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Everything posted by StarStruck

  1. You can't transcend survival. If you think you transcended survival, try to go into a forest with bears while being stained in honey and you will find out. This transcending the rat race is just a bubble in some western societies.
  2. I'm as confused as in the beginning of the topic. But as far as I understand, there are no rights, there are only rights in people heads pertaining to culture.From a God perspective, are there rights? I think everything that "is" is right, I guess.
  3. How? I have one foot in the physical and one foot in the spiritual. It is ok if you put both feet in the spiritual although I doubt you do since you are doing "things"...
  4. Probably. you are just repeating what Leo says and Leo is repeating what others said. I don’t know if that is true. Consciousness works in mysterious ways. It could all end. It is up to god.
  5. Like that Eckhart Tolle guy. His daughter revealed how he drinks a lot of alcohol and some other shady stuff. Sadguru seems like a really nice guy. There has to be something we don’t know about him.
  6. Life has no beginning and no end? I know couple of people's beginning and their ends. Open up the newspaper and you will see beginnings and ends of lives all the time.
  7. The whole thing about life is a good balance between yin and yang. I feel like I already have a good amount of yin in my life. Yesterday I went to a party and had the time of my life. And this morning I was depressed about existential stuff and that is ok. Perhaps you use partying and those other yin stuff to cover up the shit in your life. I prefer to just face it instead of trying to cover it up with partying and games. People who do that hit the wall later in life when they found out life is not only about fun and games.
  8. @Princess Arabia why is the don’t take it personal approach spot on for the wrong reasons? I don’t put these girls on a pedestal. It is a figure of speech. I was talking about girls with the best genetics and best personality. What you might see as top notch girls is not the top notch girls I’m talking about. You might see big boobs or pornstar girls as top notch. I prefer natural and next door girl type of girls. I also want to eat top notch food. It doesn’t mean that I put top notch food on a pedestal. You are just projecting your own mindset onto me. I like top notch food and I like regular food for that matter. About the endless chasing. You have a point about that. This is why I meditate everyday to find the end in my self but I’m not no fan of spiritual by passing and wasting what is left of my youth. I can enjoy both the spiritual and material. Later life is meant for spiritual while younger life is meant for catching fish.
  9. @Schizophonia It is survival instinct of the victim versus intuition of the higher self. But you are good at other things 😏
  10. You can think about eating a banana. And you can actually take a banana and eat it. What is the difference? Contemplate on this question. You basically want to transmute flow beakers into flow enhancers.
  11. You are laughing but you never too 5 MeO. Jokes on you. 😅
  12. Indeed, it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. Being poor is actually a blessing. Being rich too. If you tasted both that is golden.
  13. We live in the dark ages in terms of spirituality and psychology. Finding a good therapist is very difficult. If you find one you just vibe well with is already a blessing in the sky. Most therapists finish their education and never continue their education in their own time. So spiritually they are very under equipped. It is the blind leading the blind. They don't know how to deal with Existential stuff because they are mostly SD orange. These people need a God experience to heal and they can't provide it. The best secular therapists in my experience are the Jungian ones. But they are hard to find. It is much better than psycho analysis.
  14. He has been talking about working about and good nutrition for 10 years straight. But he still looks like Gollum. If he stopped talking and just did 50 pushups, squats and pull ups (without weights) everyday from his home he would have already been in ok shape. I’m working out without weights and just use my natural body weight. And with time it just adds up if you eat well. He talks about good nutrition all the time but no way he eats healthy and still looks chubby like that. Perhaps I’m wrong and some people having no good genetics and just being chubby.
  15. @Consept white man sport
  16. @Javfly33 what I’m saying is that sexuality is spiritual by nature. Just having sex for the pleasures of the flesh will degenerate you. God won’t bless you and you will stay poor and unfulfilled. I never paid for porn but I paid for sex and although I had the best sex ever with beautiful young ladies. It didn’t feed my soul. I had one night stands too and it didn’t fulfill me either. Having casual sex is very unfulfilling and it takes a toll on the body and spirit. Nowadays thanks to higher consciousness I can just look at a person and see if he is degenerate by sensing his or her aura. For us guys busting nuts into a girl is all fun and games but for a promiscuous girl having random sex just tears her soul apart. It hollows her out physically and spiritually. I suggest you start reading Mantik Chia’s book and try it out for yourself. You can’t say it doesn’t work for you without you making the sacrifices and trying. Impossible things will happen. But the rewards are as big as your sacrifices. The sacrifice of the animal spasism is big but the reward is even bigger. Or you can not try what I’m saying and stay degenerate and keep suffering in the material and spiritual.
  17. You need God's help. You don't want this on your consciousness.
  18. What I notice with pro-porn people is that they ignore thousands of years of knowledge on sexual transmutation. And just self righteously talk about sex like it was invented yesterday. It is like the person who uses hard drugs everyday and says it is ok until it is not ok.
  19. Israel is going to get a smacking.
  20. Get your own place so you are not at their mercy. If you are an adult you should define your own path in life. It will be the best for everybody: being your own person. You shouldn’t be opening threads about this. You should already know your own answers.
  21. @Davino QiGong and Toaism is Chinese while Kundalini Yoga is Indian no?
  22. Good point. There is chi which is vital energy. Ching which is sexual energy and chien which is spiritual.
  23. Kundalini means snake Kundalini is basically your sexual energy which is Kundalini up. You can feel the energy in your body with direct experience. If you cultivate thus energy wisely you can push it up the spine all the way up to the pituitary gland. It is an insane experience.