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Everything posted by Jonac

  1. Its not a hack but, you have to sleep at least 7 hours per day. I´ve been in sleep deprivation lately and it feels pretty bad. Your levels of concentration drops dramatically and control the bad mood is quite difficult.
  2. I usally just listen like 2 bands at he same time and I use to repeat the same songs over and over
  3. I take notes per chapter. I read one chapter enterely without write anything, if is necessary put some little coloured flags on important points. After finish the chapter then take notes. Usually ten important points. This process take me around 1 to 1.30 hrs. And it has been worked for me pretty well
  4. I use to try big changes too, and it doesn't work. Try little changes, star low.
  5. I actually applied the awareness alones is curative, and it has work great. Obviously takes time. You have to replace one habit with other, and that's pretty dificult.
  6. I still can't crack my mind into thinking that objects are imagination ?