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Everything posted by Village

  1. Ethics are a religious invention, they don't exist in nature. As I said before, you're clueless about nutrition. All of your cells are made of cholesterol and saturated fat. Breast milk—the only food a baby needs—is made of cholesterol and saturated fat. The most prized, nutritionally-dense foods (caviar, brain, liver) are very rich in cholesterol. Obviously your own brain is made of cholesterol. Your ancestors consumed high-cholesterol diets for ever. Don't you see what nature tries to tell you here? You shouldn't eat animals that were given antibiotics, I agree. Don't eat factory-farmed animals. Actual farms do exist. Humans in nature hunt animals every day. Most people are completely removed from nature, which is why they find it horrifying. Why do most video games revolve around killing? Why are most sports about chasing something or hitting a target? What primal drive are we trying to satisfy? Those games will never satisfy it because the prize is not made of blood and meat. Funnily I couldn't find any study on anemia in vegans (wonder why they don't fund that), only in vegetarians, which all show substantially higher levels of anemia than in meat eaters. We can only imagine vegans have it even worse. As for the ruined gut, just listen to some ex-vegans about how veganism affected their health, if you're so compassionate. EVERY SINGLE ONE of them reports that. There's a reason everyone eventually quits veganism. It's an unsustainable religion. Hell, I bet you fart all day long and think your gut is healthy. A healthy person should have no gas at all. Just contemplate the fact that we've been eating meat since the dawn of humanity, and all of a sudden vegans decide to break the circle of life and replace it with an unnatural, man-made diet, that only became possible recently due to cultivated modern plants that are imported in smoke-emitting ships from the other side of the globe, wherein a monocrop factory is built upon what once was a wildlife-abundant forest. You're so compassionate that you want people to become patients who shoot B12 and pop pills all day long. And you want to feed them synthetic, lab-made GMO garbage. What a picture of health. All in all, you promote an anti-human, anti-nature religion. Eat some raw meat, drink some blood - you'll understand what true health is. Your baseline feeling should be near euphoria. Only then will you be able to truly love.
  2. Where's the contradiction? I heard that theory too, there's no scientific basis to it though. Salmonella, E.Coli and such? No. Those bacteria already exist in every healthy person's gut. What is commonly referred to as salmonella is when you get food poisoning and the body produces excessive amounts of salmonella to fight off the poison. Meat of a healthy animal (pasture-raised, no antibiotics, hormones, vaccines and so on) is perfectly safe to consume raw. Factory-farmed meat is more risky and if that's the best I can get then I cook it. So far I've never got sick.
  3. Why would anyone want to eat anything that was made in a lab? If you wish to - bon apetite. But don't bash other humans for eating human food. I wouldn't call viewing nature as evil a "high stage". If you think eating another animal is evil, you don't understand love. If you think veganism can be healthy, you don't understand nutrition. I already went over this above. If you actually cared for human health and not spiritual ego, you wouldn't support veganism either. You'd pay some attention to the MILLIONS of ex-vegans who quit due to health issues, and to the MILLIONS of vegans who currently suffer from anemia, ruined gut and various other issues. And it's not good for the environment, for god's sake, just look up monocrops. You kill more animals as a vegan than I do as a carnivore and you destroy the earth. A play of identity indeed. How does it feel to have a moral pedestal to us low stage flesh eaters? I'm sure your spiritual ego loves it.
  4. I suspect SIBO/candida, gonna try and see if high meat has any effect on it. Many butcheries here have them (I live in Israel), I get mine from one that sells high quality pature-raised beef from the Golan Heights. Tested a month ago and everything was fine except high HDL & LDL, which is also fine. I do cook meat sometimes, normally if it's an organ meat from a non-organic source or if it went too funky to eat raw. I don't like it as much, it makes me feel heavy and too full. Cooked meat is less nutritious as many vitamins are heat-sensitive and get destroyed in cooking. Also, cooking doesn't make the protein more bioavailable - this notion stems from the comparison of 100g raw meat to 100g cooked meat. What's wrong with that? That raw meat has a high percentage of water which is dried from cooking, so the meat shrinks by ~25%. Then you have to add another 25g of dry meat in order to make the comparison. Essentially they compare 100g raw to ~130g cooked. Obviously it makes no sense that nutrients magically appear in a food when you heat it. I'm fine with not eating plants, in fact I have no desire to consume antinutrients and toxins which almost every plant contains. Actually, many carnivores report becoming sensitive to plant foods, either because raw meat is so easily digestible that anything else can be felt, or because your microbiome changes to one that isn't ideal for plant digestion. Thanks for the advice though. If it turns out that I'm not on the right track in healing the gut, I'll try a different method.
  5. @Leo Gura Read the comment above yours. Life expectancy is a misleading statistic if we are to compare the health of adults now and then.
  6. 'Average life expectancy' is technically life expectancy at birth - the average number of years a newborn baby is expected to live. This is an unhelpful statistic if the goal is to compare the health and longevity of adults, as the child mortality rate in our ancient past was extremely high. People didn't just drop dead at 30—at their prime,—in fact, if you survived childhood you were likely to live well over 80.
  7. @neutralempty Better yet, post before and after pictures. Without makeup
  8. @datamonster @neutralempty Nor do they like getting eaten by a wolf. Don't try to "fix" nature. God, provide one argument, lol. 4) Do you have the ALA numbers for me? And what about the horrible omega-6 to omega-3 ratio? Are you aware of the health consequences of that? 5) Because you admit your "healthy diet" lacks essential nutrients. It's so healthy that you now have to pop pills, which as far as I remember, sick people do. @integral I give neutralempty a couple more years max, after that he'll come back to say thanks
  9. You don't have to buy factory-farmed meat. Actual farms do exist, y'know? I don't see how a chunk of meat fried in vegetable oil squashed by two large chunks of bread and some veggies, with a side of fried potatoes is not plant-based.
  10. @neutralempty You produce enough cholesterol to survive, but not enough to generate any significant amount of vitamin D from sunlight (cholesterol is the hormone precursor), or any decent amount of testosterone, hence the soy voice. Vitamin A: Beta-carotene to retinol (actual vitamin A) conversion rate is poor and declines as you age, and some populations cannot make the conversion at all. Vitamin D: Touched on that above. Vitamin K2 (MK-4 form): None. Supposedly generated by your gut, but not in a sufficient quantity for optimal health, as with the other non-essential nutrients. Otherwise you'd never in a hundred years have tooth decay or calcification of the arteries. Highly missing not only in vegans btw. EPA & DHA: Nada. Do you know the ALA conversion rate? 1-5% to EPA, 0-0.5% to DHA. By eating so many nuts you'd reach the hospital long before you reach the recommended daily amount. And seeds are indigestible anyway. B12: By taking supplements you basically prove that veganism is malnutrition. Have you actually ever listened to ex-vegans about why they quit? There are THOUSANDS of ex-vegan stories available on Youtube. It wrecks their health.
  11. Most people already eat a plant-based diet with some low quality fried meat here and there. Agriculture kills more animals than any slaughterhouse. Not caring for nutrition means they don't love themselves, hence they'll struggle in loving others too. The role veganism plays here is merely egoistical, it gives one an imaginary moral pedestal through the façade of compassion, while in reality they're hungry and angry people. It's too sad and too funny.
  12. don't see why you'd want to I believe he asked for an overarching understanding of different political ideologies, not for the leftie starter pack.
  13. I already listed the nutrients: Vitamins A, D, K2, B12; EPA, DHA; creatine, carnitine, carnosine, taurine; heme-iron, CLA, CoQ10; cholesterol. Also check out the toxins which veganism does not lack: Phytic acid in grains, nuts and seeds; oxalates in leafy greens; lectins in beans; sugar. All the years prior to veganism you'd been storing fat-soluble vitamins (shocker) in your fat, and in your liver. Only water-soluble vitamins must be consumed on a daily basis as your body doesn't store them. I know there are 10-year vegans - my sister is one - I said that those are statistically rare because most don't survive so long on starvation diet and go back to eating animal products.
  14. Agriculture as a whole is very destructive to the environment, and ironically kills more animals than any slaughterhouse.
  15. Makes sense, I don't like charcoal either, I eat raw meat I think you and I have different definitions of what it means to be healthy. Many vegans I've met are pale, underweight, dependent on caffeine and sugar, have gas (people think farting is normal but it's not), yet they claim to be "perfectly healthy". They've never eaten raw meat so they don't know just how amazing your baseline feeling is supposed to be. It doesn't matter that today's animals are bred. The fact remains that our natural diet consists of meat, whether it be a mammoth or a fat chicken. Wild veggies, on the contrary, are by and large very toxic. If someone was stupid enough to pull this carrot out of the ground and try to eat it, he was soon punished by nature and would throw up all day long. Make your case then.
  16. It does make sense to supplement vitamin D if you have a dark skin and live in a cold climate. Although the First Nation Alaskans got their D from a diet based solely on fish and meat and they lived to 100+ years usually.
  17. Your average "meat eater" consumes a diet of 80% plants, with some grain-fed beef burger and deep-fried chicken here and there. Eat some liver or drink some raw blood, your anemia will disappear at the speed of light.
  18. Keep in mind that supplements didn't exist throughout 99.9999% of human history. Taking unnatural supplements is only a necessity for those who eat an unnatural diet. Do you know any other animal that needs to swallow pills in order to be healthy?
  19. You don't drop dead after not eating meat for a while, nor do "vegan cats" for example, as your body stores nutrients in the liver and in the fat. Once those are depleted you'll run into serious health issues. For most it takes up to 5 years, for some it takes 10, for some a bit more. But nobody is a lifelong vegan. Also if you're a vegetarian you'll do better than a vegan. We are brainwashed to eat plants (all modern fruit and vegetables are cultivated and didn't exist in nature). No wonder kids hate veggies. Hell, just give a baby broccoli, and then give it some raw meat - what will it choose? Its natural food, of course.
  20. The alkaline diet is a trendy scam created to promote veganism by a "doctor" who got jailed for practicing medicine without license. The blood pH is kept at balance in a very close proximity, as a swing in either direction would kill you on the spot. It makes no sense evolutionarily that we could evoke such swings with our diet. They also claim that citrus fruits are alkaline, what a joke. The acidity already rots your teeth the moment you bite into the fruit.
  21. Every species has a natural diet, and the question you should be asking is 'what is the natural human diet?'. I recommend you read "We Want to Live" by Aajonus Vonderplanitz and "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration" by Weston E. Price. In short: the diet of our ancestors, as well as of indigenous groups who still live today, consists mainly of raw animal products. Raw meat, raw blood, raw dairy, raw fish. Cooking preferences vary from tribe to tribe - some do cook much of their meat, some do not at all. Also seasonal fruit, but keep in mind that most modern fruit is man-made, wild fruits were, for the most part, tiny, rare and sour. I'll write a post about my experience with this diet so far.