dream for a long time. But to be honest, my life has kind of been on hold since then. A lot of time been wasted on procrastinating and being unproductive. I'm facing internal blockages like having difficulty to choose what exactly I want to do and if I'll be able to make a decent living from it. My previous experience with psychedelics in a nutshell - I've taken mushrooms a handful of times, LSD a couple of times, and MDMA a couple of times. Although these were profound experiences, and they profoundly altered the course of my life, they weren't done in the perfect ideal manner. I did put some effort into the set, setting and a couple of times intention, but it was half-assed. I have also done two Ayahuasca ceremonies (One two days, and one three days, so 5 days in total). The first one was life-changing for me, the second one not so much. How I plan to prepare for this trip ; Health - From this point up until the trip, I will take excellent care of my health. I will eat healthy, get good quantity and quality of sleep, exercise, be in nature, go to the swimming pool and do multiple sauna/icebath rounds in a fasted state (Amazing for clearing out junk from your body, gives me this amazing "clean slate" feeling) and also some yoga/stretching to keep the body nice and loose. Mental preparation - Regular meditation, I think loving-kindness meditation is quite fitting. Write down some things I would like to reflect and work on during the trip, like what situations I'm having difficulty responding to properly in my personal relationships, anything that "triggers" me, anything I'm holding against someone/haven't fully forgiven. anything I'm unhappy about myself like fears, anxieties, and shortcomings. I also plan on re-watching Leo's videos on Love and Self-Love, as well as some videos from Matt Kahn on love, both before and maybe a little during the trip. Setting - In my room, with some cozy lighting and music. A day I have fully for myself and also the day after, so I can properly integrate the experience. So, what are your thoughts? Anything to add? Any tips? Any advice? I would love to hear it
  10. Nice post! Thanks for sharing I found this to be genuinely insightful
  11. @Nahm Have you written a book yet? If so, I want to read it
  12. Recently, I started experiencing ringing in my ears. It was this annoying, high-pitched sound that wasn't really noticeable until I sat down in meditation. As I was lurking these forums, I noticed other people were experiencing this too. I have to admit, I am quite skeptical of the advice/opinions that were given on the matter. "Use it as your focal point of attention in meditation" - "It is the primordial OM vibration of the Universe, it can actually get quite annoying" - "It's normal, beautiful, it's a good sign" "You'll get used to it" "It's a wonderful spiritual gift" etc. My intention is not to make fun of, mock or call anyone out. I'm just using these as an example for a point I want to make - Be careful of using one way of thinking to find explain away everything. I've fallen into this trap myself many times, and I most likely will do so again. So what was this solution I found? Well, for me the issue was simply this - Knots in the muscles at the back of my neck, near the base of my skull. I massaged them a couple times a day for two days, and now the ringing is 90% gone and I can focus better. This can be easily overlooked for a simple reason - You often don't feel that there's a knot there until you actually start putting pressure on them. Oh and, these knots are very common btw. They are mainly the cause of a forward head posture/hunchback posture. Other potential causes - Your headphones/glasses might be too tight, pinching the nerves and muscles around your ears. Or you might just have tinnitus. I hope this helps someone. Cheers.
  13. @Jed Vassallo First quote is a line from Cartman btw Not everything on the internet is accurate. Just because you found a couple of "orange-ish" quotes, it doesn't solidify the argument that they're solidly orange. That is a very big claim that requires very strong evidence, because nobody is at just one stage of the spiral. People (and spiral dynamics) is a lot more nuanced and complex than that. To me it just seems like you have an axe to grind because you have some green shadows yourself and some of their jokes triggered you, making you believe they are somehow inferior or less developed. I can just as easily find some quotes that support my argument when given without any context or date (keep in mind, some of those go back to before the 2000's), but I prefer not to, because I'm not trying to "win an argument", I'm trying to make an accurate assessment. "Basically ... out of all the ridiculous religion stories which are greatly, wonderfully ridiculous—the silliest one I've ever heard is, 'Yeah ... there's this big giant universe and it's expanding, it's all gonna collapse on itself and we're all just here just 'cause ... just 'cause'. That, to me, is the most ridiculous explanation ever" - Trey Parker "I love life...Yeah, I'm sad, but at the same time, I'm really happy that something could make me feel that sad. It's like...It makes me feel alive, you know. It makes me feel human. The only way I could feel this sad now is if I felt something really good before. So I have to take the bad with the good. So I guess what I'm feeling is like a beautiful sadness" - Trey Parker and Matt Stone, South Park, Raisins, 2003 "When someone goes, 'Oh, this group is really pissed off at what you said,' there's not a piece of my body that goes, 'Sweet!' That means I did it wrong. I'm just trying to make people laugh." Trey Parker
  14. In case you don't know, they're the creators of South Park, The Book of Mormon and a lot more. If you actually pay attention to the show, there's a lot more to it than fart jokes, they seem to have a pretty meta understanding of culture and human psychology. They have also done some psychedelics, not sure to what extend though. They took LSD and wore dresses to the 2013 Oscars Thoughts?
  15. @Jed Vassallo They definitely go hard on unhealthy green through characters like PC Principal and Strong Woman. Personally, I don't think that's because they have a disdain for green values though, rather it's because of how PC Culture blew up recently in a ridiculous manner and it's a comedy goldmine. But I wouldn't say that's solid evidence that they have a disdain for green, because keep in mind they've been making jokes of orange for probably more than a decade now, as long with well, everyone and everything pretty much lol I would estimate they're an even split of orange and green, with a sprinkle of yellow. Yet at the same time, I don't think they know about Spiral Dynamics or even care. They obviously just love what they do, and don't let things like money, materialism, status or power get to their heads, they just... create. They make movies, musicals, video games and South Park obviously. And if you look at their creation process, they're having a blast the entire time.
  16. @DrewNows @Red-White-Light Yeah I know, just kidding I have actually been experiencing tingling sensations in that area as well as on the top of my skull or the "crown chakra". They're actually kind of pleasurable. I'm cautious about jumping to any conclusions about what they actually are though, since the spiritual ego is a powerful foe that must not be underestimated It will always try to find ways to make you think you're more advanced than you actually are. Hell, it'll fool some people into believing that hemorrhoids is just the root chakra opening lol In all seriousness, thanks for your thought out post. It definitely opened my mind up towards giving detoxing more of my attention.
  17. @DrewNows Naaaaaaah... It's just a sign of your third eye opening
  18. What is it specifically that you want to heal?
  19. @Leo Gura gotta step up your game bro... Why haven't you tried making your own country yet?
  20. Ceiling of a church. The architect definitely took some shrooms lol ?
  21. 5-MEO-DMT in the mainstream media without any ideology or dogma, hosting MIKE TYSON? Who could have predicted that twist?
  22. @Anna1 That I can absolutely agree with. In today's world, the majority of people place too much value on shallow things, such as looks, social status, material wealth, managing other people's perception of them as opposed to authenticity etc. Our society is sick, and people are suffering for it. This has always hurt me on a deep level for many years. The thing is with relationships though is, shallow people will attract other shallow people. Like attracts like. (opposites attract too, but opposites can also be on the same "level" if you know what I mean) For me personally, if a girl is physically attractive, but has shallow characteristic traits, I won't even have a one night stand with her. Sometimes some of my friends have looked at me with a shocked "wtf dude?" type of expression after seeing me bail on really attractive girl on a night out because of the words coming out of her mouth. I'd rather be alone over being with someone who is physically attractive but no depth of character. Sadly that isn't true for everyone. But to deny that looks don't matter to me at all would be a lie. More accurately, a healthy lifestyle matters a lot to me. I couldn't be in a relationship either with someone who regularly eats junk food or starves themselves, and doesn't take basic care of their health and well-being, because that too shapes who you are and who you will become as a person. Body and mind are one. Also spending a lot of time with someone with unhealthy habits, will rub some of those unhealthy habits onto you.
  23. @Anna1 I came back to this thread to delete my comment and to apologize to you, It was way too personal, presumptuous and irrational. It actually had nothing to do with you, I just wasn't "myself" momentarily due to some internal and external factors, it's a bit personal and complicated so I won't drown you with the details. At the very least I learned something valuable about myself and what causes me to act in a self-destructive ways sometimes. I say self-destructive because even at my worst, it's very rare for me to lash out on others, especially if not provoked. (Hint for those into MBTI: I need to be careful to take care of my 4'th cognitive function (Se) in a healthy way, or else it always manifests in a burst of over-indulgence of sensory pleasures, and sometimes this can go a little too far to the point of having indulged so much that I can barely think straight anymore, a common obstacle to be faced and hopefully overcome by my type ) (Hint 2: That type is very idealistic and perfectionistic, so being told to lower one's standards rather than growing to meet those standards, will most likely not result in mutual agreement, but that does not excuse my behavior). And again, I apologize, I hope we can move past this and maybe even laugh about it one day if fate leads us on the same path again, have an awesome day
  24. His new thumbnails are art