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About Godhead

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  • Birthday 06/26/1998

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  1. A few 10/10 products Pentel Fude brush pen M medium This is the best brush pen I've used so far. It’s perfect for creating interesting textures, adding fine details, or filling in large areas without the need to switch pens. COSRX AC Collection Calming Foam Cleanser Perfect face wash foam, lasts a long time, works effectively, and helps keep your skin acne-free. CeraVe Face Moisturiser SPF 50 Cream This sunscreen and moisturizer combo has a great consistency, absorbs easily, and doesn’t leave any awkward residue. It keeps your skin healthy and glowing. Hayabusa T3 LX Leather Boxing Gloves I injured both of my wrists using cheaper gloves. These have special wrist protection, are made from high-quality Italian leather, and look amazing. They're durable, and while they’re on the pricier side, always a thrill punching someone in the face with them Pentel BXA107A-A Calme Ballpoint Pen I had important exams approaching and realized my writing speed was a major bottleneck. So, I bought dozens of pens and timed myself with each one. This pen came out on top. Not only does it glide smoothly over the paper, but it also offers just the right amount of haptic feedback. Writing with it is a true pleasure, needless to say, I aced all my exams. Plus, it’s super cheap. Honeywell HT-900E Fan Cheap, efficienct, durable and powerful. Everything you could ask for from a fan.
  2. For Brain work: Blueberries cacao no sugar / dark chocolatee Cashews For comfy satiety: Lasagne Curry Pizza For active satiety: Chicken Steamed veggies Eggs Hummus
  3. Don't listen to anyone on this forum for fashion advice lol. Just have fun with it, who gives a fuck. Experiment, wear things that don't look good, adjust your style, and gain confidence in your choices. Be bold.
  4. @MAHAVATAR_-_BABAJI How often do you talk to women? You could be the hottest guy on the planet, but if you don't put yourself out there, you won't get any women. Talking to more women will make you understand their psychology better, make you a better communicator, and ultimately make you more attractive to them.
  5. Then go ahead and frolic in the fields my guy - nobody’s forcing you to start threads like this. But instead of just throwing around accusations of naive bias, maybe take a minute to actually provide some real critique. The perspective you offered just wasn't very appealing or thought out. People have been offering you different perspectives, and they’ve given solid, well-thought-out reasons why their bias exists. If you’re not ready to engage with those ideas, then fine, but don’t act like dismissing them without a real argument somehow makes you look meta. Step up with something substantive or don’t accuse others of ignorance.
  6. I was referring to his argument not to him as a person.
  7. Fair. But if I can't call his argument stupid, I don't think he should be allowed to use islamophobic dogwhistles.
  8. This is a stupid argument and you know it is. Don't you see what is happening? Isn't it proof enough that the way things have been approached weren't right? Israel now poking in every direction they can, provoking Iran, Lebanon etc. etc. This isn't about living in a peaceful state. This is about power and it's backfiring. What Israel is doing and what it has been doing is not good for it's survival nor peace.
  9. The more powerful force in any conflict bears a heightened responsibility for its actions. While no one is suggesting that the Palestinian people are morally flawless, this is entirely beside the point. When the U.S. invaded Iraq, discussions about Iraqi indoctrination or their treatment of LGBT individuals would have been distractions from the core issue: the overwhelming use of military power and its devastating impact. Similarly, in this conflict, the focus should remain on the actions of the stronger party, as it wields the most influence over the situation and its outcomes.
  10. It's almost like taking over someone's land, militarizing to no end, contantly bullying your neighbors and restricting rights to people due to their ancestry will make you unpopular and put you into survival mode. Also "muslim Jungle", you sound like a facist my man.
  11. @Nivsch Their resistance to an occupying force? "Oh if that jew didn't kill our german diplomat, we wouldn't have to launch the Kristallnacht, your actions caused our anger!!" Let's forget that the parents of the jew have been arrested and deported. "We had no choice but to tighten restrictions in the country we are occupying, they are constantly doing terror attacks and trying to resist :o" Israels actions directly contribute to terror. They are very aware of that but it gives them an excuse to increase their influence in the region. But of course, after palestinians get occupied and mistreated for decades, when they eventually strike back, people in this Thread can argue: "Oh wow, look how anti-semetic and backwards those palestinians are, they have no democracy and they are brainwashing their children. They simply have violence written in their DNA. There is no cause and effect. We simply have to bomb them :)))"
  12. You said that you wanted polygamy, a relationship with multiple girls. When someone tells me they met multiple people at a party, I would generally assume it’s more than just two. In modern polygamous relationships, especially in the context of consensual non-monogamy, all parties are typically involved in an open and sexually inclusive dynamic. That’s why I initially misunderstood your intentions. As for how you’d approach it, it seems quite challenging. Most women have many options, so why would they choose a situation where they only receive half the attention? You would either need to offer something very compelling or ensure they are highly attracted to you. Again, where I come from, many people engage in polyamorous or ENM relationships, but it’s rare to see a situation where a man has multiple partners while the women remain exclusive to him, why would they? I'm not saying it's impossible but it just invites so much drama, jealousy, comparisons, etc., etc. One way to go about it might be that your current girlfriend would be the one introducing other women into the relationship. And of course, she would have to be fully on board with you dating others, falling in love with another girl, being only secondary priority, knowing there’s a risk of losing you. It also raises a bigger question: is your current partner truly right for you if you’re so easily willing to consider leaving them over what seems like a half-formed fantasy? Good luck dude, sounds like you're in for a big headache.
  13. Are you cool with your GF having other boyfriends? Are you cool with the idea that you are cuddling with your girl and then she leaves to get fucked by some other hotter guy? Are you cool with her talking to you about what she did on the weekend, even in detail? Are you cool with constantly reassuring each other, communicating deeply about insecurities, and being alone while your partner is out and about? Are you willing to take the risk of STDs? If your answer to all of these questions is yes, visit Berlin. It's very common here. If your answer is no or you feel like the privilege of having multiple partners should only be extended to you, maybe rethink. Maybe you are also just not ready for a monogamous relationship yet and need to date around more to figure yourself out. Monogamy and non-Monogamy both have advantages and disadvantages. Determine which model work best for you and determine which disadvantages you are willing to accept.
  14. Do you think Mike Tyson would have been a better athlete if he had been more selfless? Without ego? Not caring about winning? Not saying this is a healthy approach. But it is well known in psychology that people who achieve extraordinary success are fucked up in some way or another.