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About Jonac

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  1. I liked Andrew Tate, but as Leo said in his last video, he was creating a lot of money illegaly. There´s no way he got the amount of profit just by his online university and webcams girls (the amount of cars, luxury items, random high prices purchaces on his vlogs, etc...) He was into shady shit for sure.
  2. @StarStruck Life is boring, accept it. Don´t tried to distract your self with alcohol and meditation techniques ? Just sit and do nothing, let that boredom kill you.
  3. I recommend the youtube channel UnchartedX, his videos about the Serapeum of Saqqara are quite impressive.
  4. I don´t know about specifics, probably liver damage, but think about it. You´re taking an animal and turned into a power. Why just don´t eat a steak or animal organs that contains a lot of natural creatine, plus is cheaper. It´s just my opinion, but if this supplement makes you feel good and doesn´t cause much trouble go ahead.
  5. Creatine is only found in animal products. But if you take creatine in powder that´s a highly processed food, so I think in the long term it might have a negative impact on your body. See how your stomach feels after you take it ?
  6. I think as a general rule, avoid eating any kind of grain as much as possible. The first settlements of agriculture were found about 10000 years ago, when we as species star gathering as societies. Before this we ate mostly meat, some fruits a little bit of vegetables. So for the most part of our evolution we didn't touch grains, not at all.
  7. I'm assuming your vegan because you mention taking vitamis. Quit veganism and see what happens.
  8. Stay away from grains as much of possible. I used to eat a lot of bread, bread makes you sleepy and bloated. Oatmeal, nobody likes it, we serve with yogurt or milk to cover the palid taste. Avoid carbs if u don't want to be sleepy ?
  9. Wow I could stare at this for quite a while. Look at those color, its really beautiful.
  10. @Prevailer i've never hear this kind of theory before, with those words. For what I can understand you said consciousness is divide in 2, one in autopilot, another in manual. And those just process information and there is no moral or judgment in the process.
  11. What are you talking about? Btw why we wearing clothes and the rest of the animal kingdom doesn't is a good question.
  12. @UnconsciousHuman you won't experience any remarcable progress without a week meditation retreat, at least!
  13. @Justincredible76 mmm I don't know too much about healing process or specifics instruction, but what i've research back ago Qigong is the real deal. So, buy a book of Qigong, one afordable for you, doesn't matter too much the author. Like, I'm currently now reading a book about Tantra, tiny book, pretty easy reading, with lots of great references (epic teachers, schools, big works, etc.) and I just pick the first book in the searching option. Once you get deep in the topic you go gonna find some good pearls.
  14. @Justincredible76 firts buy a cheap book, see the references in it. Any book includes a lot of references to other book theme related