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Everything posted by StarStruck

  1. not only opportunity cost in time but also spiritual.
  2. A girl who can’t think for herself is dangerous. Her gfs will have huge influence on her. men are not like this with dating. We don’t care what others think about our date. If she is hot she is hot. Other guys saying she is hot doesn’t add anything.
  3. Perhaps that is what you need, if you can't keep a nut in to save your life I have hard ons every night but no wet dream.
  4. Now it has been a while since I deleted tiktok and I can say I feel much happier. I just go talk to real girls if I need to swipe. Don't use tech to your own detriment, you are only making tiktok hookers and the tiktok owner rich by being a zombie. There should be something in it for you. If it is an emotional net negative, it is not good for you.
  5. So true. But don't expect addicts to admit they are addicts. That is the whole point: self denial. Most people just need to suffer before they get the point. The people on this forum are so ignorant about the topic of sex. They see it separate from spirituality, not knowing that crea-tion, was created by sexual energy, and they don't see the clear connection of sexual abuse and spiritual poverty. But they are oh-so self-righteous. Idiots.
  6. You don't understand the feminine and you blame it on the feminine. Yea, girl's god is her emotions. So if you don't serve to her emotional needs it doesn't matter if you lie or don't. He doesn't get pussy because he lies. He get's pussy because he gives the women what they want. If you started lying today you wouldn't get pussy; go try it out. Second part is that girls can smell incompetence and lack of confidence. It is the female equivalent of boobs and ass: having confidence and competence. You need to get on that shit and get negativity out of your head, or on the longer term it will make you bitter and resentful.
  7. @Majed wrong. Sexual transmutation is an option.
  8. People and self help gurus tell you have to work double hours to get your business off the ground but from my experience is not true at all. I’m earning 3 x the money I would earn if I take had a normal job. I work less hours and earn a lot more. The thing with money is that it is what you believe it is. If you think it is hard to get it it will be so. The opposite is true too. You just have to know where the money flows are and just be at the receiving end of the money. The hardest part of being self made not getting money. It is not fucking it up and dissolving your ego on the path of individuation. Actually loving yourself while you made stupid decisions. Your brain is the greatest asset. Everybody is rich but they don’t know it. They prefer not to think and stay a donkey for the matrix as explained in the book think and grow rich.
  9. Maca is great but too powerful for me. I can’t drink maca and just sit. It is a great pre workout drink.
  10. Her throat will give it away. His genitals can be pimped but it is hard to pimp away the Adam’s apple and male voice. I don’t think she is a he though. Some women have big hands and male type of body. Perhaps she has a messed up vag and she pimped it up.
  11. My pocketbook has a text to speech function. When I’m tired reading I let it read the pages for me.
  13. I had an interesting insight a while back. Actually everything is AI. 👀
  14. Guys just wait one year and Leo Gura will be replaced by AI.
  15. Good point. I love the intimacy because I’m not intimate with myself when I’m alone. Sexual transmutation doesn’t mean one should become a simp.
  16. Good. You learned from my TikTok thread.
  17. The last couple of days were a good test to see if you are addicted or not.
  18. As a guy your attention(aka time) is the most important essential asset you have. If you allow young and attractive girls to gobble up your time so easily without getting anything in return you have the bad end of the deal. because she earns big bucks by exploiting and thirst trapping you and you don’t get to tap that or go balls deep If you are giving a lot of attention to girls as a bystander/ on-looker, you are programming yourself as a beta male. Your sub conscious is not stupid. Your looser genes get activated and you become a beta while your alpha genes get down regulated. Your success in life and how your life will look like is in direct correspondence with your focus of your attention and the trade offs you are making.
  19. She is on her "grind"
  20. While you copy my shit all the time: without giving creds 😂 Yea, crack might have some extreme usefulness to some 🤡
  21. @Michael569 this is so true:
  22. thank you You don't need to download it. You can just use the web app on your phone or pc. I didn't know you were into Asians. Our brain is not made for Tiktok or porn. One has to know one's limitations as a human. We are still very primitive. The mammal dopamine system has an appetite similar to the appetite of your tongue. TikTok and porn is just fastfood. It spikes the dopamine but you don't really get any substantial. Similar to smoking. It doesn't have any nutritions. It is just the nicotine that gives the dopamine spike that makes you hooked. Tiktok is just like a very good hooker for short term pleasure and long term misery. I meditated on this actually. Try feeling your body after using TikTok or porn. It makes you empty because it robs you of your soul (intuition). It dulls it. It is a battle between your instinct (survival and reproduction, and coping with stress) versus your intuition (the silent wise voice connected to your higher self).
  23. @Juan There is something about TikTok that is different. It is digital crack. I don’t have problems with YouTube. Only watch self help videos on YouTube. And other educational stuff. With TikTok, if you don’t like something you just scroll and another dopamine spike, and another and another. It trains your brain in a very unhealthy way. Porn is the same. If you don’t like the pornstar , you can just click on another one. You don’t like her in missionary, fast forward to doggystyle. You don’t like her in this scene but you like her in that screen. You don’t like blonde anymore in this moment and in the next 10 minutes you like brunettes. This endless novelty destroys the male brain. TikTok is basically the same as porn but without genitals. Just endless novelty at the end of a click or swipe. If you have a real gf , she will bore you because it can’t match up to the endless novelty. The thing with enjoyment is that it is endless/infinity and you can lose yourself in enjoyment. The whole thing with enjoyment is that it should be contained by setting up boundaries for enjoyment so you can actually enjoy. Otherwise Pinokkio’s pleasure island turns into torment.
  24. Sunday I went out and I had to do couple of rejections during salsa dancing. Mostly older women who don’t get approached so they approach me. In the past I was really bad at rejecting because I felt bad about it but now after being rejected by others I feel more comfortable doing the rejection aka slaying dragons. I wish I could reject somebody like how a hot girl rejects men: heartless and without mercy. Do you think I will develop this attitude with time? Or do I need to do some mindset changes. I just don’t want to hurt somebody’s feelings but I discovered it is better to just do it otherwise they hang around and cock block you. The thing is that young girls usually don’t approach. They already get approached a lot so they don’t have to develop that will to approach during a salsa party. Older women who don’t get approached a lot do have this will to approach during salsa dancing. Sometimes I feel more friendly and I dance with the dragons. They are actually fun to dance with. They aren’t all stuck up and appreciate it if you can let go and just enjoy.
  25. Fake is worse than hurting somebody. Most of the time. Uhm...