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Everything posted by Village

  1. @neutralempty I don't even know what you're trying to say.
  2. I don't get why people believe that exhausting yourself is healthy. Take a rest, dude.
  3. @neutralempty Not the first time a religious person claims people who disagree with him are pure evil. I care about human health, not about an ideology, my dear angel vegan.
  4. Pasteurized dairy sure does, try raw. Also you might have an issue with A1 casein protein, so experiment with A2 cows' milk and goat/sheep milk which are also A2.
  5. There are no healthy vegans. If you want to somehow get by for a few years until it becomes unbearable for the sake of an ideology - OK, but if you're after optimal health - just forget about veganism.
  6. Sounds like superstition - if it had a significance then you could intuit it. Just face wherever you want.
  7. Fluoride is a toxin and there's 0 proof that it protects the teeth, if anything it damages them. Simply don't eat carbs and you won't need to brush your teeth at all.
  8. Change your diet, say goodbye to caffeine, and most importantly - be out in the sun as much as you can. Your hormones are in tune with the sunlight, and by staying indoors under artificial lights you disrupt them. It will take weeks or months, but if you eat and live naturally it'll go 100%. Those statistics are a pile of horse shit.
  9. I feel empathy for people I can see, not for numbers.
  10. What makes someone start eating raw meat, you ask? Well, I'd been bloated like a 6-month pregnant woman for over 2 years. Literally every thing I ate made me suffer. I forgot what it was like to not be gassy, bloated, constipated and have diarrhea nearly everyday. My doctor suspected lactose/gluten intolerance so I cut them off one by one, and gluten-free was a tiny bit better so I never reintroduced it, but the problem didn't really go away. I was eating mostly organic; plant-based (with occasional fish/chicken and quite a lot of eggs and dairy), sugar-free (except some fruit) and gluten-free. What is considered a healthy diet by conventional wisdom, but now I can tell how bad it really is. I got into intermittent fasting for a while as well because it was less painful to just starve. Eventually I decided to try the raw primal diet, so I got me a juicy 500g entrecote steak and ate it raw, and oh my god. My hunger was fully satisfied, but at the same time it felt like I ate nothing. It's so light, you can swallow a kilogram and get up to run a marathon. No gas, no nothing - for the first time in years. Soon enough I was eating raw liver, raw brain, raw testicles (it's good), raw bone marrow, raw eggs, sashimi and so on. Sadly raw dairy is illegal here so I only managed to drink it once (drank 1 litre at once - was perfect) - I still consume a lot of pasteurized dairy. I also eat fruit occasionally. It's been ~5 months. The benefits: • Digestion problems 80% gone. I still don't tolerate plants. • Brain fog is gone. You know that feeling of getting up to after 2-3 pathetic hours of sleep? like your brain is half shut? I used to feel like that very frequently. I got so used to it that I never expected the lucidity I have now. • Acne is gone. • I have much more energy, even when I sleep less than I want. • No longer craving snacks and hungry all the time. • Overall happier and satisfied with life. I cannot imagine going back. I will never look at health the same way; I always thought being healthy simply means nothing hurts. Now I know it means to be euphoric all the time. Makes sense after all, this is the natural human diet. AMA I guess.
  11. Girls love it. Don't be jelly.
  12. I don't. Saunas put your body under extreme stress and kill your cells. Literally a death chamber.
  13. @BlackMaze Liver just smells mineral-rich to me. The smell and taste of organs depend a lot on the health of the animal. Was your liver grass-fed and antibiotics-free? There hasn't been any meta-analysis done if that's what you're asking for. I can only provide logic (it's the natural human diet) and anecdotal evidence from myself and others. Also, just look up the nutritional value of organ meats.
  14. @AtheisticNonduality I don't really care for right-left labels. My point is that people around here didn't mind Ralph being a fraud for years (for example he lied about being vegan for 15 years), yet the moment he speaks against giving in to a totalitarian regime, those people mark him as an evil right-winger. Why? Simply because they're unable to think for themselves and they already support the injection as part of the whole left-wing package they bought into.
  15. Brains of young animals are completely safe from prions. I usually eat veal brain. I don't eat out much, but I'll just order a rare steak. I guess I'll have to be picky about the place, just like a vegan. How does it work in a social context? For example, a bunch of girls asked me to bring raw meat to work and show them that I actually eat it. So I did, and they started screaming all over the place. It's good fun. The underlying problem in the analogy you presented is that schools are unnatural, robotic, indoctrination camps which nobody would go to if they weren't forced to. Similarly, modern diets are unnatural and unhealthy and I see no need to adapt to them. So far I'm feeling great and I can't imagine going back.
  16. You're right that vegetable oils are horrible, but tbh most new "knowledge" about nutrition is a load of shit.
  17. Starving does make you stressful and violent. Why do you fast?
  18. That you shouldn't take the injection. I agree that he's corrupt and fake, but he has been for years, and the fact that you only dismiss him now shows that his fakeness flew over your head. You simply can't take him being "right wing" (if you consider anti-totalitarianism right wing) due to arrogance and indoctrination. Your love does seem to exclude whoever disagrees with you. lol.
  19. Ralph is the fakest person I've seen in Youtube, but regardless he's right about the injections. I gotta say it's funny to see you—people who regard him as a spiritual teacher—dismiss him as soon as he expresses a political opinion different to yours.
  20. The "scientific consensus" changes its mind every few years.
  21. Finding the primal diet is like winning the lottery.
  22. None of the blue zones eat even a remotely vegetarian diet. That book was written to promote a plant-based diet and if you actually research what those people eat, you'll see that "The Blue Zones" book is a scam, nothing more and nothing less. Let's go through them one by one. Okinawa: Do you know when the high carb diet was measured? In 1949, right after WW2—after most of the pigs in the island were killed by the Americans and before the meat and fish industries recovered in the 60s. Of course they were eating mostly carbs during that period, they were going through a post-war starvation. It has nothing to do with the traditional Okinawan diet. The real Okinawan diet is based heavily on pork (the island is overpopulated with pigs)—they famously eat the whole pig from nose to tail which is significant in terms of health; spam is very popular (though it is a post-WW2 food as well); they cook EVERYTHING in lard and don't use vegetable oils at all; they eat about 200g of fish per person per day and a lot of seafood (anyone who thinks they don't—ON AN ISLAND—is delusional); Raw goat meat is eaten frequently, though not as much as pork; chicken and eggs are not uncommon; and they consume on average more burgers than in mainland Japan. Soy is eaten but fermented (tofu, soy sauce), vegetables such as sweet potato are also eaten but are not a staple and do not make the bulk of the diet. Sardinia: Have you actually been there? My brother has, and I just remembered his remarks on how he had to refuse pork nearly every day there (he's Jewish). They do consume wild fruit and some beans and legumes grown on excellent soil, but pork is a staple (especially wild boars), they have some of the highest quality beef and lamb in the world (of course the organs are consumed, as well as raw milk), aged cheeses are a staple, they also eat cheese fermented with maggots. Bottarga - cured fish roe is very common. Somehow the author forgot to mention those. Not remotely vegetarian, not remotely low-fat. The 7th Day Adventists: Only 4% of them are strictly vegan, and they're on average 31 pounds lighter than meat-eating Adventists of the same height, which is not a good sign. Many of the older Adventists grew up in farms and consumed a lot of raw milk, which in fact they advocated for in the 60's and 70's. The bottom line with the Adventist studies is that vegetarian Adventist men outlive other Californians by 7 years, while non-vegetarian Adventist men outlive them by 7.3 years. Adventist Vegetarian women outlive other Californian women by 5 years, while non-vegetarian Adventist women outlive them by 4.4 years. Quite an insufficient ground to claim that vegetarianism or veganism is healthier, especially given the fact that the general Californian population consists of many who eat junk food, smoke, drink coffee, drink alcohol and do drugs, while Adventists do none of these and are generally wealthy, prosperous white people. Raw meat has a pretty neutral taste but it's pleasant, I don't even salt it. Raw, high quality organs taste good. Well-done meat is just dry and tasteless, I agree, but up to medium-rare is pretty nice to me without any additives. On the other hand, do you enjoy eating raw kale or spinach by the handful? Or do you throw them in a salad full of other veggies with lemon juice, salt&pepper and dressing, to cover up the taste? Yeah, eat grass.
  23. I'm already familiar with this study as well as many others about the Inui. If you look at the details, all they show is how much the introduction of Western foods degraded their health, which used to be excellent beforehand (read Dr. Weston Price's research for example).