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Everything posted by GreenWoods

  1. You "see" that nothing, when you become conscious that something is nothing.
  2. God doesn't create something out of nothing, something is nothing.
  3. No. But once you mastered sleep yoga, you could regard sleep as meditation.
  4. @m0hsen Yes something like that can work. But anchoring direct access to to the astral would be extremely difficult. It's a better idea to anchor very deep trance, which then leads to the astral when in REM. I dont really use self hypnosi for anchoring. When I'm in a state of consciousness I want to anchor I just repeat a code word with the intention of anchoring that state. The more often you do it, the stronger the anchor becomes. The ability to anchor states of consciousness probably depends on the degree of mind mastery and mastery of access with your subconscious. Maybe anchoring is easier while tripping, but I don't know. I guess it will not make a huge difference. No. Great progress! I've never encountered a tunnel in my DEILDs. Maybe it transports you to a different dimension.
  5. Awareness = God = Love = Oneness = Nothingness = Truth = Infinity
  6. Yeah, there is just someone (colors) in front of you staring at faceless body sensations lol
  7. You see colors. Which are interpreted to be a person. You however don't know whether that person is a reflection of you, or whether there is actually someone else standing in front of you. You two are staring at each other like some freaks.
  8. Because you are biased towards survival. That's fundamental for being a seperate self. And that bias for survival logically leads to all these other biases.
  9. Nah, they will get a tutorial about reality checks.
  10. What are you afraid of? Even if some crazy shocking stuff happened, you would immediately get back to your body. But yeah that's easier said that done, that stuff feels so real haha. I hear you, I have a similar problem. I've had over 100 lucid dreams, mostly DILDs, but they still always quickly end. On average maybe 30-40 seconds long. Even though I'm not excited and do all the stabilisation techniques out there. Really frustrating. It made me stop trying to have DILDs. One reason why I really wanna master sleep yoga. With a good sleep yoga skill, I will have lucid dreams all the time, and will be able to reliably reenter lucid dreams, thus I will quickly learn to really stabilize my dreams.
  11. Yeah that's part of God's game. If God didn't imagine the illusion of persistency and causality, you might get suspicious of whether pain is really connected to wounds.
  12. So at that point you are fully out of body? What's the problem with going up or down? I wouldn't care about the real time zone. You are out of body, that's the important thing. Now try to stay calm and get away from the body. Are you saying you can't walk? Can't move at all? Maybe you can will yourself away, or fly away. Generally all that stuff might just take a lot of practice, eventually you become more calm and are also able to easily move. I don't know any resources, but if you do a lot of research you will probably eventually come across some good advice. Imo the best resources for lucid dreaming and astral projection are forums. I watched these videos some time ago and experimented with it a bit, I think I even mentioned it here somewhere. I guess I sometimes have some kind of microsleep during sleep yoga practice. But I don't intentionally try to have it, as it's currently too risky to just stay asleep.
  13. Yes, an illusion. Part of the illusion of an ego. Pain and hunger are real, but they are not of the body. They have nothing to do with the body. These are sensations floating around. You can have a large wound in your leg, and there can be pain, but the pain has nothing to do with the wound. Let's say a person stands 100 meters away and has no wounded legs. The raw experience is that there is one wounded leg floating around, one sensation of pain floatong around, and a healthy leg (of the other person) floating around. The pain is no more related to your wounded leg than to the other person's healthy leg. You can say that the pain belongs to your leg. But that is constructing illusions. You could just as well say that the pain belongs to the healthy leg of the other person 100 meters away. In the same way, rather than saying that the thoughts you are thinking right now are from your mind, from your body, you could just as well say that they are the thoughts of a person 100 meters away. Equally an illusion. The thoughts are just floating around, had by no one, belonging to no one.
  14. Yes and you too. The only 'being' who has experience and sentience is God. It seems like you as a human have an experience. But that is an illusion. You don't have more experience and sentience than the imaginary chair in front of you. It's all equally the experience of God.
  15. From the absolute perspective, because God imagines it so. God imagines it to be more difficult in normal life. From the relative perspective, because normal life is a lot denser than dreams. The denser, the harder to manipulate.
  16. Everything is possible. In Yogananda's book autobiography of a yogi, he says that Babaji materialized a temple made of gold. I don't know whether that actually happened but it's certainly possible. And you can do all that stuff in lucid dreams. Dreams are just as real as this life, doing miracles in dreams is just as phenomenal.
  17. I think I'm more talented than the average seeker for reaching higher states of consciousness. But for sleep yoga, I think I'm less talented than the average seeker. I've been trying sleep yoga for almost 1 year now, and before that I spent some time going into trance states. Alltogether I've done around 5 000 hours doing spiritual practices. And I haven't had a single WILD lucid dream yet, which is basically a sleep yoga skill. I've had DEILDs but no classical WILD. There are countless posts on reddit and dreamviews of people who manage WILD. People who never even meditated. They might struggle for months, but I would say 99% of people who had a WILD have put in less effort than I. So I suppose sleep yoga will be easier for most of you guys than for me. I wrote earlier that the 2 most important components of sleep yoga are brainwave skills and concentration skills. Talent is even more important. It's of course possible without talent too. But so much more struggle.
  18. There are people who meditate for 60 years and have no clue about what God is.
  19. Concentration Skills I had been soooo stupid. The two most important factors for sleep yoga are: brainwave skills concentration skills I've pretty much only focused on improving my brainwave skills, ignoring concentration. I should have spent time improving my concentration skills. 1-2 weeks ago I started doing that. I try to remain conscious during the day and during meditation. I basically check every second whether I'm still fully conscious or whether I'm close to losing consciousness. And of course during sleep yoga as well. In the beginning, I did only that during meditation, and stopped what I usually do during meditation, because my concentration wasn't strong enough to remain conscious while doing other meditation stuff. But during the past 1-2 weeks I've seen a lot of improvements in my concentration skills, now I'm able to practice remaining conscious while also doing my usual meditations. The focus shouldn't be on being conscious, but on remaining conscious. Something I found very helpful is to constantly mentally repeat "conscious" or "aware" or "am I conscious?". That makes a real difference. But once you get better you should stop doing that, to increase difficulty. Some small changes of my sleep yoga routine: mentally repeating "conscous" and constantly checking how conscious I am after snoozing the alarm, when asking the questions, I keep my eyes open, at least 10% open. To ensure asking these questions seriously.
  20. @OneHandClap Congrats!! I could probably do that yoga nidra technique for 5 yeas without much success. The deeper your sleep, the deeper the void will get. And once good at sleep yoga, it should be too easy to turn the void (= formless Nothingness) into formless Love and formless Godhead, if one is able to recognize God and Love during normal meditation even if only subtly.
  21. @m0hsen I've never reached the vibrational stage through sleep yoga. But around 20 times with DEILD. In order to intensify the vibrations I usually do hypnosis anchors/triggers for deep trance. Have you read the book "the Phase" by Michael Raduga? It has many techniques for intensifying the vibrations and exiting the body. It's also the best book on DEILDs. That sounds great! The less tired you are, the longer it takes. For me, when I get close to sleep, it gets soooo hard to concentrate. And if I lose concentration for more than a few seconds, I usually fall asleep. During sleep yoga practice I currently check whether I'm still fully conscious every second. And sometimes mentally repeat "aware".
  22. God imagines Love to be not Love, and so it becomes, until God unimagines that, so that Love is Love. It's a matter of your state of consciousness. In your current state, Love appears like not Love, it is frozen, like water to ice. By increasing consciousness, the ice (=seemingly not Love) melts into water (=Love) and then evaporates into steam (=Infinite Love). You could also view it as God veiling Love through imagined illusions, like selfishness, bias, seperateness.