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Everything posted by GreenWoods

  1. Wow that's quite a lot. Do you plan to not sleep during that time?
  2. What state do you have in mind? realizing God while still being in your room with body sensations still there, or the formless Godhead without body sensations and room? You would need to be extremely talented to reach the formless Godhead with contemplation. Contemplation is not for reaching the formless Godhead. The strength of contemplation is to recognize God while all the perceptions remain (given your level of consciousness is high enough). If you want to reach the formless Godhead without psychedelics, I strongly recommend you look into SAT transmissions, lucid dreaming and sleep yoga.
  3. You mean the formless Godhead? No body awareness and so on? Difficult without psychedelics. Contemplation is extremely unlikely to get you there. Your best bet is probably to induce it from within a lucid dream. And sleep yoga of course, but that requires a lot of effort (unless you are naturally talented). And SAT transmissions can help. If you mean God/Awarenss with your body and room still present, then that is a lot easier. Other practices might get you there too.
  4. What do you mean? You mean it is not possible to have an OBE without a astral body? I've read about people experiencing that. Essentially it's a bit similar to when you try to remote view. There are visual and auditory appearances without a body who perceives it and yet you are aware of them. Because perception doesn't exist, only direct awareness (/being/imagination). Correlation doesn't prove causation. Just because changes in the state of the body correlate with changes in appearances, doesn't mean that they were caused by those. For this dream/illusion to work, God creates the illusion of causation. If you eat you gain weight, if you fast you lose weight. But the food or lack of food was never the causation. It happened that way becauae God imagined it that way. God could just as well imagine that you lose weight when eating, and that you gain weight when fasting. But then the illusion of the dream wouldn't be as strong. Therefore it doesn't happen, unless God decides to lower the difficulty level of this dream/game.
  5. You can't argue like that because if everything is indeed Imagination, then that means that you are just imagining having experienced it hundreds of times. And actually you have experienced it 0 times. Consistency is an illusion. How can you trust memories? The proper mental state from where to start investigation should be of not trusting anything, no assumptions and not knowing. And in that state a memory of something that happened once has the exact same validity as a memory of something that consistently happened 1000 times.
  6. You don't need a body to have an experience. For example, during an OBE, you can completely dissolve your body and all the visual and auditory appearances can remain. And actually this is also happening now. There are visual amd auditory appearances, and they are not perceived through the body. They exist independently of the body. Because the body is just yet another appearance/imagination.
  7. Nice! Anonther case of time dilation in an OBE. Yes, equally real. Realness has no degrees lol. You can do some day dreaming and invent an entire history. This history is as real as 'our' 'history'
  8. Isn't yoga nidra = sleep yoga? Yoga nidra has some relaxation practices which I haven't mentioned here. They don't have much value for the approach I've been focusing on in these posts. But for the classical WILD/AP approach, they can be useful.
  9. @peanutspathtotruth Yes. @Nahm Thanks! @mandyjw Every location has an energy. If the energy is very strong, it can affect you. So you could say the location is giving you a transmission. I'd love to visit Ramana's hill!
  10. How to achieve that though. I guess body sensations only completely dissolve once you are solidly asleep. Though I read that some people remain slightly conscious of their body even then. During the beginning of sleep, body sensations are definitely still present for me, though they are a bit distant and feel very weird. @Shweta Singh You have been experiencing conscious sleep? That is awesome How did you learn it?
  11. @Waken I call any non-physical life form a spirit. Don't know how else to call them. How do you call them? @peanutspathtotruth @Spiral Wizard That is awesome!! @peanutspathtotruth joining some shaktipat transmissions within the next weeks will make it more likely that intense stuff happens at the intensive. @Spiral Wizard That's the right attitude!!! @EddieEddie1995
  12. Sure. That's why 99% of people contact spirits. So that they manifest their desires for them. Hardly anyone contacts them for spiritual growth... Haha, anything is possible. (it might just be extremely unlikely) But manifesting your desires is way more complicated than merely aligning your vibration or stuff like that lol. The most effective way is to ask angels.
  13. @Raptorsin7 I will soon make a post on how to contact spirits. I hope you're gonna try contacting Gabriel again
  14. If you want to know, you gotta try them If you want more intellectual knwoledge, check out the links and maybe try to look the transmissions up on the internet. There should definitely be information about the supramental force, KAP, RASA and shaktipat. I'm not an expert. The youtube transmissions are for free. The live transmissions on zoom are paid servives. But most are quite cheap and some are on donation basis.
  15. That's a valid point. For me personally, I've experimented with 20+ different spiritual techniques, and spend around 5 000 hours in total. I've experimented a lot with transmissions and for me, they are clearly the most powerful tool for increasing baseline consciousness (as well as invoking spirits, I didn't mention it at first because it is a lot more difficult). And from reading and hearing many reports of other people, I suppose transmissions are powerful for others too. There is however the issue that many don't feel anything at first and get no results. It's maybe because for these people transmissions simply don't work. I think this is the case for a very small minority. For most they would work if they put in the time and effort. They probably spent 100s or 1000s of hours meditating, but lose patience if 1h transmission doesn't work. It takes time till they work powerfully. And then 1h transmission can easily be more powerful than 10h of normal meditation. only very few people are able to give transmissions. in the past you had to find a guru in person to get a transmissiom. This changes now with the internet Many transmissions have beeen around for very little time, like pure Divinity, SAT, KAP.... most people give up if the first hour doesn't work Also the potency of youtube transmissions can't be compared to live transmissions. I bet you, in 5 years transmissions are extremely popular. Thanks! I will look into it.
  16. Psychedelics are not necessary for a "inner spiritual life". But psychedelics are by far most powerful for peak awakenings. But you seem to be more interested in baseline. "authentic true life". Psychedelics affect baseline, but I find transmissions more powerful for baseline increase. For example RASA, SAT, Shaktipat, pure Divinity, KAP,... The next best straightforward practices for baseline are maybe kriya yoga and self inquiry.
  17. Something I wanted to mention in previous posts. If you want to practice sleep yoga with as little negative effects on your health as possible, you could do it something like that: If you normally go to bed at 10 pm, wait till you are very tired, that might be between 11pm and 3 am, depending on you. And do sleep yoga practice then. If you have to get up soon in the morning you will have a lack of sleep. So this would be good to practice on the weekend. Or you could accept the lack of sleep, it will mean that you will get into "very tired" a lot earlier this day. Which means you will fall asleep a lot earlier, and possibly get your normal amount of sleep that night. Or set an alarm for the middle of the night and practice then, without turning on the light. Ways to increase tiredness: No blue light in the hours before practice reverse blinking low brainwave binaural beats melatonin supplement practice while lying down ...
  18. Upgraded Technique Upgrade of this technique (but some elements can also be used in other techniques). I wrote that the most important thing is basically willpower and determination, and that other stuff like your brainwave skills are comparably insignificant. My new take: For success, you need both willpower and brainwave skills. If one of them is weak, the other needs to be extra good. So success is possible with weak brainwave skills but it requires insane willpower. More practical is if you improve your brainwave skills. Sleep yoga is basically a brainwave skill anyway. If you are conscious during all of your sleep, you are conscious with low brainwaves = good brainwave skills. Every sleep yoga attempt improves your brainwave skills. The more time you spend being as close as possible to your current threshold point (point where you lose consciousness) the more you train your brainwave muscles. My current routine looks somewhat like that: - A: Sleep Yoga (when extremely tired) Motivation music right before practice. sitting up Delta binaural beats (2 Hz) SAT video transmission by Gareth (explained later) (for example this) alarms every minute (snooze 1 minute) upon snoozing: rate closeness to losing consciousness (more important than tiredness level) am I still fully conscious, focused, committed? will I make it till the next snooze??? (and will I commitedly ask these questions again?) either FILD + FILD counting. Depending on how close to losing consciousness, doing the FILD with both hands, or doing very large FILD movements, or lifting one or both arms up, supported by ellbow on a surface, or without support. Or: PERFECT concentration. I'm currently experimenting with starting the practice with big FILD movements to remain conscious, and once I am reaaaaaly tired I swith either to very sublte FILD movements or only pure perfect concentration. Because I find that pure concentration without subtle FILD is stronger. But it's not possible to keep that up for long, therfore I only do it when I'm right at the threshold. Trance Triggers - B: Normal Meditation To ensure that I don't accidentally fall asleep: Either alarm clocks (snooze ranging from every 1-5 minutes, depending on closeness to losing consciousness) (+ plus rating closeness to losing consciousness when snoozing the alarm) or keeping my eyes slightly open. Either way, it sucks LMAO. binaural beats over 20 Hz (I curenntly listen to ones going from 35-45) -C: Brainwave Training (when not yet "extremely tired") Some time ago I did low brainwave meditations ( when not tired enough for sleep yoga practice). By doing this practice, you can improve your brainwave skills even if you are not extremely tired. maybe start with Reverse Blinking alarm clocks or eyes slightly open Binaural beats below 8 Hz maybe FILD SAT video transmission by Gareth Hypnosis Trance Triggers trying to deepen trance Describing some points in more detail: - SAT Transmission In terms of Transmissions, this forum is mostly familiar with RASA. RASA has little effect on your state of consciousness during the transmission (RASA's effect is for longterm baseline increase), but SAT can have strong effects during the transmission (apart from longterm baseline) (if you are sensitive). The SAT transmission aims for Brahman Consciousness, which I suppose is Godhead without body awareness. This is similar to being conscious during sleep. Therefore SAT transmissions can be helpful for sleep yoga, therefore I recommend letting a SAT transmission video play during your sleep yoga practice (it works with eyes closed). For a pure SAT transmission, go for a SAT video on Gareth's youtube channel that is at least 1 month old (from today). The transmissions from that point on later are a combination of SAT and pure Divinty. This combination is stronger for enlightenment, but for sleep yoga pure SAT might be more effective, idk, experiment. The stronger you are connected to the SAT force/energy, the stronger the transmissions, therefore I recommend that you join at least once one of his Zoom Transmissions (zoom transmissions are currently either a combination of SAT and pure Divinity or Shaktipat and pure Divinity) or one on one transmission, or at least a live youtube transmission (every Monday). But the more you join, the stronger your connection. If your connection is strong, the SAT force starts coming down during the day and during your meditations automatically, as is the case with many people (including me) who have often joined the zoom transmissions. I will write more about SAT and other transmissions in the future. - keeping eyes slightly open When I do normal meditation I want to close my eyes, because it makes the meditation deeper. But I noticed that by keeping my eyes 5-10% open, I still get most of the benefits of closing the eyes. When it comes to accidentally falling asleep having your eyes 5-10% open is FAR safer than having them closed. It is surprisingly effective. If I do it, I usually don't accidentally fall asleep. And if I reach the point where it gets difficult to keep them open, I switch to my real sleep yoga practice. - Purpose of alarms For me, the main purpose of the alarms (which are usually every minute) is not to wake me up in case I lose consciousness. But rather to remind me to stay focused.
  19. Update I can't believe I still haven't mastered sleep yoga. Never experienced so much frustration lol. Since my last posting about sleep yoga, there have been a few periods of intense practice, one of them started 1-2 weeks ago. During these periods, I manage to enter similar states of consciousness as mentioned in a previous sleep yoga post, I suppose a shallow form of light sleep. But it only works if I manage to make no mistakes, which is very difficult. One tiny mistake and I lose consciousness, and ruin the practice because the alarm doesn't wake me up soon enough most of the time, so I usually need to wait many hours for the next opportunity. This is the biggest issue, that I have no reliable way of waking myself up after losing consciousness. I think the perfect thing would be (if the alarm doesn't manage to soon wake you up, as is usually the case for me) to have someone nearby who wakes you up if you don't hear the alarm. Upgraded technique in next post.
  20. A place for discussions and experiments about energy work. Topics might include: developing the energy body channeling energy energy sensitivity yoga, chakras, kundalini
  21. This is the dilemma with teaching advanced insights. On the one hand, they can make it a lot more likely that the seeker will get that awakening too, in that way they are very useful for seekers. But the problem is, almost every enlightenment insight/awakening is depressive for the ego. It's not the insight itself but the ego's misinterpretation and self bias. If someone has an awakening which is accompanied with ego death, and thus sees the awakening without biased lenses, it will be blissful and perfect. But if someone thinks about that same insight without having gone through the surrender and ego death ,which would be necessary to have that actual insight/awakening yourself, this insight is bound to be misinterpreted and depressive for the ego. Look at it this way: If any enlightenment insight makes you depressed, then that is a sign that you understand something wrongly. The depression is not because Reality is inherently depressive, but because you don't understand Reality yet, and believe it to be different than it is. If you were to have a complete awakening and reallly understood the full picture, you would be in bliss and not depression. Reality is Infinite Love. If an enlightenment insight makes you depressed, dismiss the insight and remind yourself of Ininite Love.
  22. @Mu_ Yes, from that response, and from the few videos I've seen from him, he indeed doesn't seem to say the same as the guy in that video. I mentioned Frank's name in that post because at one point I think he said that Consciousness is impermanent. I really like Frank and consider him very awake. But I think there are deeper levels to some of the things he said. For example his mention of the natural state. That just seems like a thing of the ego. @RedLine Accepting the present moment and trying to escape from it, are both part of the same game.