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Everything posted by Jonac

  1. I´ve never seen Patrick judging other people or situations
  2. it´s a pretty relative topic. You have to research and then try by yourself for a couple of years.
  3. If you decide to do those 3 things, how would you do it? How would the schedule be?
  4. Wow. I've never try any psychedelics. Seems pretty hardcore.
  5. No man, its ok. Star increasing time very little. Maybe +5 min per month I think is fine.
  6. I remember once I do the Do Nothing for 90 min. It was ok. The sorenes comes in waves and your body get still like a rock.
  7. Man take a rest! Nobody is forcing you to do the practices. If your body shakes constanly you should stop.
  8. People have always try to deny sexuality, isn't a religion thing. If there were no religion still would exist other way of represion. Sex display the mortality of men, and we want to be gods.
  9. That's radical question. Maybe you should star gently.
  10. Introversion means you cultivate interior life. You live more in imagination, you try to construct reality in your mind. Is usually asociate with sings of neurosis.
  11. Is the power of your presence
  12. There is richness in the mind words fail to articulate properly.
  13. You are going to food your body and find refuge for the absolute compassion of your being. Don't worry about this things. Live your life.
  14. I started to put my life in order and some pains go away
  15. no music while studing. I think watching Leo´s videos is pretty much study.
  16. I think It happens when to much self-consciousness of the body. Prolly better find out with a phycoanalyst. I´m reading a book called "The Denial of Death" and in a chapter talks about the infant and the exploration of his own anus. Better find out with an expert if you want.
  17. I´m technical drawer, work with Revit and Autocad. Currently without a job thoug
  18. It´s no strictly neccesary to do formal "sits". You can practice dynamic meditations or being mindful during daily activities aswell.
  19. I trie excercise but most of the time doesn't work. Next day i just ended up more tired and fatigue.
  20. So reincarnation exists only in our heads like a thought, prolly is no different than a pink elephant. We get decieve by our own perceptions. I think there's no answer who satisfy the ego.