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Everything posted by WHO IS

  1. If God loves all of his creation, and all of the infinite ways of realities, then why do we have the reality of earth and humans existence exactly as we do right now? What makes God imagine exactly this version of reality over the other versions, if there are infinite versions of how reality can be manifest.
  2. Yet from all the possible ways of reality, God chooses to imagine/manifest exactly the one we have right now. And reality is a different thing for different people on earth, isn't it?
  3. Yes, God completely accepts things... which He himself chose to imagine/manifest to be parts of reality, you see? If God didn't imagine/manifest diseases to be part of reality, He wouldn't need to accept as part of reality. You could, of course, say to me, He chooses to imagine it because He must imagine all possibilities because God is infinite. Then I could ask with the same logic, then why the same way God can't imagine/manifest that there are no diseases in reality and that humans don't age and can fly in the air for example? that's a possibility too, but God chooses one possibility over the other.
  4. God=Love encompasses all of the things which God consciously chose to imagine and put inside reality to begin with. If God didn't choose to consciously imagine diseases to be part of reality to begin with, then God wouldn't need to accept diseases because it wouldn't even be part of reality. But God imagines the idea/thought of a disease, to accept and love it, because it is part of reality.
  5. That is why to have any decent discussion , we need to make it clear what is "Love" to begin with. If You ask me, Love is when someone only wishes the Best for the himself and others, Love is when You are happy just because you see that the other you love is happy.
  6. Leo, could you please explain ( as much as it is possible with human language/words), what is Love form Gods POV? Does it differ from the "love" that people usually talk about on earth? Because we might be using the same word : love, but we give different meanings to the same word. As I understand "Love" is when you wish and only do the Best and benefical things for the one you care/love. Thats what I would say the most wholesome way Love can be.
  7. While we should try/do our best to understand all of this from God's perspective, then why can't God do the same and try to understand our perspective? I mean, we are His creation, so doesn't He feel any responsibility about His creation?
  8. Why is the more "Godly" a person is the more hate they get? History shows that human societies reject the "Godly" people, but why? Humans are God's manifestation, which would mean that God is rejecting "Godly" people? It is weird, to say the least.
  9. Still whatever we call it "ego" or some other word. These "egos" are Gods creation, and they dont want to cease to exist. Which is 100% sane/logical thing to do. Who would want to cease to exist after he/she started to exist?
  10. It is like this = Godly-Person: Hey Humans, what if I told you are something/someone more then just "humans"? Humans: Shut up, You Devil, we want to keep being humans til the day we die! Don't break our routine!! Godly-Person: Or what? Humans: Well kill you! Godly-Person: And you call me a Devil?
  11. If society keep bullying and worst-case killing the "Godly" people, how is there a possibility of there being a progression and thus society changing in the direction of "Godliness" and "Godliness" becoming the norm in 1000 years? I know, it would be awesome if it would be so, but how realistic is this, by analyzing the human dynamics towards "Godliness"?
  12. So one could say because human societies run on "domination" dynamics, strong vs weak etc., the higher-consciousness people are deemed "out-of-the-norm", and thus whatever is "alien" is seen as a threat and destroyed? Like the White-cells in the blood, which recognize alien bacteria in the body and destroy it.
  13. I see, you are right that people might be mislead, thank You for shedding light to this, I will delete my comments in this thread, then.
  14. Sorry, but You do not know certainly what I am conscious of. Is that wise to be rude?
  15. I am just asking questions out of curiosity to know what reality is. I hope I'm not misunderstood. And why am I asking here? Because I see people here to be insightful and "in the know". I know people here would say to do psychedelics because that's where one gets answers. But if psychedelics "is the way", then why people communicate with each other on the forum anyways? And that's what I think, people communicate here because it is interesting what are other people experience is like.
  16. What if someone experienced the truth of there being many Beings? Who one trusts one's own direct experience or someones else words? So if person "A" and person "B" has different experiences which are very real to both of them. Then what determines whos experience is the real one? What if truth can be different for different people? What if it is so radical that truth is not one, but there are many truths - different for different people? So when person "A" experiences there being only one Being, and person "B" experiencing there being many Beings, both of those things real. Because imagination can imagine both of those things to be real. And if everything is imagination, then it would mean that whatever imagination imagines is as real as it gets, because there is nothing outer then imagination. Therefore even if we are imagined it does not makes us nay less real. because imagination is = Reality. Alright, I see I make people irritated, so I will stop asking these questions out of my ignorance and curiosity. Bets wishes to You. You are awesome and cool.
  17. To imagine, is a doing. So who is doing it?
  18. There is still someone behind the imagination. Someone is imagining. However, you say this "someone" is one being. Which if is so. Would mean that the one Being that is wearing the mask of Leo achieves Mahasamadhi and stops imagining others and reality altogether, I and others will also achieve Mahasamadhi at that instant very instant, because there will be no reality and others any-longer.
  19. Beautifully amazing people This is something that We can easily test out full proof. If we all are eventually One Being, then when the Being that has conscious control over Leo actions achieves Mahasamadhi and stops imagining others and reality altogether, I and You will also achieve Mahasamadhi at that instant, because there will be no reality and others any-longer.
  20. No, it shouldn't be so if we to take the notion that there is only one Being as true. Because if that being that controls Leo achieves Mahasamadhi, there will not any being here to imagine Leo's body dropping dead, because there is One Being. Otherwise, it would mean that there is a Being behind Leo who achieves Mahasamadhi and then there is my Being that imagines Leo dropping dead. Which would mean that there are more than one Being. (Which can also be true). But now you are contradicting yourself, because that seems like you cant make up your mind on what is true, is there is one Being, or there are many Beings? If there is one Being, when Being that has conscious control over Leo actions achieves Mahasamadhi and stops imagining others and reality altogether, I and You will also achieve Mahasamadhi at that instant, because there will be no reality and others any-longer.
  21. Leo, if You are We and We are You. If You achieve full Mahasamadhi and everyone will stop existing because there is no one to imagine them to exist (Because there is Being), then it would mean that if You achieve Mahasamadhi = We too achieve Mahasamadhi too. Because You = Me = We.
  22. That "me" is an imaginary concept by God. God has no fear and is only Love. Therefore God should have no problem with fully merging into himself, because God loves himself fully. To be more precise, God is already fully himself, he just needs to forget/let go of the imagery humans altogether.
  23. The whole dynamic of people trying to cope (finding God, finding "truth" etc) with reality, is already a sign for a wise person that this reality is was/is not created to be a "wholesome" place, not at all. Things you are given, are taken away. Entropy, cares not about you. If this reality was love and wholesomeness in one concealed package, there wouldn't even be a need to do or think a certain way to not feel depressed and sad over the reality of human existence and how dependent and fragile is such existence due to the fragile/weak nature of the human body. And all of this because You are not satisfied, you are thus not happy with your existence. If you were truly happy do you think you would be spending your time on trying to find "truth" "god"? Most probably not, because You would be busy enjoying your existence and indulging in happiness. But most people, seem to be not happy, thus they need to cope with reality because reality is inherently harsh and cold/indifferent to beings existing in it.
  24. If I-We are God, we should be able to do anything we like. We wouldn't be trapped and be limited by fixed variables. You know the stories about Jesus walking on water, healing the sick etc, and that He told that those who follow his teachings will be able to do even greater things? Well, if we are God we should be not only able to walk on water and heal the sick, but be able to do anything and be lords of reality and not the opposite.