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Everything posted by StarStruck

  1. Birds that fly together flock together.
  2. From the mouth of vegan celebs who did everything by the book:
  3. There goes the argument "don't you feel sad about the animals?" straight out of the window. The reality is much more nuanced.
  4. All these vegan celebrities on YouTube are secretly eating meat, and last year shit tons of vegan shills have come out and said they were dying or having heavy health issues because of their diet. Guys. Let's wake up. It is about the m-o-n-ey!!! And these people were buying the most expensive best quality vegan foods and shit. Their whole livelihood was based on their diet and promoting their of. Even they don't make it. I'm not saying it won't work for couple of years. On the long haul a lot of people are dropping left and right because of health issues. We are only seeing people dropping who are in the spotlight of the vegan community. Just imagine all the other undocumented people nearly dropping dead because of veganism. It is an outright pandemic. Personally they can do whatever they like but I really do feel sad about their kids who are indoctrinated into their diet and don't have the option to have a healthy diet and brain. 80% of our energy goes to our brain. That is the difference between us and an animal. We have big brains and we need to feed it or we will end up like a vegetable. The bottom line is this: for a lot of people it might work but for a lot of people it doesn't. It really depends on your body and brain type. For some people it simply DOESN'T work. That last part doesn't compute with them for some reason.
  5. I developed respect for animals and their place within nature but I don't believe one has to become vegan to integrate stage green. Obviously I'm not going to engage further in discussion. A lot of people are emotional in this thread and I'm kind of shocked. I expected a different discourse on actualized dot org. I can post studies on how a vegan society would destroy the eco system on this planet but I'm not going to do that.
  6. Use your dreams. Your dreams reveal your subconscious and how you think deep down. Everybody thinks differently. For example for me, in my dream I saw myself changing by taking off my old clothes and putting on new clothes.
  7. I think you are right. I might overcompensate because I was the spineless nice guy but that just the process that I'm in. You said it yourself, being assertive/confidence and being tender/moral, is a rare match. That is why women have to make a trade off.. They ask themselves: do I want a nice guy or do I want a dick head? They are repulsed by nice guys and I don't blame them. I kind of get it.
  8. I can imagine that is difficult. Finding a life partner is difficult for both sexes though. As a human you always want to up-trade yourself, not down-trade yourself. Finding a good match causes a lot of stress.
  9. Women are the gate keepers. Most guys become fuckboys or dick heads because certain women are attracted to that. If you are a nice guy and don't have those traits you are just put aside. I don't blame certain women. They have their own reasons for having those unconscious drivers but that doesn't change what I said. Women pick and that won't change anytime soon. If you want to casually date, you better become what the market asks. Unfortunately that is how it works.
  10. @Emerald That is my whole point. It is not mutually exclusive. Vegan diet is not always more environmentally friendly. It really depends on the person. I'm not judgemental and pretentious about vegans. My diet is almost vegan. I only eat small amounts of good quality meat because my body needs it. Not every body is the same. Some human body's just don't run on a vegan diet. Especially if you are tall or/and have a big brain. There are enough studies to prove this. Perhaps I will switch to artificial meat if it comes out. B12 vitamins doesn't work for me.
  11. The higher up the spiral the less ideological one becomes. Vegans are very ideological and almost militant. It is hard to discuss anything. This mindset will go in stage yellow. With shedding I didn't mean shedding of the values. I meant shedding of the fixed-minded ideology and dogma. Obviously there is a whole ideology and industry behind veganism. It is a money making business, praying on certain insecure people, at this moment. Improvements can't be made at this point.
  12. I'm actually stage green-yellow and I'm shedding stage green ideology and dogma. Not everybody will like that.
  13. That is love right there. That lion wants to survive. Just like me. I don't want to have an unnatural diet, end up doing blood tests every month, eat shit loads of vitamin pills and still end up being depressed and suicidal. I only eat small amounts of meat/fish/chicken/and so on. That is what doctor's recommend and that is what I do. I totally understand and sympathize, but I disagree with him. I didn't expect so many members to be triggered and emotional. I didn't know this forum had so many vegans. I guess I just learned how people think about veganism on this forum?
  14. If everybody would become a vegan, the world would literally not be able to sustain that. Meat is high caloric and highly nutritious. You don't need to eat a truck load of meat. A small piece is enough to sustain you for days. Vegans on the other hands eat truck loads of fruit and vegetables to stay alive, and afterwards they still have health issues. They are forced to take supplements and blood test. On the long term every vegan finds out their diet just simply doesn't work out. My phone doesn't want to survive. Plants actually have mechanism to stay alive. A plants survival strategy and a human's survival strategy is not very different: they both want to stay alive. We literally share DNA with plants, dude.
  15. Vegetables are living things too. They might not have a heart but they do have senses and an urge to survive. I find their passion highly selective. Loads of people are suffering because of vegan diets. They should care about humans too.
  16. Psychedelics didn't work for me because of my traumatic past. People who trumpet psychedelics as a magic pill think too much in black-white.
  17. Such a nice sketch about the manipulative behavior of some women. Scary part is that they don't show their real face until it is too late. For men, the most important choice is to make the right pick for a partner to settle with. One can say, just divorce her if she is manipulative. Yea, that is possible, but she will take half of your net worth and set your children against you. Sometimes I feel so naive about these topics but there is no way. If you want to play, you have to play by the rules of the game, and manipulation is a big part of that.
  18. This is what helped me: Connect what you are doing right now, to your future self. What future self do you want? Write your (sub)-goals down, and make prioritizations in the now according to your (sub)-goals. The key is that your sub-goal shouldn't be to distant in the future, otherwise you simply won't have the motivation.
  19. First give the people bread and pussy, and after that we might listen to your psycho babble.
  20. I'm a half hippie and a half frustrated success chaser so you won.
  21. So which stage are you then?
  22. Spiral stage shaming is a real thing so yes.
  23. I did his program. It is no nonsense and very good. Much better than that RSD crap.
  24. Separate happiness from success. They are not the same thing but sometimes they can overlap. At first happiness and success might overlap but there will come a point it will diverge. For me just being happy with nothing was not possible. I achieved some personal success and it made me happy but I didn't attach to it knowing the happiness is only temporary. It is like breathing in (meditation) and breathing out(manifestation). Both are important. You can learn from both.
  25. He is amazing.