Binary Encoded Sunset

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About Binary Encoded Sunset

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  • Birthday 03/25/1990

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  1. Take a look at the lyrics on this thing (available in the link). Second tier thinking? What say you?
  2. Isn't the consensus of the evidence decided by a whole bunch of random doctors and based upon particular test conditions? What about variables which may not have been factored in? I'm not disagreeing with the consensus that you provided but I'm not sure it's particularly rigorous or even scientific for some random doctor or medical autodidact to declare anything "end of story".
  3. A good article about the pitfalls of this territory:
  4. A short gem examining self as simulacra:
  5. More gold for you... Simulacra (Movie) Dir. Theo Tagholm Today abstraction is no longer that of the map, the double, the mirror, or the concept. Simulation is no longer that of a territory, a referential being, or a substance. Simulacra explores the hyperreal.
  6. Just wanted more people to focus on this subject! Good intro video here: Amazing article that will take you deep here: Cut to the gooey centre here:
  7. Been a while since I checked into the forum! Hope you're well. Great article here. Worth a share on your blog perhaps
  8. "During the 20th century alone, the population in the world has grown from 1.65 billion to 6 billion." If the statistics from the following link are remotely accurate, need I say more? Even in the welcome event that the rapid & exponential growth of the human race slows down a little (but not too much of course), the issue you're raising seems less with the population & more to do with the quality of the population & their ability to adequately fill the positions you appear concerned will become vacant. I think you'll find there are many people who are struggling to find suitable jobs, some of whom are over qualified & that doesn't seem likely to change any time soon. That & the huge rate at which the lower stages are repreducing leaves us questioning the future beneficial conditions of a concerning percentage of certain western culltures. A decrease in poulation growth may give us more time to focus on the development of the existing population & even if it were to decrease by HALF (which I highly doubt because we're horny & love cute things), we'd still have a bigger world population than we did 40 years ago. Maybe I'm wrong but I don't see it.
  9. I might just be being partially ignorant & flippant about this because I'm responding after a rare night out, a bit drunk without doing any research, but based on my supposedly existing knowledge... what's the issue? 1, What makes this specifically an orange problem? Commy China's authoritarian state seems more of a blend of blue, an ever developing taste of orange & a little too much red for comfort (atleast it would seem so from the not so distant past last I checked). Anyone from any SD tier can choose not to have children for a variety of reasons. 2, In a nation that may have (or have had) problems with birth rates & overpopulation (I don't know the present statistics but that's the gist I've developed), why would there be a problem with a smaller, potentially more focussed generation? Personally, I wouldn't encourage there to be less asians in the world because I'm prone to a touch of yellow fever & appreciative of many aspects of various asian cultures, but in a more objective view... less people, more to go around, less noise & clutter, less consumption thus less pollution (bad for the economy, good for the environment... not very orange... more green), &... & wait for it... 3, With less of a population problem, & the recognition of a more pressing need to amplify the numbers of the asian persuasion, they could lift the one kiddo per household rule, freeing up the pro choice & making it easier for loving families to adorn their homes with more farting, burping, bundles of joy... Hooorayyy!!!! No? *(looks around awkwardly)* if anything, that would lead to a granting of more legal freedoms. 4, I realise it's not just China etc that Elon was mentioning... Europe too to some extent... potentially. I'm in the UK & have you seen the rate that our most typical demographics spit out their progenies & plonk 'em onto a metaphorical lifestyle conveyor belt toward TV dinners & the road to pre-teen binge drinking? It's everywhere. I wouldn't advocate depopulation or a strict authoritarian state at all but dayuumnn son... the conditions are potentially scary. Someone please bring on AQAL's upper right quadrant & pick this apart with some factos. P.S. What a beautiful signature you have @Barna
  10. After a day spent studying advanced occult literature & having some cool epiphanies which were alot more interesting than the following contribution, this popped into my head & made me giggle so I thought I'd share it here. Enjoy! There once was a boy with a scar on his forehead. He had the potential to be a great sorceror but had lived under the stairs with his wicked aunt & uncle ever since the untimely passing of his parents. One day, after serveral bizarre occurences, a rotund giant of a man with a beard came to his rescue. "You're a Wizard Harry" said the man. "I'm a what?" replied the boy. Mumon style explanation: "Are you an ordinary guy pretending to be a wizard or a wizard pretending to be an ordinary guy? If you answer wizard, what mind games you play! If you claim to be Tom, Dick or Harry, you surely believe in the magic of nonsense!"
  11. That episode on Derrida's deconstruction was exactly what I needed. After studying everything I can find on the subject, I've found it to bolster my practise in manifold ways. I like to use the enso symbol as a visual reminder of all the meaning attached... (or lack thereof) in the sense of negative theology. A symbol as it were to refresh the experiential field & become an immediate "laughter button" when intentionally triggered but since this episode, my further studies into Derrida have since allowed that visual symbol to utterly deconstruct whatever topic I have in mind & "BAM" I visually flash myself the enso symbol & watch deconstruction ensue... my body relaxes in ways it usually doesn't without meditative focussed intention & a huge amount of release occurs in my body... but everything is reconstructed simultaneously for what it is... illusion or no. This was exactly what I needed.... a finger to the moon toward a genuine systematic understanding of meaning. I described it earlier (for my own experience) in the context of "seeing the wood through the trees"... If you wanna see the wood through the trees, you can annihilate the forest but then you've got the empty space which is very impractical for communicative purposes. (as a metaphor for human communication)... When all meaning is eradicated, you have pretty pictures & an impractical loss of those facets (impossible to cummunicate) but via true & integral deconstruction, you don't neeeeeeed to remove the trees from the wood to appreciate the vista... As each element is deconstructed, you see through that metaphorical wood without the need to remove the trees... if that makes sense. It now occurs to me that the best thing I can do in my development is to master Wilber's AQAL map but with a transcend & include approach to deconstruction... (I haven't looked into this fully yet but I think that when Wilber mentions "post-postmodernism" he is suggesting exactly what Leo meant in the last video [& David R. Loy's incredibly summative paper] that Derrida's deconstruction halted at thought (or linguistics) & didn't take the deconstruction of "hard phenomena" (e.g the objectifying of momentary subjective phenomena) into account... & that by deconstructing each facet regardless of it's structure, then leaving it where it is (not that you can remove such things without denial) ...we can understand these phenomenon (even those illusory) for what they are without the need to remove those facets of experience.
  12. @username according to that particular Buddhist Cosmology, yes but I find the idea of any realm being more "divine" than another a tall order when all of non-duality & it's inherent duality could be considered divine. I may be getting confused or not distinguishing properly between the multiple yet singular realm of dreams & an additional astral realm but in terms of spatial dimensions, from a phenomenological perspective, any space we encounter on any plane is a space that we can encounter & any imaginable plane can be recreated via lucid dream, & we could even call that a divine realm. The idea that an astral plane is not divine confuses me because nothing can be more divine than anyygthing else as far as I'm aware & that's why i take these cosmologies with a pinch of salt because no doubt they could be recreated & visited in lucid dreamland/ then given whatever names, meanings & suggested locations that whoever is describing them wants to apply. Unless we can weigh that map to the experiential territory & flesh out the rest with correlatory info as a tentative hypothesis. Granted, I haven't looked very far into the the concept of Red, White, Blue , Gold, or Green Celestial realms so I should probably do that before speaking about them but that's my starting position. Thanks, I'll look further in that direction.
  13. @username Thank you, Jan Esmann offers an attractive explanaton! No, I haven't entered or been swallowed by it although I see it regularly & have noticed that it's more likely to appear if I'm thinking about it & intuitively decide to move toward the experience of seeing it as remembered if that makes sense. This isn't something that typically shows up for me during meditation but simply & vividly during day to day activities. I regularly experience colourful hazes during meditation, typically violet/ purple. Occasionally red if I'm ever in poor condition. Once during a particularly deep meditation involving the channeling of arousal, I disappeared & merged entirely with light - total white oblivion - was breathtaking but only managed that once. Wasn't exactly a blue infinity & there were no blue phenomenon... knowing what we do about the colours & white light leads me to think that "blue infinity" could be a substrate of "white infinity" but any kind of infinity being substrate to another infinity is a tough notion to digest. The colour of oblivion aside, that's a somewhat different description to the one from "The Psychonaut Field Manual". As much as I find the idea of becoming a "Siddha" & attaining a position in blue infinity seductive albeit temporarily, the concept of working on your ability to harness it for years as a "control your own hallucination" tool seem less grandiose & could probably also be used to create a visual day-trip to "blue infinity" so both could potentially be possible in that sense... of course yes, it could just be a basic visual or even some kind of result of a mental electrical overload.. but if it is a portal to astral sight in waking consciousness, then I can understand why some people would say that it contains the whole of being within it, because the ability to see your visualisation as if it were real would allow you to view any imaginable possibility!
  14. Yeah, it's certainly easy to fall off the practise wagon when you have a day job & people you might not want to rock the boat with reality wise around you. I was dragged out of body during sleep paralysis once after I had woken from a lucid dream by a "shadow person" which I fondly think of as what some people might call a Djinn... & ended up going on a vivid inter-dimensional journey which seemed different to typical lucid dreams I've had in many senses & seemed as real as daily life (albeit the contents were unusual) but I did wake up from it as if a lucid dream was over. I've not had the experience of leaving my body, exploring & returning to it, so if astral projection is indeed a totally different phenomena, perhaps "activation of the merkaba" would be required for generating that astral body that is able to project beyond the "material". There may be a correlation there in my experience in the sense that I don't feel that I have had a "merkaba activation" experience & have never had a distinctive astral projection experience wherre I have left, explored the "flipside" of the waking world & returned to it. Perhaps the merkaba is exclusively for astral projection. If you've had an astral projection experience, did you feel that counter rotaing energy whirl before or after?
  15. Etherial pearl, vivid & blue kissing the absence with such fleeting luminosity What madness do you beckon? Uncertain how to conjure you Beyond the horizon flickers an effulgent sea It's no way I reckon I wrote that Haiku about one of the more bizarre & inexplicable phenomenon I frequently encounter which is typically known as "the blue pearl". A blue dot or spec of light that just pops up in my visual field at random times throughout the day. Just a flicker as if someone swiftly triggered a laser beam of the deepest blue or indigo. It's size can vary but is typically small & it's in no way a bother, on the contrary - I consider it beautiful! There doesn't seem to be a lot of information about this out there but it is experienced by various people. Some people call it "seeing the essence of the soul" which I'm personally not too keen on because I tend to consider the soul as the ego rather than the grand non-dual phenomenon that one could call "spirit" but semantics aside, I can see why it would be considered this way. Some have referred to it as an opening of astral vision. The third eye literally opening. There was a fun description from a cheeky little occult comic called "The Psychonaut Field Manual" (available as a free PDF) which advised that focussing on it would allow you to harness it & keep it going for longer periods of time until you develop the muscle to a point where your astral visualisations actually appear vividly including whatever "entities" may happen to be present. Of course if these are all thought forms & the astral plain is essentially the subtle material of thoughts or dreams which I tend to consider that it is, then yes, I suppose you would be seeing & creating whatever entities in whatever forms may be lurking on the subtle plain. It occurs to me that without great discipline, this could be terrrifying & would thus require great discipline/ knowledge/ experience to be integrated safely. However, if this is the case - how very, very cool! One Yogi wrote about how the blue pearl opened during meditation, how it engulfed him & took him to new worlds. Awesome huh? I'd very much like to know what (if any) experiences people have had with the blue pearl/ blue dot/ blue angel or whatever else it has been called because so far, all I've got experientially is this delightful luminous dot flashing up occasionally & rousing my curiosity.