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Everything posted by StarStruck

  1. Thought (knowledge/logic) + emotion (experience) = wisdom Both knowledge and exp is needed in chess. It is not either or.
  2. Kasparov wrote a book about the parallels between life and chess. Other people have compared life to game. There is even game theory which is a science and an art but could life be reduced to a game. A game that god plays with itself or a chess game it plays with itself? In chess feelings don’t matter. If you want to win you need to make quality decisions. In life it is no different. Since I have been following this mindset I solved multiple problems in my life including addictions and started a business and making progress in other parts of my life. Principles of gaming can be applied across the board which I discovered and I won’t mention here. These are overarching principles of mastery that can be applied to any realm. I’ve used these principles to climb the upper echelons of several sports and hobbies and now I’m using this in business and it is very promising.
  3. Is this even possible? Especially if you are a guy you are subjected to so many conditions. I’m starting to meet these conditions but I have a double feeling about it because these females didn’t accept me when I was a rough crystal and the more I’m getting refined the more they show interest but I don’t want it anymore.
  4. I would be afraid if somebody gave me crazy alien eyes ?
  5. So lately I have been opening my heart chakra and I’m having puppy eyes and I hate it. It makes me so vulnerable but at the same time it opens up pandoras box which means I’m making leaps ?
  6. You guys are all deluded and full of something because I believe in solipsism and I’m the only person that exists.
  7. How do people react to that ?
  8. Becoming Supernatural by Joe Dispenza
  9. @Princess Arabia my heart felt condolences to you and your family. Breathe deeply and remember the good times.
  10. This is not only with women but also with money or with anything else.
  11. Yesterday I had the insight that inner sovereignty is like a spine. A country with no spine has no sovereignty. Countries that are invaded have their spine broken and some countries can’t even recover from that like India who got fucked over for centuries. For inner sovereignty of a person it is no different. You have to train your actual and spiritual spine and it is no easy job, especially if your “spine” received trauma. But even if you had no trauma it is just a tedious job to train yourself to develop a strong spine. If you have a spine you don’t need something external to keep yourself upright which is the definition of independence and freedom.
  12. Jung is the founding father of modern psychology. It is unfair to compare him to his modern counterparts.
  13. @Leo Gura I shouldn’t have used the word creeps. I met some lovely people there too but there are some weirdos there who tried to forced me to adapt their views. They were good natured though but totally misguided.
  14. @integral I know enough about psychology to know that but after this thread I think I’m just going to play along with their stupidity. I’m learning so much by psycho analyzing those NA creeps. And to earn their trust I have to play their social games and adapt their social patterns in my persona. It is so sad and creepy how rigid these people are about their understanding of addictions but I don’t even blame them. It is just the sad state of mental health care. Even most professionals are clueless and they are falling in the same pitfalls that I mentioned.
  15. If you are hot shit you can get away with a lot.
  16. If you get caught in a negative vibe you will bite your own tail. You will get what you give. It is crazy how child like women are. All they want is good or right vibes. I don’t know who said it but women are children at heart. If you use logic or negativity they will shut down.
  17. I like Neil, he is a cool guy but he is full of something
  18. There is truth in red pill but their vibe is so negative. If you can extract the golden nuggets from red pill without adopting a negative vibe you are set.
  19. @Ulax I wouldn’t say they are full of shit obviously but I guess you are right. I need to learn to play social games. @ZzzleepingBear NA didn’t help me with anything. I helped myself. If I was at the mercy of NA I would be like one of them, forcing myself to stay clean. Those NA guys didn’t look healthy and happy.
  20. Chess is mostly pattern recognition. If you just raw dog chess with intuition you will be pummeled.
  21. If you play chess against a friend he will give you pointers and leeway. Sometimes I play chess not to win but to try things out, play with positions and learn. I would say in those games I’m not competitive.
  22. @Ulax chess can be seen as play and collaborative and in other times it can be seen competitive. You need both. If you play chess from emotions you will get fucked over real quick. Yea your emotions should be serene and no negative emotions should be in your body which will make you relax, present and aware but that doesn’t mean you should play chess from emotions. Just look at grand masters. They are all stoics. Some people are just…: I dunno ?
  23. What is your setup? What foods you prepare for a 1-2 week plan? You do sports ? How often you shower? How often you drink water? What techniques you use? What other prep you do? How much sleep? You take other precautions? You talk to people?
  24. You only get what you can give. You only reap what you sow. Find ways to give and people will give it back to you in three folds. Only a homeless person asks why he doesn’t get enough. If he got his stinky ass up and started thinking what I can give to people, he would be rewarded for his labor/service/products of his labor. Yes. People give something for nothing but that is out of pity and you don’t want that. Also stop listening to “all is love and shit”. There is no free love. Get up and start making sacrifices.
  25. Thing with autistic people is they try to use logic. Logic and worry is a killer for vibing. You need to find your own vibe and “surf on it” not worry what you say. Logic comes from the head, vibe comes from the body. You need to loosen up your body and stop being so stuck up all the time.