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Everything posted by Evoke

  1. Rupert Spira has some good ones on his Youtube channel.
  2. I have always been drinkning while clubbing, all my life. I have also used cocaine a lot and everytime im drunk i start to think about how nice it would be to take cocaine. I often find myself in party situations with people who are drunk and takes drugs. I want to learn game instead but it seems so boring to be sober in these type of situations. Also im into spirituality and everytime i have gone out i cant meditate for days afterwards and my mood is shitty, sucidal thoughs if i have taken cocaine. I have a history of misuse of adhd medications but i have stopped taken them. Any tips?
  3. Im turning 35 this year. Is it still possible/worthwhile to learn game? I have been partying all my adult life and got some results with girls without knowing about game. But i feel i have been stagnated in this area of my life. Some part of me just wanna quit partying and clubs altogether due to my drug use related to this area. Sorry for bad grammar, english is not my native language and im on my phone.
  4. Yeah. Its so weird watching Leos blog video when he cries and talk about infinite love, just to se him writing post like this on the forum minutes after.
  5. Do you belive that your previous long solo retreats have "primed" your consciousness/mind so to speak making it more receptive to the deep, profound understanding that you later obtained from psychedelics? Because must psychedelic users dont grasp your level of understanding. Do you still do these type of manual solo retreats? I belive they still can offer a lot of value, at least for me. Havent done one yet but signing up for vipassana soon. @Leo Gura
  6. Do you have imaginary friends or only i? Are you aware of this when you're out there gaming?
  7. What about all the other people that doesn't speak about non duality and awakening, what role do they play in all of this?
  8. She's beautiful. Inside and out.
  9. Could spirituality, the gym, social skills and enlightenment work be a form of life purpose? And maybe the original poster suffer from adohenia and/or depression.
  10. Say this to Owen Cook.
  11. Actually, i like this the most with Leos work. Because spiritual groups have the potential to become cult-like and history has proven this again and again. Besides that, there already exist tons of spiritual communities and some people benefit more from the lone Wolf approach. You still have the possibilty to go out and socialise when you have done your practices, like Leo does in his recent Vegas videos.
  12. Why am i getting triggered by this? Maybe because it doesn't correspond to my everyday experience of life. She makes it sounds so simple. Its easy when you are an young, attractive woman who have a farm.
  13. Thats interesting for sure! Hope i get there someday. But in Annas case, i belive that she's got that classical, timeless beauty that would do it for most guys, even outside spiritual circles.
  14. Actually shes not my type really but the more I listen to her, i felt more attracted. In one video i felt that i was watching a divine angel and I felt hypnotized almost. I understand that people have different taste but i felt suprised that spiritual guys on this forum say that shes below average. She feels like the wet dream of any hippie.
  15. She's NOT below average. Seriously, in which world? She has a nice earthly vibe combined with a solid symmetrical face, charisma, seems natural. And that Rapunzel hair ❤️
  16. I hear you. But for me, its a combination of her looks and that she makes it sounds so simple and i have a great deal of struggle to implement what she's pointing to. Maybe it would be helpful if she published some kind of meditations, but i guess i could get them from other sources as well, and i do.
  17. But can we agree that more psychedelics probably isn't gonna help him either? I have never fooled myself into believing that a 3-minute video is gonna wake anyone up. Im more interested in the process, how she attained that level of consciousness that she speaks about.
  18. The dude from Psychedsubstance doesn't seem to radiate much self-love from my point of view, and he has taken more than anyone i know.
  19. Actually, i meditated for 40 minutes then watched the video again. It resonated more this time, but then again, i might be fooling myself. And i want to feel that in my everyday experience, not only after a meditation session. It wears off quickly. But so does psychedelics, the few time i have taken them.
  20. Unfortunately, i dont have a access to a bunch of psychedelics. And i dont know if Anna has either, at least she doesn't talk about them.
  21. Dude, calm down. No need to act that offensive on a spiritual forum.
  22. Yeah maybe you are right. It kind of is my biggest fantasy next to getting enlightened myself, to meet a gorgeous, natural gal like Anna and fall deeply in non-dual love. And thanks for all your replies folks, i will look into why i am getting triggered.
  23. Maybe it has something to do with that im attracted to her physically knowing i cant have her, so her talk about self love falls on deaf ears.